  • Boarding
  • Dog Day Care
  • Dog Training
  • Dog Walking
  • Drop In Visits
  • Grooming
  • House Sitting
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Walk Sit Stay offers a flexible daily or occasional dog walking service that is tailored to the needs of our clients. We also offer a variety of pet care services: Cat sitting, small pet sitting, puppy and older dog visitsWalk Sit Stay are based in and cover the South Manchester area.
When you get in touch with Walk Sit Stay we will arrange a first meeting with you and your dog. There’s no obligation at all and Walk Sit Stay doesn’t charge for this first visit. We like to get to know you and understand your walking and care requirements fully. The breed, age, energy levels and temperament of your dog are all important factors that help Walk Sit Stay recommend the right walks and type of care.
Our services include morning, lunchtime and evening walks for dogs, home visits for older dogs, puppies and cats.

We also care and look after small pets: Chipmunks, Chinchilla’s, caged birds, Fish, Gerbils, Guinea pigs, Hamsters, Mice, Rats, Rabbits and Reptiles…. If your pet is not on the list or you have something more exotic please contact Lisa at Walk Sit Stay as we love to help if we can.

Walk Sit Stay can also provide walks for dogs who need one to one care. We can work on training and behaviour issues. However, this can be subjected to an additional charge for this service which is provided outside of the lunchtime hours.

Walk Sit Stay offer a real alternative to kennelling your pets when you have to go away on holiday or with work commitments. We can look after your pets in the comfort of their own home. Maybe you have an older dog or a puppy, or perhaps you own a cat for which a stay in a boarding kennels or cattery is a confusing and stressful affair. Having them stay in their own home surrounded by familiar smells and sounds your pets will soon get use to being fed and fussed by Lisa in your absence. Eliminating any anxiety and up set that can be caused by putting your pets in a boarding kennels. This can also be cost effective if you own several different pets as they will all be looked after in the one place.

It is difficult for owners who are frequently away or regularly at work to keep asking their friends and neighbours to help with the feeding and care of their pets.
Help is at hand…….. a home visit by Walk Sit Stay can provide your pets with a daily or twice daily feeding and fuss that will enable them to stay in the comfort of their own home without resorting to catteries or kennels or the help of friends and neighbours.

If you are planning to be away this year, or you have regular work commitments, talk to Walk Sit Stay and we will be delighted to help if we can.

Dog Walking

There are many different reasons why you may need Walk Sit Stay to walk your dog, dogs can be very demanding and time consuming. Dogs like companionship and benefit from regular stimulation through walks and play. However no matter how much we love and care for our best friends we still need to go to work or attend to other commitments. Some times as a result dogs can become bored and frustrated. The usual tell tale signs are chewing house hold items (usually never their own toys!), barking excessively or increasingly becoming mischievous. By giving your dog a daily satisfying walk, it will help keep the mischief to a minimum.

There are also personal reasons you may need Walk Sit Stay to walk your dog, perhaps you are going out for the day and need to leave your dog behind. Or are recovering from illness, need to work longer hours but what ever the reason Walk Sit Stay will be happy to help you and your canine if we can.

Walk Sit Stay offers a flexible, daily or occasional dog walking service that is tailored to the needs of our clients. Every dog has their own cheeky character and personality which makes them all individual. When you get in touch with Walk Sit Stay we will arrange a first meeting with you and your dog. This meeting is free of charge. When we first meet we like to get to know you and understand your dogs exercise requirements and favourite places to be walked. We will ask questions regarding behaviour, daily routine, obedience and how sociable your dog is. After this we will be able to discuss when and where you would like us to walk your dog.

Once all arrangements have been made, as agreed your dogs walker will come to your house and take your dog for their walk. After the length of time arranged your dog will be returned to your house tired and happy. All four paws will be wiped cleaned, their tummy too and fresh water given. There will also be a postcard waiting for you upon your return to inform you of your dogs’ walk and any important details.

If you feel your dog would benefit from a walk with a Walk Sit Stay handler then please get in touch.

Cat Care
Cats can be notoriously independent, they like their route, home comforts and dislike change. These are some of the many reasons it can be better for your peace of mind, if your cat stayed at home in familiar surroundings while you are away on your holiday or work commitments.

Walk Sit Stay endeavor to take the difficulties of leaving your cat behind disappear, eliminating the dreaded journey to the cattery and letting you depart safe in the knowledge your cat will be looked after as previously discussed with us.

When you get in touch with Walk Sit Stay we will arrange a first meeting with you and your cat. This meeting is free of charge. We like to get to know you and understand your care requirements. We know each cat has their own character and personality unique to them as that’s what makes them individual. By letting us know your cats normal routine, likes and dislikes we will be able to provide a stress free environment in your absences. As standard we provide regular feeding and changing of water, cleaning of litter trays, abundances of play and fuss.

Walk Sit Stay will ensure you will return to your house to find it as you left it. While we are in your home we will also open and close curtains, switch lights on in the evening, remove post and newspapers from the door and water indoor plants again this is included in the standard cost. These parts of the service increase security at your property, although Walk Sit Stay should not be mistaken as security guards! But we do give the impression your house is being lived in when you are away.

Small Pet Care

Not forgetting other members of your family, Walk Sit Stay can care for your small pets while you are away on holiday, working or other commitments. We can arrange daily, or twice daily visits to feed, change water, top up bedding or clean out hutches/cages and play with your pets.

We can look after: Chipmunks, Chinchilla’s, caged birds, Fish, Gerbils, Guinea pigs, Hamsters, Mice, Rats, Rabbits and Reptiles…. If your pet is not on the list or you have something more exotic please contact Lisa at Walk Sit Stay as we love to help if we can.

Home and Pet Sitting

Appealing to a diverse range of people in a wide array of circumstances, Home and Pet Sitting is where Lisa moves into your house to stay when you move out to enjoy your holiday or have work commitments. Having Walk Sit Stay look after your house and care for your pets while you are away is very beneficial to your pets and to you. It is an extremely cost effective method for homes which have several different pets or have pets that couldn’t cope with being kennelled or put in a cattery. It also eliminates the anxiety and distress from your pets which can be caused by the journey to the kennels or being left in a strange environment. By staying in their normal surroundings and home comforts your pets will be relaxed with recognisable sounds and smells. With these reassuring elements your pets will soon accept Lisa coming into feed them, keep them clean and providing an abundance of fuss in your absence. This option can also bring peace of mind for you knowing that your pets will be happy being looked after and cared for in their own home and kept in the same routine as if you were there. Lisa will stay overnight and keep your pets company. She will also look after your home by removing post and newspapers, turning lights on and off, opening and closing curtains and watering house plants. Lisa will also be acting as a preventive against domestic burglary when your home would otherwise have been empty. Walk Sit Stay shouldn’t be mistaken for security guards! But we will administer all the normal security measures you would do yourself.

When you get in touch with Walk Sit Stay we will arrange a first meeting with you at your home. This meeting is free of charge. We like to get to know you and understand your care requirements. We know each pet will have its own personality and needs, by letting us know about each of your pets we will be able to understand and implement their daily routine. Walk Sit Stay will ask you to write down your pets’ likes and dislikes, personality quirks, exercise and dietary requirements and if there’s anything to look out for.

Walk Sit Stay will endeavour to take the difficulties of leaving your pets behind disappear, letting you leave safe in the knowledge your pets will be cared for as discussed. While you are away we can inform you via text message or telephone calls how your pets are doing and what they have been up to. When you return home you will find your house as you left it.

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