  • Boarding
  • Dog Day Care
  • Dog Training
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  • Drop In Visits
  • Grooming
  • House Sitting
  • Pets For Sale

Welcome to WildDogz!

We are pleased to offer you the very latest and best information on and access to quality and professional Dog Training, Problem Behaviour Correction and other general dog related information and services.

Who is the Wild Dog?

An ex-firefighter of 15-years, I decided in 2007 that I needed new challenges in my life and decided to start studying a degree but could not decide on what!


Having been heavily involved in the championship dog-show circuit for some time, the choice was easy – dogs!!

I therefore embarked on a Masters in Canine Psychology and Behaviour through the CIDBT at Middlesex University.

Based in East Devon with direct access to the counties major roads, I am perfectly located to bring a fresh and realistic style of professional one-to-one dog training, puppy training & socialisation and canine behaviour correction to Devon, South & West Somerset, West Dorset & East Cornwall, WildDogz is your one stop service for all things “dog”.

I am a qualified Professional Dog Training Instructor holding the National Dog Training Instructor Certificate (from CIDBT accredited to Middlesex University HE cert), Master Dog Trainer with the Guild of Dog Trainers and I am also a full member of the Canine & Feline Behaviour Association (CFBA) and am authorised to consult on Canine Behaviour under many pet insurance policies – you will need to check yours to see if you are covered for this.

Having had dogs for over 30-years and fed up with the un-realistic approach to training by many providers, I established WildDogz.

I have written articles for various charities & other publications and have regularly featured on BBC Radio Devon discussing dog related news and topics.

WildDogz, why this as a name for a training and behaviour correction service?

Well, mans association with dogs (Canis familiaris) reportedly goes back over many millenia to the time when Wolves (Canis Lupus) started the long and slow process of domestication as man and Wolf lifestyles began to merge and compliment one another – with this of course came the inevitable clashes of personality and culture between two wholly different species.

Dogs are still closely linked genetically to wolves and many of the dogs I work with have anti-social behaviour hence the name for our domesticated wolves ~ “WildDogz”.

Getting a new puppy?

Planning or even actually getting a new puppy or even an older dog 

from a rescue centre can be an exciting time – for us!

There are however some important considerations in getting a puppy or dog 

and hopefully, if you are reading this, you will already have 

considered many of them but, for those of you who are in the 

research stage currently, well done but research all the necessary facts.

  • Have you considered the most suitable breed for you and your family? ​
  • Are you looking for a pedigree or a mixed-breed? Check out the Kennel Club’s Find a Breed facility (click here)
  • Have you considered the ongoing cost of owning a dog – regular grooming where necessary, suitable diet, training, vet costs?
  • Are you planning a family within the next 12-15+ years because if so, your choice of dog may need to reflect this future development!
  • Do you have time for a dog, let alone your chosen breed of dog – some breeds need in excess of 60-minutes exercise daily, regardless of the weather or your time availability!
  • Is your current home suitable for a puppy or dog – a Husky in a 5th floor flat is not really ideal!
  • Have you identified a breeder? Puppy farmers aren’t always easily identified. Choosing a breeder is safer if you go via the Kennel Club Assured Breeders list (click here.)
  • Avoid emotional purchases, it is too easily to get “sucked in” by a sorry looking puppy – if you are not happy with the welfare of the puppy, Report It to the RSPCA and let them take care of the puppy. If need be they will seize it and provide any necessary veterinary care.
  • If a pedigree dog is not important or you want to re-home an older dog, there are many good rescue and rehoming centres around the country from Blue x and Dogs Trust to smaller local organisations – simply type what you want into your internet search engine.

Training is essential. 

However, you may have been put off by a previous poor experience. Dog Training is evolving all the time and you shouldn’t tar us all with the same brush. Whilst there is some poor training provided by people claiming to be dog trainers, there are good providers like WildDogz who are professionally trained and vetted and members of a recognised training organisation such as the Canine & Feline Behaviour Association and the Guild of Dog Trainers. If in any doubt, ask if you can pop along to see a class in action.

Quality, balanced training covering a broad spectrum is the best gift you can give a dog of any age, puppies especially.

Ask for testimonials, a good trainer will always have genuine positive feedback from previous clients and there are many people claiming to be trainers today with little or no relevant qualifications – almost anyone can train a dog the basics, but it takes much more to truly understand a dog!

See our grooming page for more information on essential hygiene and welfare. Whilst not all dogs will need trimming, all with need nails clipping, teeth cleaning, ear checks and more.

Whilst the most expensive is not always the best either, careful consideration of diet can help the development and future welfare of your puppy.

A good dog trainer will advise you what equipment you may need and demonstrate how best to use it but in most cases, a standard collar and fixed-length lead (1.2m/4ft, retractable leads are not recommended) will be more than sufficient. Remember, you are going to teach your dog to walk correctly in the first place of course.

Plan your breed, find an appropriate source to minimise the risk of puppy farmed dogs, always collect your puppy from the supplier and never meet in a car-park etc, get your pup checked by your vet as part of the vaccination process, get booked on to a puppy course or book some One-to-One sessions, identify a future groomer and then…

Puppy & Dog Training 


At WildDogz, we want to provide you with as much information, support and advice on the behaviour , training and development of your puppy or dog – we believe in Balanced, Intelligent Dog Training as campaigned by the Guild of Dog Trainers.

Trevor is a Master Dog Trainer with the Guild of Dog Trainers (No.172), one of the fastest growing professional canine industry bodies in the Uk and one that requires professional training & qualifications to be able to join.

We endorse “Real Life Training” where your puppy or dog is taught how to behave in a manner that is relevant and socially acceptable to the environment in which the dog will be spending its life rather than just teaching it to walk un-naturally in circles in some noisy, over-crowded hall.

Much of our private 1:1 training is therefore primarily conducted from clients homes and the local area which you will likely frequent.

Ideology may lead to problems in the future, Realism focuses on the future from day one!

Small group class sessions, based on Real-Life training are also now available at our training centre in the heart of East Devon – click here for details.

One-to-One training is initially more expensive than club or class style but the additional benefits outweigh the additional costs involved – for starters you get total attention for the whole session and not just a couple of minutes at a time – it makes our session fees that much more attractive.

Dave & Jude Sheddon from Colyton: “Having not had a puppy for twenty-odd years when we got our border collie we felt WE needed training! On a local walk we met a wonderfully behaved young border with her owner and we were given a recommendation to consider Trevor at Wilddogz. As fate would have it Trevor was in fact in the same area working on a one to one session with another dog and we were able to speak to him. After seeing two wonderfully behaved, happy, contented dogs we decided to invest in one to one sessions. On Trevor’s first visit to our home our puppy ‘Riley’ was immediately putty in Trevor’s hands and with help we’ve been able to make progress we would never have dreamed of by ourselves. Trevor hasn’t trained us as we first envisaged but he has enabled us to understand our dog’s behaviour and given us strategies to work with. Our pup at six months is happier and more relaxed than we think he would have been, walking well to heel, very good with basic commands and a joy to be around. We have a lot of reinforcing work to do and intend to ask Trevor to do some more advanced training with us in the future. If you are considering sessions with Trevor we would say, don’t hesitate…just do it…you will not regret it and your dog will thank you for it too “

We offer small group classes at our training venue in East Devon – click here for latest news and course information, if this is what you would really prefer.

We now have a range of courses available depending on your dogs level:

Puppy Socialisation & Lifeskills – for puppies up to approx 12-months.

Intermediate Improvers – follows on directly from the Puppy program, reinforcing the key skills learnt in this course whilst introducing a range of new skills & techniques – must have attended a puppy program prior.

Advanced Skills Builder – for all dogs that have completed the Intermediate Improvers, this course further reinforces techniques taught on the previous courses plus a range of more challenging but still practical techniques.

Silent Handling – the ultimate handling experience & following on from our Puppy course and Advanced Social Skills Course.

Refresher Course – for older dogs who have had some prior training but whom would benefit from a refresher (5-session program).

Improvers Workshops – for dogs of all ages with at least some basic training looking to Improve and Advance.

Unlike many Training providers, we also provide our clients who book consecutive weekly sessions access to our FREE  online Home Training Manual in order to help you continue your training in between sessions, further enhancing your relationship with your pet – you will be amazed at how often a training opportunity presents itself!!

We don’t teach tricks, just obedience, good old-fashioned social & domestic skills and manners in addition to teaching you, the client, how to be a good leader and role model to your dog!


Zoom and FaceTime support is also available for existing clients or as a bespoke service charged in 30-minute sessions.

WildDogz ~ Where a well-trained dog is not a happy mistake!

Behaviour Correction Services

Trevor is a Full member (No.A0057) of the CFBA (Canine & Feline Behaviour Association and is currently studying for a Masters degree in animal psychology and behaviour with Middlesex University.

There is no quick-cure to any training, especially when dealing with behaviour problems as these tend to be ingrained and established by the time a behaviourist is called in and patience, persistance and commitment to the correction plan is required for a successful conclusion.

All our behaviour work is consultation or Assessment based, from your own home in order to get a real indication of the behaviour problems, the depth of the problem and what may be causing the problem.These Consultations & Assessments, dependant on behaviour problem and location, usually last 2 to 3 hours and therefore sufficient time must be allowed in order to ensure a full and thorough assessment of your dog, it’s problems and contributing factors. 

Consultations last 3-hours and are followed up with advice on immediate actions that may be required together with a comprehensive, written Behaviour Correction report (usually supplied within 10-days) plus lifetime telephone & Email support and veterinary liaison – we even provide Zoom and or FaceTime support for current clients

Assessments are 2-hours and are followed up by 1-hour weekly support sessions.  

We are here to help and most clients see an immediate improvement with significant improvements within the first 2-weeks however, unlike some trainers, we will never promise to “Cure” your dog or offer “False Hope” instead assisting you to understand the problem and the causes whilst altering and where necessary managing the problem to a satisfactory level. Taking a symbiotic approach, we use no harsh techniques in the behaviour modification, focusing on physical changes in the dogs environment whilst adjusting the dogs (and often owners) psychological (and emotional) outlook which enable a dog to learn naturally whilst wanting to learn and to continue to learn.

Following on from the Consultation or Assessment process, some dogs may also be able to attend one of our training courses to further facilitate behaviour improvements.

We accept credit & debit card payments for all our behaviour correction and training services.

“Just thought you would like to know, I have just had the best start to my week. The meter man came to read the meter, I let him in the dogs just sat beside him while he read it. He said” these must be the best behaved dogs in the universe, most houses I go to with dogs hurl themselves at the front door then leap all over me when i’m inside”. As you can imagine I was over the moon.” – from a Honiton client with a previously aggressive dog.

All common behaviour issues are consulted on so please call to discuss your pets “challenges” although we may recommend a trip to your Vet first (particularly in cases of Aggression) in order to establish whether a physical problem or illness be the underlying cause of the behaviour problem. Once the Vet has examined your pet, we will be happy to proceed with our diagnosis of the displayed problems and the necessary correction plans – we also welcome referalls from all Vets with or without pet insurance – please click here for Pet Insurance information:

We offer two behaviour consultation packages:

1 visit consultation (2-3 hours)

2 visit consultation (initial 2-3 hours plus additional visit of up to 90-minutes, usually around 6-weeks after initial consult)

Additional follow up visits may also be available and will be charged at our normal hourly training rate.

Plus an Assessment option lasting 2-hours followed up by weekly 1-hour support sessions to assist you in the implementation of the training program(s).

Talk to us about the best option for your circumstances – 07887 998788 or WhatsApp.

Tina from Crediton says: “Hi just to say Trevor has been an excellent dog trainer with Sam . We have made excellent progress from the first time that Sam nearly bit Trevor’s leg to now going to Trevor for a cuddle. Sam did not meet new people too well and would growl on their approach to now being able to stop and meet people with ease. We still have work to do but I’m sure with the guidance and help from Trevor we will get there . Thank you Trevor for showing myself and my son that we have a truly beautiful staffy on out hands with an excellent temperament around humans”

Please click on the relevant link below for more information on what we can do to help with your dogs particular behaviour problem.



Rachel in Seaton says:“So pleased with our Jack Russells’ progress 4 weeks since Trevor’s home visit. Fighting between them has stopped and they are such a pleasure to walk now. Clear, no-nonsense advice has been achiev…able for all the family and welcomed by the dogs who are much calmer as a result. Thank you Trevor, we have a little further to go but progress has been stunning.”

Lauren in Honiton says: “It was amazing to see how well behaved Lola was out on our walk and what’s more amazing is that she was the same when we took the lead and continued to be when we were on our own with her. Lead walking has never been a more enjoyable experience. I’m still completely blown away. Thank you so much!!”



“Hi Trevor

Wow thank you so very much for today, Iain & I have just got back from taking Bella for her walk. She was a different dog, so much so we saw a good friend who we stopped & spoke too. Bella was brilliant, sat when told, didn’t jump up & stayed calm. Fantastic!!!

Thank you again

Vikki & Iain” (Honiton)


An all breeds groomer, Paula is also a specialist Bichon-Frise groomer having attended numerous specialist grooming seminars and grooming pet Bichons from far afield as well as running specialist Bichon grooming workshops to Bichon owners, exhibitors and other groomers looking to enhance their own breed specialty Grooming skills.

As of July 2014, Paula is also a City & Guilds 7763 (level 3) qualified (distinction) groomer

2019 saw continued exceptional growth with the introduction of the shop and as a result, another fully qualified groomer was brought in to work alongside Paula and now we also have Asa, also L3 qualified.

Two qualified groomers, same exceptional personal service!

So if the business is run by Paula, who is Poppy?

Poppy (the logo) is our first Bichon and now the matriarch of our pack of 5 girls and 3 boys. Poppy sadly passed away in 2018, aged 15.

Professionally trained and fully insured, Paula is able to offer the following caring and personal professional grooming services from her modern, clean & purpose built grooming salon:



Using the very latest professional canine grooming equipment, a special grooming bath (not some old tub from a recycling centre) to ensure your dogs safety and of course cleanliness, Paula uses a range of professional shampoos and conditioners to complement your dogs coat and to take into consideration any skin ailment or condition.

Handwashing only and never using a machine, Paula ensures a positive experience for your dog, mindful of your dogs overall grooming experience and not the clock!!

Should your dog have a case of fleas (all too common in the summer), she can even use a specialist anti-flea shampoo and is also able to supply vet-spec anti-flea aerosol treatments for your home.

Once washed, Paula only hand dries with a grooming drier, giving your pet the personal service instead of putting him or her into a drying cabinet, which can be stressful, whilst working on the next client.



Working where possible to the Uk Kennel Club Breeds Standard, Paula will keep your dog looking like the breed that it is unless of course, you have a personal requirement which Paula will be happy to discuss providing it is in the interest of your dogs welfare.

At Poppy’s Pals, welfare is placed above vanity every time.

Sometimes dogs are brought in so badly matted that the only fair course of action is for the dog to be fully clipped off and started again – in these cases, Paula will always discuss basic home grooming to help prevent this being necessary again in the future!


Ear Plucking:

Not necessary with all breeds but some breeds have significant hair growth inside their ears and this, if not kept free of excess hair, can lead to a reduction of hearing whilst creating a haven for infections and the ingress of foreign bodies causing unneccessary suffering and unwanted vets bills.




With breeds susceptible to this problem, Paula will pluck this excess hair away, a painless and necessary action.


Nail Clipping:

Dogs nails like our own are constantly growing and with dogs not walked regularly or walked on grass more than concrete or tarmac, nails can grow excessively to a point where the dog cannot walk correctly which in turn, may affect a dogs limbs in addition to being painful and unneccessary.

Where possible (not all dogs are tolerant), Paula will reduce a dogs nails to an acceptable length using where possible, techniques that are not too invasive or detrimental to the dog.


The “Full Monty”:

Although Paula is able to offer the above services on a stand alone basis, all of the above are part of the complete grooming package that most owners opt for – this way you can leave the hassle & safety of grooming and cost of professional equipment to Paula, comfortable in the knowledge that your dog is in safe hands.


Facial Spa Treatment – NEW!!

Treat your pet to a Poppy’s Pals Facial Spa treatment as used on our Bichon Frise show team, call for more details.


Equipment Advice & Supply:

Like ourselves, when we visit a hair-dresser, we still need to maintain our hair in between hair appointments and the same applies to your newly titivated pet.

Paula is able to advise on and supply the most suitable brushes and combs in order for you to keep your pet looking it’s best in between visits to the grooming salon.

Equipment is good quality and normally discounted from the RRP.

In addition, there is always a range of Gentle dog foods available and a selection of popular toys and high quality natural treats, beds & coats, collars & leads plus much more in our new shop.


Home Grooming Advice:

Most people use a groomer either for convenience or more simply, they do not know how to groom correctly.

Paula will happily advise clients on how to keep your pet looking its best in between visits and if buying equipment, will demonstrate how to use correctly and effectively.


Now available, as part of a grooming session or as a stand alone treatment – Ultra-Sonic Teeth Cleaning for dogs of all ages.

Non invasive, Non Painful, modern specialist equipment, individual cleaning heads for maximum hygiene, sanitised after each session.

Several treatments may be required initially to get your dogs teeth clean with regular maintenance sessions thereafter.

Call Paula on 07379 351657 OR CLICK HERE for a return call.

Grooming your dog is much more than a new haircut, it is also about health and hygiene. Poppy’s Pals will help your pet feel & smell fresh, look good, be pest (flea & tick) free and something you can be proud of in public!

Please note, Paula does not offer a mobile grooming service, it is far more cost effective for you to visit a clean & hygienic, modern, well equipped grooming salon such as Poppy’s Pals.

To enquire about how your pet can benefit from a make-over from Poppy’s Pals, CLICK HERE

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