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Unleashed Pet Services – dog walking, dog boarding, doggy daycare


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Pet Services

Dog Boarding, Doggy Daycare, Dog Walking, Pet Taxi

 Unleashed Pet Services was independently founded 2016 by myself to ensure  individual needs of dogs (and their owners) are met  within a safe, stimulating and nurturing environment. Moreover, as the concept relates (unleashed) to enable physical and mental engagement as nature intended within their natural environment, thus allowing dogs to be just that ..dogs..

Through building mutual respect between clients and dogs alike, I have established five years of a reputable, trustworthy and reliable business; with 5 *reviews to equate, combined with a wealth of experience related to breed specific traits. 

Holder of a Dog Boarding Licence regulated through WMDC under the Animal Welfare (Licencing of Activities Involving Animals) Regulations 2018; Public Liability Insurance; DBS Checked and Canine First Aid/CPR. Further, I qualified as a Registered Behaviour Technician (2019) which enables me to increase or decrease certain behaviour by investing quality time and energy with mans (and woman’s) best friend; building a rapport  and hence tapping into what makes dogs tick…

To aid my professional development, I am currently undertaking Level 4 PETBC Accredited Canine Behaviour Diploma (2022).

Dog Walking

Walks are fun, stimulating and varied to release pent up energy, reduce boredom and of course to achieve maximum health. Unleashed will endure to match your dogs level of exercise and socialisation skills with that of similar breeds/ character. Hence forming strong bonds within a close knit group to work and play together..

Only off lead walking is introduced until good recall, a trusting relationship established (and with owners written permission).

Achieved through consistent positive reinforcement and training via either: clicker or treat based orientation through a flexible of fixed interval schedule. Also by using non-verbal clues to gain attention and use of tone intervention for dogs to pick up upon clues subtly and astutely …

For dogs that are unable to be let off lead -whether that be through little or no recall due to: strong hunting/prey drive ; scent driven instinct or perhaps experience of trauma (if rescued); I am looking to offer a walking service to enable socialisation and exploration within a safe and contained secure field for such scenarios..(exception to this namely if unsocialised – of which I would recommend a solo, on -lead walk until such behavioural issues addressed and resolved.

With repeated exposure within an enclosed field and positive interventions, the aim would be that of achieving a progressive, recall response (to be monitored and feedback recorded).

A local pick up / drop off service is offered through an ex dogs trust van complete with K9 built in secure cages, non-slip mats, lighting and fan for comfort and safety at all times.

 Dog Boarding /Doggy Daycare

 More often than not, walking progresses to that of daycare and/or boarding services and ensures consistency and continuity of care.

Dog Boarding/ Doggy Daycare offers a kinder alternative to kennels – a home from home environment whereby your dog/s are  given 1:1 care and attention – your dogs routine – with regard to feeding, exercise and sleeping will of course  be maintained. Licenced for four dogs – but dependant upon the breed, compatibility and of course holiday periods can be quite varied as to availability and capacity.

To develop stability and incorporate structure : 2 walks a day are offered (adjacent to open, secure fields); an indoor/outdoor  free-flow scenario (wherever possible weather permitting) allowing your dog access to a large enclosed garden with designated areas (in progress) to stimulate and desensitise their senses (mentally and physically)e.g: brain games/ teasers; agility; digging area and more..

Indoors – an open plan layout with comfy sofas/throws to allow ‘down time’, ‘relax periods’ alone or with human/fellow canine companions contact following periods of activity and socialisation.. ..Ultimately  resulting in channelled energy and learning all within a calm and focused environment. 

As a result of Covid, I have helped support ‘Lock Down Pups’ for which their ‘window of socialisation’ was thwarted by introducing a phased in introduction to daycare to over come their anxieties (whether that being separation or social led) together with  positive experiences and associations being met.

 Unleashed offers a free, no -obligation meet and greet  to be fully aware of what you as an owner expect and of course to get to know your dog and his/ her needs.

 We have a resident dog  – our Cocker Spaniel – called Vive – who is totally laid back and slots in with our visiting guests ! However, it is important that your dog and mine are comfortable with each other and I always recommend a walk together on neutral territory and an overnight stay if boarding to be gaged and that of other dogs that may be boarding during the same periods.
