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Sarah MSc Dog Training & Behaviour


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Sarah is a Multi-Degree Professional in the Animal Industry..


21st Century Modern Dog Trainer & Behaviourist
Impressive Qualifications & Educational Background –

*MSc & BSc (Honours) in Applied Animal Behaviour & Training*
(Master of Science Degree & Bachelor of Science Degree with Honours)

– Dog training & behavioural modification

– Scientific knowledge in behaviourism, training & psychology

– Consulting & counselling skills

​- Transparent business & work ethic

​- Passionate about owner education

– Helping owners & their dogs to thrive

– Creative attitude & bespoke training options

– Promote animal welfare laws & policies

– Always learning & trying to improve

​The learning never ends!

Be confident in the knowledge yourself and your dog will receive the best service.

Pet-Loving, Highly Skilled Trainer & Behaviourist

New Business Offers Available (T&C’s Apply)

Sarah MSc Services
Cost  £
1-2-1 Puppy’s 1st Walk
from  £30
1-2-1 Puppy/Dog Consultation
from  £65
1-2-1 Puppy/Dog Training & Programmes
from  £33.40
1-2-1 Dog Behavioural Modification
from  £95
Sarah MSc Services
Single consultations & sessions are a premium service & can be purchased at anytime & as often as you’d like.
Ideal for one off needs, no weekly commitment & for owners with busy schedules.
​However single consultations & sessions are not recommended for behaviours or training needs that require frequent professional support, commitment & regular practice. Most clients require a programme to see results & improvements. However the option is individual to the client.

✴ ​The Master Pro Programmes & incentive programmes encourage regular progression & are an excellent price; offering a generous time frame to suit holidays, breaks & other commitments. The programmes see better fluid results, continuation of support, availability of sessions, counsel challenging behaviours throughout & plan ahead for the future.
​These programmes come highly recommended for most clients & their realistic needs with their puppy or dog.
NEW- Incentive programme & gift pack for young puppies (see details below).
✴ Special loyalty scheme for all clients who have purchased ‘Sarah MSc’s 10 Session Gold Programme’ with 30% discount for one off training sessions.
✴ Special loyalty scheme for clients who choose to continue with an additional Gold Programme £339 (+Online Training Course worth £66) with 43% off.
-Ideal if you’d like refresher session(s), continuation of training, support & counselling, fun sessions & to maintain current training & skills.

T&C’s Apply, schemes are valid for 4 weeks after last appointment.
(NOTE: This does not involve new behavioural concerns or behaviours which have developed since. A new initial behaviour-training consultation will be required to discuss this thoroughly; to adhere to ethical & welfare implications as a behavioural assessment & diagnosis will be required).

NEW – Young Puppy Consultation & Gold Master Pro Training Programme Gift Pack
(Ages from 8 weeks old to 14 weeks old only)

This programme gift pack is an incentive for owners to train their puppy while they are young & at critical stages of development.

– Young puppies aged between 8 weeks old to 14 weeks old require the 60-90 minute consultation due to the time needed to discuss all the critical information related to the developmental stages.

✴ Initial puppy consultation & gold master pro programme is required to receive the gift pack
(Free Gift Pack Worth RRP £45.00)
All clients require the Initial Puppy Consultation prior to purchasing any training sessions or programmes.
– These can be purchased singularly or as a combined incentive price.

Single Initial Puppy Consultation:
•Young Puppy Consultation: 60-90 minutes duration £95
•Extended Consultation: 90-120 minutes duration £125
Single Gold Master Pro Puppy Programme:
Gold Master Pro – 4 Month Programme
•10 x 1 hour training sessions = £339
(16 week usage)

✴ ​INCENTIVE Gold Master Pro Puppy Consultation & Programme:
 Initial Consultation & 4 Month Programme = £399
Includes FREE Master Pro Puppy Training Gift Pack RRP £45.00
(Incentive offer worth £590, saving clients £191)

(Small fuel cost 8 miles out of Rossington)

*Further sessions/programmes or alternative services may be required on individual basis*


Puppy Behaviour-Training
Positive Puppy Walking (12-16 weeks old)
From.. £30.00 (30 minutes)

* MUST be fully Vaccinated

-An initial pre-assessment (FREE) is required prior to booking

Walking your new puppy for the first time can be daunting. Learn the skills you need when walking your puppy, collar, lead & harness assistance, understand the importance of walks & providing vital enrichment.
Includes an informed discussion – Learn road safety, walking manners, familiarise pup with the sights & sounds of life during key development stages.

Single Session & Incentive Programme:
•30 minute session =  £30
•1-2 Month Mini Master Pro Programme =  £100
4 x 30 minute sessions – (6 weeks usage)

(Small fuel cost 8 miles out of Rossington)

*Further sessions/programmes or alternative services may be required on individual basis*

Initial Puppy Consultation (8-20 weeks old)
from.. £65.00

-An initial pre-assessment (FREE) is required prior to booking.

This 1-2-1 puppy behaviour-training consultation is required before booking any puppy training programmes.
(Consultations are valid for 6 weeks- puppies must be enrolled onto a training programme within this time frame. Out of this time frame will require a new consultation)

The consultation cost is dependent on the time needed to discuss your requirements and the type of support required.
-Young puppy consultations require the 60-90 minute consultation due to the time needed to discuss the critical information in full.

60 minutes = £65
60-90 minutes = £95
90-120 minutes = £125 – Extended support.

The puppy consultation is a meet & greet opportunity, whereby we can have a friendly chat regarding your puppy & their behaviour.
We can discuss your needs within the household, thoroughly explain the critical puppy development stages, best practices for the growing puppy & the household, identify appropriate training programmes, & can discuss developing a bespoke training plan to suit your circumstances.

(Small fuel cost 8 miles out of Rossington)

1-2-1 Puppy Training Programme(s) 8-20 weeks old
From.. £45.00

-New puppy clients require the initial puppy consultation prior to booking.

1-2-1 puppy training programme(s) follows ‘Sarah MSc Training Programme’ and/or can follow a bespoke training plan, eg specific puppy requirements, enrichment ideas, toileting, jumping up, look at me, socialisation, appropriate play etc etc..
-Training programmes ensure continuous progression.

Single Training Session
•1 x 1 hour training session = £45
-One session only (time of booking usage)

Bronze Master Pro – 1/2 Month Programme
•4 x 1 hour training sessions = £165
(6 week usage)
INCENTIVE Initial Consultation & 1/2 Month Programme  £229

Silver Master Pro – 3 Month Programme
•8 x 1 hour training sessions = £314
(12 week usage)
INCENTIVE Initial Consultation & 3 Month Programme  £377

Gold Master Pro – 4 Month Programme
•10 x 1 hour training sessions = £339
(16 week usage)
✴ ​INCENTIVE Initial Consultation & 4 Month Programme  £399
Includes FREE Master Pro training gift RRP £45.00 for 8-14 week old puppies only.

(Small fuel cost 8 miles out of Rossington)

*Further sessions/programmes may be required on an individual basis*


Dog Behaviour-Training
Initial Dog Consultation
From.. £65.00

– An initial pre-assessment (FREE) is required prior to booking

The dog behaviour-training consultation is required before booking 1-2-1 dog training sessions/programmes.
(Consultations are valid for 6 weeks- dogs must be enrolled onto a training programme within this time frame. Out of this time frame will require a new consultation)

The consultation cost is dependent on the time needed to discuss your requirements and the type of support required.
-Puppies (from 20 weeks+) require the 60-90 minute consultation due to the time needed to discuss the critical information in full.

60 minutes = £65
60-90 minutes = £95
90-120 minutes = £125 – Extended support.

The dog consultation is an opportunity to take details & to discuss the needs of your household. To identify your training goals, & any behavioural concerns which may be troubling you.
The consultation ensures the correct service is selected, which can be bespoke to your needs.

(Small fuel cost 8 miles out of Rossington)

1-2-1 Dog Training Programmes
From.. £45.00

-New clients require the initial dog consultation prior to booking

The 1-2-1 dog training programme follows the ‘Sarah MSc Training Programme’ and/or a bespoke training plan- eg specific behavioural needs, enrichment, recall, manners, basic obedience..
-Training programmes ensure continuous progression.

Single Training Session
•1 x 1 hour training session = £45
-One session only (time of booking usage)

Bronze Master Pro – 1/2 Month Programme
•4 x 1 hour training sessions = £165
(6 week usage)
INCENTIVE Initial Consultation & 1/2 Month Programme  £229

Silver Master Pro – 3 Month Programme
•8 x 1 hour training sessions = £314
(12 week usage)
INCENTIVE Initial Consultation & 3 Month Programme  £377

Gold Master Pro – 4 Month Programme
•10 x 1 hour training sessions = £339
(16 week usage)
✴ ​INCENTIVE Initial Consultation & 4 Month Programme  £399

(Small fuel cost 8 miles out of Rossington)

*Further sessions/programmes may be required on individual basis*


Behaviour Modification Consultation Programmes
From.. £95.00

-An initial pre-assessment (FREE) is required prior to booking

1-2-1 behaviour modification consultation programmes discuss any problematic issues your having with your dog. It’s an opportunity to collect relevant details, past & present history; & discuss causes & treatment options.

The consultation cost is dependent on the time needed to discuss your requirements and the type of support required.

– 60-90 minutes = £95
– 90-120 minutes = £125
– 150-180 minutes = £190

(Prices may vary on time required, circumstances & may include a behavioural report)

Follow up treatment programme(s):

Single Training Session
1 x 1 hour training session = £47
-One session only (time of booking usage)

Bronze Master Pro – 1/2 Month Programme
•4 x 1 hour training sessions = £169
(6 week usage)
INCENTIVE Initial Consultation & 1/2 Month Programme  £265

Silver Master Pro – 3 Month Programme
•8 x 1 hour training sessions = £322
(12 week usage)
INCENTIVE Initial Consultation & 3 Month Programme  £417

Gold Master Pro – 4 Month Programme
•10 x 1 hour training sessions = £360
(16 week usage)
✴ INCENTIVE Initial Consultation & 4 Month Programme  £452

**Note- not all incentive programmes will be suitable & an extended fee may apply. For example if a 2-3 hour consultation is required, in such circumstances an additional cost for the extra time will be applied.
(Small fuel cost 8 miles out of Rossington)

*Further sessions/programmes may be required on individual basis*

(Subject to T&C’s, updates, amendments & client individual quotations)
-Payment made deems T&C’s read & accepted.

All booked appointments & sessions require at least 72 hours notice to cancel or rearrange. Failure to give the required notice will result in the payment of appointment/session being retained; & thus a loss to yourself, the client. Thank you for your understanding.

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