  • Boarding
  • Dog Day Care
  • Dog Training
  • Dog Walking
  • Drop In Visits
  • Grooming
  • House Sitting
  • Pets For Sale

The Dogchester


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About Us

Hi, I’m Trudy, I have an absolute love for dogs which started at a very early age when I was first introduced to our first family dog Candy and since that day I have always shared my life with a four legged friend or two. After I left collage I started an apprenticeship at Guide dogs for the blind & after 3 years training I became a qualified instructor, following the closure of the centre I transferred & worked at the NCDL (now known as Dogs Trust) which is where I found a passion for dogs in rescue & became a Behaviourist, during my time with the NCDL I also discovered my love for bull terriers when Horace & Lilly entered my life, it is thanks to Horace that I gained my qualified in canine nutrition (level 3 Canine nutrition at The Animal care college) & for the opening of the Pawtisserie due to his many ailments, allergies & intolerances it is also due to Horace that I gained a behaviourist qualification due to his cheeky little ways. 

 I worked at NCDL for 5 years & decided to head back to collage & become a vet nurse however upon completion of the qualification my heart was in rehab & so I decided to open a hydrotherapy & rehabilitation centre in 2010 following the completion of my level 3 diploma in Canine hydrotherapy along with this I gained a level 3 first aid certificate, Level 3 physiology & Anatomy & level 3 in clinical procedures & conditions I furthered this with a level 3 Diploma in clinical complications & qualified as a small animal first aid instructor. In 2013 I did Canine Sports massage which led onto me starting my diploma in animal Physiotherapy in 2014 which I hope to complete later this year.

I currently have three dogs, Maggie, Yogi & Dingle.

I look forward to meeting you both at the Dogchester.

Hi, I’m Belinda, I am the centre manager and joined Trudy in 2018. I have three dogs and I enjoy agility. I also do Reiki with the dogs. 

Dogchester Dog Day Care

The Dogchester in Crediton opened early 2017 and we are really proud of the centre. We offer dog day care, dog training, events, and a Pawtisserie for all of your dogs favourite treats. As well as the day care and Pawtisserie we will supply some of our favourite dog products to our customers.