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Walk Wag Play


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“We provide dog walking and training services which allow your dog to be themselves in a safe and fun environment. We want every dog we walk and train to be a good canine citizen.”


Doing right by your dog

Benefit from having:

A well exercised dog
Walks to suit your dog’s personality 

Option of off lead time and dog friends

Get regular updates and photos of what your dog is up to
Flexible bookings with weekly confirmations
Peace of mind

​We are

Over 20 years ofexperience, reliable and professional

dog walkers and trainers in Cardiff

 In all Welsh weather

Insured up to £10m
Trained and certified in Dog First Aid

Flexible with bookings
Provide weekly confirmations

Dog Training

Do right by your dog by training them to make good decisions and gain lifeskills in a positive way. We will teach you how to train and change your dog’s behaviour for the better by using positive reinforcement and rewards.

Private 1 to 1dog training

Behavioural Assessment
Private 1to1
Pre Adoption


Group training Classes

Puppy Class
Teenage Lifeskills
Adult Dogtorate
Dog First Aid

Puppy Class

Join our 6 week group puppy class to acquire the basics of dog training and learn how to set your puppy and yourself up for success.

Work with highly rated, experienced dog trainers, Edee and Alessia. They will be running the classes and be on hand to answer your questions. Train and enhance your relationship with your puppy using scientifically endorsed, positive reinforcement training methods. Earn a certificate for yourself and for your puppy, their first rosette.

You can start your 6 weeks at any point. We designed the class to be 6 stand alone modules each with 3-4 activities to do with your puppy.

List of modules: Obedience / Lead Manners / Recall / Engagement / Social / Discovery

Suitable for puppies up to 6 months old

Our 1 hour classes are held Monday evenings from 6-7pm
Location: St Catherine’s Church Hall, 169 King’s Road, Cardiff, CF11 9DE

Book a puppy class

Teenage Lifeskills

Join our 6 week teenage lifeskills classes to acquire the tools you will need to guide your puppy through adolescence into adulthood.

Work with highly rated, experienced dog trainers, Edee and Alessia.

Learn how to set boundaries, advance your training skills and learn to control their independent streak using scientifically endorsed, positive reinforcement training methods.

Earn a certificate for yourself and for your teenager a rosette.

You can start your 6 weeks at any point. We designed the class to be 6 stand alone modules each with 3-4 activities to do with your dog.

List of modules: Obedience / Lead Manners / Recall / Engagement / Social / Discovery


Suitable for dogs 6-18 months old

Our 1 hour classes are held Monday at St Catherine’s Church Hall, 169 King’s Road, Cardiff, CF11 9DE.

£120 for 6 x 1 hour group classes

to book email us at info@walkwagplay.co.uk

Book Teenage Lifeskills


Earn your WalkWagPlay Dogtorate

Take WalkWagPlay Dogtrorate dog training classes to

Each class is a stand alone class that will teach you dog handling skills and will earn you 1 or 2 credits towards your dogtorate.

To earn a Dogtorate with WalkWagPlay, you will need to earn 6 credits.

Suitable for dogs 12 months+ or any dog who has completed either the Puppy or Teenage Lifeskills classes.

Our classes are held at St Catherine’s Church Hall, 169 King’s Road, Cardiff, CF11 9DE

Classes that we offer:

Scent Detective
Dog First Aid
Body Language

Clicker Training
Muzzle Workshop
Leash Manners


to book email us at info@walkwagplay.co.uk

WWP Dogtorate


Earn your WalkWagPlay Dog First Aid certificate

Learn what to do in a canine emergency situation. From overheating to CPR, the Dog First Aid instructor will give you step by step information on how to handle your injured dog.

This class is for humans only – No dogs allowed

4 hours of classwork

St Catherine’s Church Hall, 169 King’s Road, Cardiff, CF11 9DE.

Class spaces are limited to 30

to book email us at info@walkwagplay.co.uk

Dog First Aid

One to ones

Benefit from a private training session and having 1 to 1 help and instructions from your trainer. This is perfect for people who want to teach their dog specific behaviours and commands. Get personalised guidance and advice from our trainers for you and your family. We have training exercises for everything including leash manners, recall, clicker, obedience and scentwork.

Can be done either at home or outdoors.

Start from the basics and build up distance, duration and distractions by using positive reinforcement, scientifically backed training techniques.


1 hour session: £65

Behavioural Assessment

Are you puzzled, frustrated, worried, angry or scared of your dog’s behaviour? 

Get to understand why your dog is behaving that way and what they are trying to communicate by booking a behavioural assessment with one of our experienced trainer. By assessing your dog’s personality and behaviour, your trainer will give you tailor made advice on why the behaviour is occuring, what to do to manage it and how to enrich your dog’s life to turn bad habits into good ones. Learn to enjoy your walks and regain your peaceful home life again. Once the behaviour assessment is complete, we can then move to the 1on1 training until you feel comfortable and happy in your relationship with your dog.
Behaviour Assessment: £120

to book email us at info@walkwagplay.co.uk

Pre adoption Consultation

Are you looking to intro a new dog/puppy to your family? Is this your first dog? Do you have questions? 

Consult with a professional dog trainer to answer your questions about adding another dog to your family. We can give you advice on a variety of topics that range from breeds to feeds to get you ready for the new arrival.

Pre adoption consultations will help you put a plan in place to introduce your new dog into your family successfully.

Pre-adoption consultation: £65

to book email us at info@walkwagplay.co.uk

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