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Unleashed Pawtential


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dog agility

Dog Agility

Dog agility training classes are full of action packed excitement for you and your dog! Navigate a variety of obstacles by running, jumping, going over and through. Agility training is a fantastic way to both bond with your dog and provide a different kind of exercise.

puppy classes leeds

Puppy Classes

Our puppy training classes are suitable for any dog under the age of 12 months at time of enrolement. Training is an essential part of raising a well rounded, confident puppy. Puppy will learn to sit, down, stay, leave it, greet people nicely, recall, and lead walking skills.


Recall & Leash Skills

Recall is one of the top dog training issues. Solid recall skills are essential for an active dog life. Without it, your dog may be confined to a leash for his daily walks, or run away for hours on end! There’s nothing like off leash freedom without worry.

Dog Training Classes

We offer a large range of dog training classes based in Thorner, Leeds.  From puppy training classes, dog obedience, agility or scentwork, recall and lead walking skill classes.  We offer one off classes, 6 week dog training classes, and even ongoing weekly classes. There is truly something for every dog, no matter the age or ability.  

puppy training classes

Puppy Training Classes

For puppies 6 months or under.  Puppy training is essential in the first few months.  Create a well behaved confident puppy who is ready to take on the world!  This class is all about the training aspect of puppyhood, tackling life skills, interactions with people and dogs, recall, lead walking, and handling.  We also answer any questions that you may have about your new puppy and training.

Can your pup

  • Come back when called?
  • Walk nicely on lead?
  • Leave things when asked?
  • Greet people nicely?

The class also includes a free copy of our Puppy Socialisation Programme booklet.  Read More…


Dog Agility Training Classes

6 week dog training class for all dogs over 12 months.

Does your dog like to jump all over the furniture, dart under chairs, leap over fences, and never seems to tire out?  Join us for some fun agility and connect with your dog on a whole new level.

We regularly have classes from foundations to expert, competition or just for fun.

More about Dog Agility Classes…

dog agility training
dog training classes

Basic  Dog Obedience and Manners Training Class

6 week class. Teach your dog obedience and manners and life skills.  This dog training course is a must for all dogs who need to sharpen their skills and focus on commands.

  • Sit, Down, Stand.
  • Leave it and drop it.
  • Stay through distractions, and Wait before going through a doorway.
  • Recall, focus and proximity while out on walks.
  • Loose lead walking.
  • Calmness in the house, greeting visitors nicely.
  • Fetch, get your dog to actually bring that toy back!

More about Dog Obedience Classes…


Stress Free Walks Masterclass

6 week class for all dogs.

This is a 6 week course covering the two common but major problems owners experience.  The much coveted not pulling on lead, and recall! Walks can be stressful if your dog is constantly pulling, or not coming back to you when called.  That’s why we set this class up.

Teach your dog to stay close to you, and love coming back to you, no matter what the distraction. 

Lessons include:

  • Learning to come when called.
  • Walking nicely passed dogs and people.
  • Keeping your dogs attention when distracted.
  • Boosting recall speed with fast, fun games.
  • Supercharge the recall command.
  • Increase recall distance.
  • Practice with a range of distractions.
  • Get focus on you.
dog training classes
dog training classes
dog training classes

Scentwork UK Classes

Turn your dog into a super sniffer! 

Does your dog love to do nothing but sniff? Harness the power of the nose, give them a job to do with police style scent detection!

We train dogs to search out a specific scent, the same way that detection dogs find drugs, weapons, and even money!

Our scentwork dog training classes are great enrichment and mental stimulation for dogs of any breed, even ones with short noses! 


Why Should I Train My Dog?

Dog Training Classes

All dogs need some level of obedience training to make life easier and happy for both dog and owner.  A dog who responds quickly to ques can enjoy a fun, happy life off lead, walking nicely by your side on the street or in the park, and exploring the Yorkshire Dales or local reservoirs.  Sounds like bliss right? And it’s all a lot easier to manage when your dog listens to your commands.

A well trained dog is less likely to develop behaviour problems.  Setting the rules out from the start gives clear communication in what is expected and acceptable behaviour.

Puppy Training

Puppy Training is THE most important part of puppyhood.  Well maybe one of the top 3, we’ll include house training and obedience in the top 3.  Well trained dogs are more confident, and accepting of new situations.  Great puppy training prevents behavioural problems from developing.  Start as early as possible!

Dog Agility Training

Why train agility? Because it is fun and addictive! Well there are worse things to be addicted to I guess… Agility is a great way to bond with your dog, and grab his focus.  Not to mention excellent exercise, and a brilliant way to harness giddy energy!

Dog Recall Training

Does your dog come back when called?  Recall is one of the top dog training issues that I encounter.  Solid recall skills are essential for an active dog life.  Without it, your dog may be confined to a leash for his daily walks, or run away for hours on end! That’s not much fun.  There’s nothing like off leash freedom without worry that your dog is not coming back.

Dog’s Pulling On Lead

This is another big issue which can be prevented with early puppy training from the beginning.  Trust me I’ve been there with my rescue George (aka Darth Vader, named for the raspy noise he made when pulling).  Its really no fun for you or your dog, and can cause injury to you both.

Dog training classes are designed to be fun, for both you and your dog.  We really believe that training should be an enjoyable process, whether your teaching something for fun, or trying to fix a problem, just relax and enjoy the process. 

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