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Pet And House Sitting Services


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Pet and House Sitting Services – How it all began (dog boarding)

Hi to you all, my name is Fiona Parr,i am the owner of Pet & House Sitting Services and this is a little introduction for you to get to know more about me and my petsitting business.

I started Pet and house sitting services in 1994 when i left the police force.I have always had a love for all animals big or small,creepy or cute and so i came up with idea of petcare at home. Fortunately my first “job” was a cairn called Rocky. he was old and a little deaf. My job was to visit three times a day for 3 days. when it came to put him to bed on the first day he looked so sad that he was being left that i decided he would be happiest with company at my home and so thats how the “boarding”business began. I might say that Rocky thought it was great having my dogs as pals and the owners were more than happy that he hadnt had to stay shut in on his own “watching the clock” for the next visit!

So all you pooches out there who come for holidays, walks and play remember to say a little thankyou to Rocky and his big brown pleading eyes! if it wasnt for him you would be stuck in a house on your own paws crossed waiting for a quick visit from a pet sitter.


I have found in my many years of experience that dogs like company.They are happier being here with me than having to stay alone in their home  with one or two visits. If you are away for the day(not over night)this wouldnt be too bad,although i would recommend having your dog come and stay at my home for the day as a better alternative (also no more costly) .

All dogs that come to stay have to be fully up to date with their innoccolations and also the kennel cough vaccine. They also have to be sociable with other dogs. Small dogs do not have to mix with bigger dogs,unless of course they want to. If they are happy to play with the others then i let them. They are of course supervised. Any rowdy behaviour is nipped in the bud! But to be honest its usually the little ones being rowdy!

The guests have a daily walk,some times two depending on time and how hot or wet the day is. We all get into the 4×4 and go to some super locations such as Oakamore,Park Hall or Cannock Chase. We usually get off at first light  in the summer months while its cool and we have the place to our selves. They then have the rest of the day to chill or play.


The aim of Pet and House Sitting Services is to help people to have a break  or well earned rest without the worry of what to do with the family pets. Maybe all the family are going to a special function and so cant help this time?  Well thats where i come in. i can tailor your pets visits and feeding times to suit you and your pets needs with  a daily visit(s)  Cat sand small pets can be visited fussed, fed and watered. cat trays cleaned. plants watered inside and hanging baskets etc watered in the summer and pots attended to. Lights  can be switched on/off and curtains open and closed to help deter would be burglars. Bins would be put out on appropriate days and mail removed from sight. Any unforseen problems such as water bursts or alarms can be dealt with and damage/nuisance level kept to a minimum.

An appointment is arranged for you to meet me and discuss your preferences for visits and care whilst you are away. All your pets needs and requirements are written down along with any medical history,medication and veterinary details. A proforma is filled out and emergency contacts,plumbers,electricians, family members etc. are all written down incase of sudden unforseen problems such as break in, burst pipes and such. If you have no relatives/friends to put down as contacts i would sort out the relevant people to deal with the problem until you got home. This is all part of the service, although costs of emergency call outs and repairs will be paid by yourself.


The dogs that board with me have the life of Riley. They get to play with other like minded dogs ,they soon sniff out those who are up for some fun .Playing chase  and rough and tumble and of course who can kill the toys the quickest!  Of course they also find out those who are grumpy stick in the muds too! 

Old dogs dont get pestered by the young energetic ones, for one they get told off by me and two they get told off by the old dog! The older dogs enjoy watching the others play, i think they reminise about the good old days when they could give them a run for the pups money (or boneos !)

Then there are their daily walks. They all pile into their very own dog car and off we go. Depending on the weather of course, sometimes it can be just too wet  , and in the summer it can get too hot (Yes really even in GB!)   They get to splash in ponds and rivers, jump in sludge and roll in unspeakable stuff and chase squirells in the woods. The up side to stinky wet dogs in your car is this, if I forget to lock the car i dont have to worry, the smell would knock a would be thief off their feet !

When you come for your pets interview we will discuss things such whether you want to have your dog off lead. If you have never tried your dog off lead,  due to your own worries of not getting them back, in this case most people leave me to asess how i “feel”about how the dog is behaving. After 20 years you do  sense the one who will be ok and those that you wont see for dust. Other dogs have had their chance with their owners and have blown it big style, in this case i will definately be keeping them on a lead.

I try and send MMS to folks on their hols (text messages)and i do get some good action photos of the dogs on the walks, unfortunately the owners whose dogs are on leads tend to get waggy tails and bums, Its the angle you see. I do make this up to the owners by getting nice snuggly pics of them in the doggy TV room and in the play field (yes they have a TV room !)

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