Training has moved on in so many ways and science proves it!
Eleven years ago my Boxer pup was brought up on old school methods. Three years later, Stanley my Chocolate Lab now age 7 came along and he was having none of the old school stuff. This is where and why my journey began looking for modern science based rewarding methods that got results.
I continually upgrade and study with new courses, seminars and conferences to make sure my methods are as positive and rewarding and that Stanley and Rosie would approve of!
Side by side is due to relocate at the end of January well out of the area. While current classes are still going ahead there are sadly no future classes available to book in this local area from me. It has been an absolute pleaure to serve the puppies and dogs of the local area.
If you have any short term puppy/dog training you want to discuss please give me a call or you can still contact me via the contact form. Regards