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Scotson Fold Pet Care Centre


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Scotson Fold Pet Care Centre was first established in December 1987, however the Scotson Fold Farmhouse dates back to 1590 and is the oldest timber frame house in the borough. It is set in a rural location within our 13 acres of countryside. If you need to be away from home, you want to be assured your pet is well cared for in your absence. At Scotson Fold Pet Care Centre, we have the knowledge, experience and dedicated carers that will ensure that you and your pet(s) have a stress free break. Our staff provide over 50 years service at Scotson Fold collectively.

At Scotson Fold we differ in many ways from other boarding facilities. We have a low turnover of staff which in itself speaks volumes; the majority of staff have been with us for many years. We employ more staff than normal kennels to ensure that our staff to pet ratio is sufficient for us to continue to provide the high level of care that we pride ourselves on. All our staff are provided with uniforms for that professional look but more so to help pets to relax and settle as they find comfort in the familiarity of their carers. We keep both full written and computerised records of every single pet that stays with us. This ensures accurate daily record keeping and monitoring of each and every guest and also eliminates the chance of any errors during the handover of care between staff. It also ensures the continuity of care for every pet for repeat visits. At least three of our senior staff members are vet-trained in Canine First Aid; certificates are displayed in our office.

On a couple of occasions our staff have bedded down for the night within our kennels in order to raise money for a local charity; Bolton Destitute Animal Shelter. We feel it important to help out smaller local charities who may not always have the capacity to arrange large fund raising events like some of the bigger, better known charities.

This site is designed to explain a few things about boarding your pet and to assure you (s)he is in safe hands at Scotson Fold. You can also view photographs of our kennels and cattery facilities. If you have any questions you can send them via our online feedback form and we will answer your query as soon as possible.

Our qualified canine beauticians offer full grooming services so we can pamper your dog during their stay with us. Alternatively grooming can be booked independent of boarding.

We provide a boarding facility for the love and respect of animals, not for a love of money. Loving care assured.

About Us

Scotson Fold Pet Care Centre as we know it today was established in December 1987 by Jenny & Jim Renshaw. Jenny & Jim have been involved in business since 1968. When Jenny and Jim became the proud owners of the derelict farm of Scotson Fold, they began the restoration of the cottage, nine kennels and cat chalets that originally stood. In 1987 Jenny and Jim began a new era of Scotson Fold Pet Care Centre, after years of searching for somewhere suitable for their own pets, they were determined to create a safe, caring and comfortable environment for all pets in their care. During the first 6 months Jim would exercise the pets before leaving for work while Jenny would take care of the pets and take on the reception duties for the rest of the day until they began to employ their first members of staff. Jim sold his own company in 1996 to join Jenny in having a more active role in the running of Scotson Fold. Due to the growing popularity, more staff have been employed to ensure the high standards of Scotson Fold are maintained, and that the highest level of care and attention is given to each and every pet.


The Kennels

At Scotson Fold we have a total of 57 indoor kennels within four kennel blocks, some of which have an outdoor run facility attached. All kennels are above regulation size and contain everything your dog requires for an enjoyable break including a bed with luxurious fleece, dishes (elevated dish stands are available for larger breeds) and a premium diet. All our kennel facilities are fully heated and ventilated and made of a hygienic construction to allow thorough cleaning daily. Each canine guest staying within Padders 1, 2 or 3 is guaranteed at least one daily exercise. Dogs are boarded individually unless they are from the same family and then the kennels are plenty big enough to be able to board together should you wish.

Padders 4

Due to popular demand we opened our fourth luxury kennel block, Padders 4, in 2007. This is a state of the art kennel facility and boasts extra large kennels. This kennel block is centrally heated, controlled thermostatically, has overhead lighting and a fully tiled floor. Canine guests in Padders 4 benefit from our ‘all inclusive package’ whereby each guest is guaranteed at least 2 exercise sessions daily.

We have a total of 5 secure exercise areas for use by our canine guests, shown below are just a couple. All exercising is done individually, we never mix dogs. Only dogs from the same family who are boarding together can be exercised together. The exercise areas are thoroughly disinfected after each dog to avoid cross-contamination.

At Scotson Fold, due to the amount of staff that we employ, we are able to offer additional, optional exercise sessions for our canine boarders at a small extra cost. During these sessions your dog could benefit from one to one bonding sessions with a staff member should they need a little extra reassurance, they could play with toys in one of our secure play areas, they could go for a walk (on a secure lead only) in one of our surrounding fields or may even enjoy a grooming session to help maintain luscious locks. Again, all exercise sessions, whether inclusive or additional, are performed on an individual basis and supervised by a member of staff.


The Cattery

Our cattery contains a total of 29 indoor chalets each being able to comfortably house up to 3 cats (from the same family). The cattery is split into 2 halves. The first half is called Purrs Cottage, the second is Purrfect View. Situated in Purrfect View is a larger “Family Chalet” which can house up to 6 cats (from the same family). All chalets are fully equipped with a bed lined with luxurious bedding, a soft pillow, scratch mats, feeding mat,feeding dish, a premium diet and a litter tray. All chalets are above regulation size and are floor to ceiling height so there is plenty of space for your furry feline friend to roam and stretch. Sneeze barriers between chalets increase hygiene and reduce the risks of cross-contamination between feline guests. Both sides of the cattery are fully heated.

Purrfect View

Chalets in Purrfect View have the added luxury of an individual secure window at the rear of the chalet so feline guests may gaze out over the gardens.

Additional playtime/grooming sessions are available for all feline guests at a small extra cost should they require. This will include time spent on a one to one basis with a member of staff within the chalet either playing with toys or grooming to keep their fur in tip top condition.

Climbing / Jumping Aids

We have some purpose built steps for use in cat chalets for feline guests that may need assistance in accessing the top platform within their chalet. These are beneficial for our more mature guests whose jumping abilities aren’t quite what they used to be. The steps are made of a hygienic, non-porous material which is easily cleanable and is thoroughly disinfected between guests.


Pet Grooming

At Scotson Fold our Canine Beautician offers a professional service to cater for the individual needs of every pet. Our groomer has grooming experience of many breeds and this experience is very apparent in her work. We offer various methods of grooming.

Bath & Groom

“Bath & Groom” is available whereby a pet can come in for a ‘shampoo and set’ and depart smelling wonderful with a knot-free coat.

The All In

The “All-In” is basically the ‘full works’. This includes a bath & groom as described above with the addition of any clipping / trimming / shaving. Also involved is the clipping of nails if needed, ears are checked to see if they need plucking and cleaning.

Pet Pedicure

Alternatively your pet can come in solely for a pedicure.


At Scotson Fold, in the interests of the dogs welfare, our canine beautician will not de-matt fur. This is a painful process for the dog and is unfair on both the dog and the groomer. We want your dog to enjoy the grooming process and be happy to come for appointments, not resent the groomer for inflicting discomfort. A kinder alternative would be to clip off matted fur. This will allow air to reach the skin and help the skin to recover. Fur can grow back and our groomer can offer advice on how to maintain the coat.


Prices vary depending on the breed, coat type and thickness, the condition of the coat and the behaviour of the dog. Prices reflect the time taken to do the pet and so an assessment by our groomer is often necessary to enable us to give an accurate estimate. Specific instructions can be discussed with the groomer.

Sometimes, particularly during winter weather, dogs with longer coats can become very knotty and matted if not kept on top of. Depending upon the extent of the matting and an assessment by a groomer, we may be able to remove smaller knots but we will not de-matt badly knotted/matted fur. De-matting can be very uncomfortable, painful and unfair on your dog.

We have a wide variety of professional canine shampoo’s and conditioners including hypo-allergenic shampoo in case your pet has sensitive skin and the appropriate one is carefully selected depending on the coat.

As our grooming service is becoming more and more popular, please make sure you contact us in plenty of time to book an appointment. In the event of an appointment having to be cancelled, you are required to give at least 24 hours notice to give us the chance of refilling that allocated time slot to another pet.


Scotson Fold Pet Care Centre is a fully licensed boarding facility. Our licence is provided by Bury Council and we are inspected twice yearly to ensure that high standards are maintained and strict regulations adhered to. Our licence stipulates that we may only accept fully vaccinated pets. Licence compliant vaccinations are as follows:



DHPPi: This protects against distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus & parainfluenza
Le: This protects against leptospirosis

*Infectious Tracheobronchitis (kennel cough) vaccine: This is not a compulsory vaccine. Any dogs having this vaccine must have it administered at least 14 days prior to boarding with us otherwise entry will be refused


FVR: This protects against feline viral rhinotracheitis (cat flu).
FIE: This protects against feline infectious enteritis (panleucopenia)

*FeLV: This is not a compulsory vaccine but gives some protection against feline leukaemia virus

Information on Kennel (Canine) Cough

Canine cough, often improperly referred to as ‘kennel cough’ is a highly contagious, airborne, upper respiratory disease. The main symptom is a hacking cough, sometimes accompanied by sneezing, nasal discharge and glassy/watery eyes. A dog may catch canine cough but not show symptoms for between 3 to 10 days. The canine cough is very similar in nature to the common cold in humans.

As with the common cold, there is no cure but must run its course. Although the cough does not normally develop into anything worse, the dog’s immune system may be lowered and so the infected dog should be closely monitored as may be susceptible to secondary infections. Your local veterinary surgeon can prescribe antibiotics to help prevent any secondary infections but these medications do not attack the virus itself. The virus can be caught anywhere as it is airborne, can travel for considerable distances and can even affect a dog that never leaves it’s own back yard! But tracheobronchitis is more likely to occur when the concentration of dogs is greater such as in the local park, at training classes, the vet’s waiting room or at a boarding kennel.

There is a vaccine for kennel cough but as with any vaccine, it does not offer 100% protection and so there is no guarantee your dog will not contract a cough. There are many strains of kennel cough, the vaccine protects against just a few of these. The kennel cough vaccine is administered separately to your dog’s standard annual booster. A few droplets of the live vaccine are administered up the nose of your dog and will give some protection against kennel cough. The kennel cough vaccine is not a compulsory vaccination at Scotson Fold Pet Care Centre (as per Local Authority Licence) although other boarding establishments may insist on it. It is the dog owner’s choice whether or not to have this vaccine administered to their dog. We do however have one strict rule with this vaccine which is, any dog that has this vaccine must have it administered at least 21 days prior to boarding, otherwise entry will be refused. This live vaccine can be shed for up to 3 weeks after administration therefore posing a threat to any other dog within close vicinity. From years of experience of running a boarding kennels we have found that a dog that has had the kennel cough vaccine can sometimes display symptoms of kennel cough and it can even mutate into the actual cough and so potentially this dog is contagious. For all the above reasons, for the welfare of all our canine guests we have our 21 day rule. Your veterinary surgeon may say that your pet is fine to go into kennel just a few days after administration but we have found this is often misinterpreted. Your pet will have some protection against kennel cough after a matter of days (even hours) and so therefore in this respect it is safe for your pet to board in a kennel facility but it is not safe for other canine guests within that facility.

There are various information sheets available about canine cough from either our office or from your local veterinary surgeon. Please feel free to discuss the matter further with your veterinary surgeon, (s)he will be in the best position to advise you of any queries.



Other useful information regarding your pet’s boarding


Selecting a Boarding Kennel

Stop by a kennel and visit the staff. Get acquainted with the people who will be caring for your pet. Ask questions. The experienced staff at Scotson Fold Pet Care Centre are able to answer your queries and aim to reassure you that your pet is in safe hands. They are also trained to recognise the warning signs of potential health hazards and will contact a vet if they feel it is called for. It is easier for kennel personnel to detect problems than it is for the owner of the pet. If your pet does require veterinary attention whilst they are staying at Scotson Fold, you can be assured veterinary assistance will be called. Included in your pets’ boarding fee is insurance. Our insurance will cover your pet for any kennel/cattery related ailments for whilst your pet stays with us. It will not cover any pre-existing medical conditions or anything unrelated to boarding. Please note Scotson Fold cannot be held liable for any insurance excess when a client claims on their own personal pet insurance. Discuss, before boarding, any medication or special care your pet may need. Our kennels offer a certain amount of individual care (playing with, talking to, petting, your cat or dog) One standard for measuring the kennel owner’s interest in his/her profession is animal group membership. Scotson Fold Pet Care Centre are members of the Pet Industry Federation (formerly The Pet Care Trade). You can be certain that Pet Industry Federation members are trying to keep current on the latest developments within the industry, and that they truly care. Make certain you understand the rate structure for all services and the hours of operation. The fee for boarding not only includes the care of your pet, but for the peace of mind that goes with knowing that your pet is safe and with caring people you can trust.

Dogs & Cats

As a responsible pet owner there are a few things you must attend to before boarding. Your pet should be free of any parasites and not have been exposed to any contagious diseases. Do not feed your pet for at least 3 hours prior to kennelling to minimise the possibility of stomach upset. Separation from master and/or being in strange surroundings can produce stress in your pet, and this can result in temporary changes in behaviour. Be sure to inform the kennel staff of any special needs or medical problems your pet may have, that may aid them in keeping your pet healthy and happy.

Dogs should be prepared psychologically for boarding. It’s best, of course, to begin with a pup as soon as the vaccination programme is complete. We offer “day-care” services, enabling you to leave your dog for a few hours at a time. This is an excellent way to introduce your dog to boarding. After just a few visits the dog accepts a kennel as a normal way of life.

Preparing your Pet

The psychological preparation of a dog for boarding also includes getting him used to new people and experiences. This is most easily accomplished by taking them through obedience classes and occasionally boarding him. A dog who is relaxed about boarding is more likely to board well. It goes without saying that a pet owner should not cry over their dog in the kennel office upon leaving him, nor should they bring out the suitcases at home the day before the trip. You should understand that both of these things cause your dog to be unnecessarily upset!

You should be aware that some dogs carry viruses in their systems for months and begin to show symptoms only after being subjected to a stress situation. In other words, they can ‘catch’ a virus from themselves.

Sometimes temporary behaviour changes can occur as a result of unfamiliar surroundings. For example, Rover may tear up the bed he has slept in for years. Eating habits change under stress, and all dogs assimilate their food differently. Some will eat like canaries at home and like vultures at a kennel. They may put on a few pounds. Others can lose weight though eating well or lose weight by not eating enough. Kennel life can be very exciting, and some dogs lose weight because they run the weight off as they charge around barking at other dogs and having a wonderful time. These dogs often go home exhausted but happy, and sleep a lot the first couple of days at home. All of the preparation by the pet owner merely points out that they should recognise that successful boarding depends not only upon the kennel, but also upon how well the owner prepares their dog for the experience.

Keep in mind that cats react differently than dogs do. Cats are instinctively solitary animals. They do not run in packs like dogs. Therefore, when confronted with strange surroundings, a cat’s normal response is to withdraw physically and mentally into a protected, solitary state. For this reason, cats enjoy the ‘protected’ feeling they get from being caged while in the boarding facility.A common reaction of cat owners to the idea of caging is ‘my cat loves to run around and be outdoors’. Perhaps this is true at home but while on unfamiliar surroundings, the chalet gives the best feeling of safety. Cats exercise isometrically. This means that if a cat has enough room to stretch, (s)he can exercise every muscle in the body. When your cat is is in strange surroundings, around strange cats and strange smells, your cat will undoubtedly much prefer safety to space. Prior to boarding try to keep your cat’s daily routine as normal as possible. Do not get the pet carrier out early, bring it out last thing just before the journey to the cattery. As with dogs, cats can pick up on their owners mood so try to be confident, showing them that there is nothing to cause concern. It is advisable not to feed your cat for a few hours prior to travelling to minimise the chance of travel sickness.


Unfortunately, we are unable to give set prices over the internet as the needs for each individual pet can vary greatly. Some pets may have special dietary requirements, other pets may need special medicinal requirements. Some pets may need extra grooming time depending on coat type / length whereas other pets may need extra exercise sessions. Elderly pets quite often need extra care and attention as do very young puppies and kittens.

Prices given over the telephone are only estimates, particularly regarding new pets to give us the chance to assess the needs of the pet with their owner. In addition our prices are reviewed at least once annually so, for a more accurate quote please contact Scotson Fold Pet Care Centre directly on 0161 724 9429 during business hours.

After-Boarding Care for Pets


Upon collection there is no doubt that your pet will be pleased to see you. Following a few simple, easy steps will help to ease them back into home life.



Kennel life can be quite an adventure. Some dogs may charge round and bark excitedly at other dogs, having a wonderful time. These dogs often depart from the kennels exhausted but happy and may sleep a lot for the next couple of days.

Overexcitement may cause your pet to pant excessively and act thirsty. He probably isn’t thirsty and will have had plenty of water whilst on his holidays at the kennels. Try giving him a couple of ice cubes to tide him over until he has settled down.

Overexcitement, as above with water, may cause your dog to act hungry. Please be aware that excessive drinking or eating may result in digestive upsets and bloating. Do not feed your pet for at least three hours after arriving back at home and then restrict/limit his food and water intake until he has settled back in.

On arrival back home, walk your dog or allow access to a yard or garden. Excitement may also cause a change in his urination or bowel movements outside his normal habits.

Give your pet some extra attention, play-time, petting or brushing may help him to calm him and get over his excitement.

Re-establish home patterns by following the normal routine. Pets like a routine; it gives them a sense of security.


After collecting your cat from her holidays, it is advisable she is kept within the house for a couple of days to allow time to re-adjust back to home life. Allow her to settle back into home life before allowing her to roam outside again.


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