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Well Mannered Mutt Dog Training


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Professional one-to-one home based Dog Training across London and Surrey

We are currently unable to provide face-to-face training due to the current lock-down situation.

Welcome to Well Mannered Mutt – Providing an effective and lasting approach to dog training across London and Surrey.

Our professional, fully insured dog training service, with its holistic, natural approach to dog training, offers a real alternative to treat training without the need for physical force, pain, shock collars or gimmicks. 

We target the causes of behavioural issues with effective behavioural therapy using methods that are intuitive to your dog, enabling you to develop, or restore, a positive, balanced and happy relationship with your dog.

Regardless of breed or age of your dog. Whether we’re dealing with any form of aggression, nuisance barking, separation anxiety or general obedience issues, our simple intuitive approach will work for you once carefully implemented.

We start by conducting our training in the safe and comfortable environment of your home, followed local parks or public open spaces.

We are there to guide you step-by-step on your journey to a happier dog.

Behavioural dog training

The key to resolving behavioural issues is to develop a better understanding of how your dog sees the world. It is important to look holistically at the situation when problem solving in order to identify where the behaviour stems from and what the driving forces are.

Our long experience has taught us that many behavioural issues arise as a result of confused communications between the Human / Canine species leading to misunderstanding and frustrations on both parts.

You will be taught a new natural method of communicating that involves body language, hand signals and vocal tones. It is simple, fast and effective to apply and will be entirely intuitive from your dogs’ perspective. Once in place, your dog will be better able to understand your intentions and differentiate between desirable and undesirable behaviour.

Well Mannered Mutt home based training will help you to resolve any or all of the following issues:

  • Nuisance barking
  • Destructive behaviours, including chewing & digging
  • Separation anxiety, crying or barking when left and scratching at doors
  • Inappropriate toilet habits indoors
  • Guarding food, toys, personal effects or even the sofa
  • Aggression towards other dogs
  • Aggression towards other people or even yourselves
  • Obsessive compulsive behaviours
  • Chasing cats, squirrels, livestock, cyclists, joggers or anything that moves
  • Hyper-activity
  • Lunging on the lead
  • Jealousy towards you or your partner
  • Attacking or chewing items of mail coming through the letter box

And much more…

What’s included in the Behavioural training programme?

  • Training is provided from the comfort of your own home and will involve visits to your local dog friendly park.
  • Training takes place over 3 sessions.
  • The initial foundation session is about 3 hours long.
  • There will also be 2 x follow-up visits in order to ensure consistency and to assess progress along the way.  These are typically 1½ to 2 hours in duration.
  • For dogs with complex issues or multiple dog households there is an extended programme, which in addition to the standard 3 x visits, allows for extra visits for up to 2 months included in the price.
  • A handwritten programme, with supporting literature.
  • On-going telephone & email support for up to 6 months.

What happens during our training sessions?

  • An initial assessment will be carried out taking into account the full history of the dog. This will enable me to diagnose the root causes of the problems and help me to explain the world through your dogs eyes.
  • You will be taught how to implement effective intuitive communication, using voice tone, hand signals and body language.
  • We will work through each of the issues in turn. You will receive coaching and clear instruction on what to do, how and when, before we put it into practice.
  • There may be some role-play scenarios to deal with specific issues, such as: What happens when the doorbell rings, or the postman arrives.
  • Client usually notice a significant change in their dogs behaviour by the end of the first visit.
  • We never use physical force, electric shock collars, choke or prong collars, just clear canine communication, praise and simple rules and boundaries.

How Quickly Will You See Results?

As with many things, practice makes perfect – but most people are surprised at how quickly they notice a change in their dog’s behaviour.

It is intuitive for dogs to want boundaries, as this makes them feel safer and happier.

Once all the necessary measures are put in place, you will find that your dog starts to respond positively. Provided you are consistent and take a few minutes to practice regularly, you will notice a definite improvement in their behaviour.

General Obedience dog training

Is your dog having trouble understanding very basic commands?  

Are you becoming frustrated at their lack of progress?

Do you have to bribe them with treats all the time, yet wish there was an easier way to communicate?

Help is at hand.

With our one-to-one training, we’ll help you understand where the communication between species has become confused. We will teach you a new way using a learning style and techniques that are completely intuitive and natural from your dog’s perspective.

Our general obedience programme is aimed at those dogs without major behavioural issues, but in need of some ‘good manners’ both inside and outside of the home.  

Range of issues dealt with:

  • Basic commands. Sit, stay, wait & coming when called.
  • Front door manners when guests arrive.
  • How to walk nicely on the lead without pulling.
  • No jumping up and how to deal with boisterousness.
  • Good food manners, including begging.
  • Good house manners, including jumping on furniture and how to respect boundaries.
  • Guidance on nutrition and how to satisfy your dog both mentally and physically. 
  • How to play nicely and be able to retrieve items they’ve run off with.

What’s included in the general obedience programme?

  • This is one-to-one training, so we will come to you to deal with the issues at home, on the walk or in your local park.
  • The first lesson is all about building solid foundations and will last approximately 2½ hours.
  • Included in this package is the option to then have 1 or 2 follow-up sessions, depending on the range of issues.  Follow up sessions last 1½ hours.
  • A handwritten programme, with supporting literature.
  • On-going telephone & email support for up to 6 months.

✻ Further individual lessons can be arranged in addition to the basic programme if required.

How Quickly Will You See Results?

As with many things, practice makes perfect – but most people are surprised at how quickly they notice a change in their dog’s behaviour.

It is intuitive for dogs to want boundaries, as this makes them feel safer and happier.

Once all the necessary measures are put in place, you will find that your dog starts to respond positively. Provided you are consistent and take a few minutes to practice regularly, you will notice a definite improvement in their behaviour.

Puppy Training

Owning a puppy can be a very rewarding experience, however it has the potential to go badly wrong if they aren’t given the correct rules and boundaries to live by.

Our personalised service starts in your own home and will focus on:

  • Ensuring your home & garden are puppy proof?
  • How to speed up house training / toilet training.
  • Stopping unwanted nipping or mouthing.
  • How to teach puppy to separate from you and sleep quietly at night.
  • General basic commands and how to communicate effectively.
  • Keeping Puppy mentally and physically stimulated.
  • What foods are best for puppy.
  • Which foods and plant life to avoid.
  • Preventative measures against chewing.
  • Taking those first tentative steps outside into the world around them.
  • Setting appropriate boundaries.
  • Basic recall training (coming when called).
  • How best to socialise. 

What is included in the programme?

  • 1 x 3 hour training session.
  • 2 x 1 hour follow-up training sessions.
  • 3 x months support via email or telephone.
  • Handwritten training plan and supporting literature.

About Us

Craig Steiff, Dog Trainer & Behaviourist.

I have been professionally involved with dogs in the London area since 2008. During this time I have learned there are many paths to a well-trained dog and that a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach isn’t always the answer.

For me, dog training and my experiences in developing their relationships with people has become a vocation rather than just a job (although I do love my job).

I know from personal experiences prior to becoming a dog trainer, what it feels like when something goes wrong in the ‘human-dog relationship’. Today I regard these issues as challenges sent to help us learn and ultimately become better dog owners.

With the right training, undesirable behaviours can be changed, because within every dog there exists… a Well Mannered Mutt.

Sonia Dombroski, First point of contact.

Sonia manages the bookings and will be your first point of contact via phone or email.  

Sonia has the advantage of having been a dog trainer herself since 2001, giving her first hand knowledge of the issues you’re facing and will be able to lend an empathetic ear.

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