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Prime Pet Care


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After many years of working abroad, Alan and June Stewart with their daughter came to settle in Armadale, Bathgate.

They recall….”We were able to help in a voluntary capacity with animals in Hong Kong and Cyprus but longed for a home with pets of our own”.

Love for Animals

Could they combine a love for animals with a real life profession?  After much planning, the dream was realised in the memorable year of 2007.    In the Spring, “Flash” a rescue collie/spaniel puppy from Dogs Trust joined the Stewart clan.  By the Summer, Prime Pet Care a company devoted to professional petsitting, was launched from the family home.  It bears a family name “Prime”.  It really is Alan’s middle name and signifies a personal commitment along with the dictionary definition of  “most important…excellent….the best part of”.

Small Beginnings

From small beginnings, hard work and many supportive clients, Prime Pet Care has grown but kept its pure and caring spirit.

“Flash”  has also devleoped into a fully fledged skilled working part of the team.  Meet them all and see a very unique model petsitting company who really serve to the highest standards because they wrote them.

A final word from Alan and June.

“To all our exisiting and loyal clients we say a very big thank you.  To all of you out there in need that we haven’t met yet, we look forward to working with you!  If you see us, give us a wave and do send us your news and photos.

We are now firmly rooted into this community and proud to be of service. Wishing you every success with your pets and remember we are here if you need some help, short or long term.  Your most sincere neighbours with pets, Alan and June.”


We offer a personal, discreet, tailor made package. This can be any length of time but usually most needs are catered for within a short visit of up to fifteen minutes. If required we can send you a text afterwards to put you at ease.

For example, visits could be for:-

  • Cats/loose animals. A once or twice a day visit to feed, play and clean up after your pets. If you have more than one pet you can make a saving as we charge per visit. Other advantages are that if you have not managed to meet the conditions for a cattery or if your pet has trouble travelling/sleeping anywhere else, then this home visit option solves many problems.
  • Pets in confined areas such as cages/aquariums etc. We follow your brief as to how often you would like a visit which may vary because changing pet bedding or giving a clean out may be required only once in a while.
  • Dogs. In addition to dog walking and dog boarding, we can visit your dog in your home. This could be for a variety of reasons:

We have had so much success with the controlled socialisation of young dogs. Using our experience for the human touch and our trained dog “Flash” for the canine input, you can access a unique service. We can use the 15 minute visits (either one on its own or more that are staggered) to gradually integrate a small walk. These often lead into the dog walking service so seamlessly that owners are pleasantly surprised at the progress.

We will only start our service once we are all familiarised and happy to go! Then we won’t be stangers anymore and the multiple of tasks you thought were just too difficult to explain will be in writing and ready to follow. We can return keys or keep them secure at an undisclosed place ready for short notice visits. Just think too… you will never be locked out.


We offer stimulating dog walking for your dog either on their own or with a maximum of 3 others with a suitable temperament. If we do need to use the “Pet Mobile” it is a comfortable ride to a suitable, green walk. All dogs in our care need to be under kind control and therefore on or off lead according to that requirement. Of course other responsibilities require us to dispose of doggie toilet which we will of course do.

If your dear older veteran needs a slow amble or your hectic puppy needs more play than walk, we will adjust to them! Most active dogs will step out for a half hour walk. Just ask and we can plan around your needs.

We will let you know how things went on our outings, by leaving a daily written record for your information on your return.

Puppy Walks

We have found that from the very first opportunity after a puppy’s innoculations, that our additional walking brings many benefits.

Starting with short walks and building over time, we can introduce your pup to many human and canine experiences. Our dog “Flash” is an ideal friend to introduce early on to make sure that the first exposure to another dog is a positive, balanced and kind one. Flash serves as a role model too when out on the first walks. This cannot be overstated as a plus point. This beginning of socialising, especially in combination with an owner’s consistent work, reaps satisfying rewards for all.


Are you planning the addition of a new puppy? PPC is pleased to offer assistance with puppy training.

Generally many owners would like a mannerly dog that is a pleasure to walk so it is vitally important to use the gift of this special learning window that puppies have. This is why the basics most often taught and progressed after gaining pups attention are:

  • House training
  • Bite inhibition (teaching a soft mouth)
  • Sit, Down, Leave
  • Recall
  • Greeting behaviour
  • Loose lead walking
  • Handling and grooming
  • Equipment

But also frequently asked questions can be considered such as

  • Socialising
  • Clicker training
  • Crate training
  • Dog body language
  • Chewing / teething
  • Local knowledge of specialist dog services qualified to advise in depth about diet and behaviour.

There are times you just can’t beat being shown how to do something on a one to one. Alan and June (often together) are happy to share their training and experience according to your request however short or long. One session or several. Or maybe that’s just not known yet.

Appointments can be made any day of the week at times that suit you and puppy. Other advantages to such a flexible tailored arrangement include:

  • Written handouts /books/web sites can be left/recommended according to your need. These serve as brilliant reminders so there is no need to panic about absorbing every detail of a session.
  • Progress at your own pace. Practicing exercises and building on what is learned means allowing a time interval between sessions at a speed that’s right for you.
  • An idea of what to expect in advance. PPC promote the kindly training methods recommended by The Association of Pet Dog Trainers. At the heart of the training lies a positive reinforcement principle. No aversive methods will be taught.
  • Stress reduction and fun!
    Being in a familiar setting that is controlled for both yourself and puppy is important. Your puppies first impressions of life need to be positive and can form life long memories.
  • Help with socialisation
    Training at home prepares you to meet the plentiful dogs/puppies there are out there every day on walks. Socialisation happens over a lifetime.


Free consultation.

Home visits including Puppy visits
(Regardless of how many pets):

Home visits up to 15 minutes £5-£7 depending on location and complexity.

Dog Walking. Possibly group walks of up to 4 but no more.

One dog up to 40 minutes – £9 or £8 if a block booking. A block booking is a minimum of 5 consecutive days i.e. Mon-Fri – 5 days at £8 = £40

If more than one of your OWN dogs can be walked together then after the first dog (at a fee of £9 or £8) an additional £4 for each dog will be charged.

Puppy Training.
One to one puppy training (puppies 8-16 weeks)
20 per half hour session by appointment only payable in advance preferably bank transfer.

Collection and drop off

Key collection or drop-off outside the
consultation £2.

Additional Details

  • No


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