  • Boarding
  • Dog Day Care
  • Dog Training
  • Dog Walking
  • Drop In Visits
  • Grooming
  • House Sitting
  • Pets For Sale



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Your dog will benefit in so many ways. Socially they will learn rules and boundaries with other dogs and social etiquette. Nothing can drain energy from a dog more effectively than dogs play fighting and chasing, wrestling with each other. Walking a dog on a lead doesn’t drain energy like free play can.

Steve Dalton

Hi, I’m Steve, the owner of Packwalk.co.uk. I was 30 years in the Police and spent 10.5 happy years as a Dog handler, working my German Shepherd Dog Max and my Explosives Detection Dog Springer Spaniel Bracken, on the streets of the West Midlands.

On leaving the Dog Section, I ran on Puppies for the Police to keep my hand in and before retiring from the service, I set up Lookafteryourdog Home Dog Boarding Service. Dog Boarding was a logical extension and soon I was recruiting others to grow the business.

I owned and ran a Doggy daycare where I looked after up to 12 dogs a day in a secure environment, while the owners were at work. I learned a lot about dog behaviour and pack dynamics during this time.

The daycare had to close due to the Pandemic and so I decided to focus on running the dog boarding business and creating a new business where I could use my knowledge and skills to create Packwalks for dogs.

Packwalk has all the best parts of doggy daycare, the dogs coming together with regular buddies that they can let off steam with in a doggy way, wrestling and chasing, the enclosed environment, the supervision, but it doesn’t drag on too long so that the dogs get bored as many do at doggy daycare.

An hour of fun and play leaves them tired but wanting more and so you don’t see the dogs mopping around looking for their owners to come get them.

Our Service

Meet n Greet

I will visit your home free of charge, to meet you and your dog(s) before you decide to use the service.

I have a contract and a Vet release form that needs to be completed, which will set out what we agree between us and how I will deal with you and your dog.

I have a clear idea of what i am trying to achieve with Packwalk and so if your dog is not suitable for the activity, I will tell you and not just take your money.


Over many years, I have used the PetSitter Plus platform to deliver Dog Walking and Doggy Daycare services and have always found it to be easy to use, solid and reliable software.

You will have access to your own Client Portal, in which you can book or cancel walks, pay invoices and update all your dogs info.

After walks, the software allows me to send you a report card with Photo to reassure you that your dog was walked and is now safely back home.


Your dog will be collected and transported in a plain van so as not to attract attention to your possibly vacant property.

The van is fitted with 5 cages which have rubber matting and Vetbed covering for ease of cleaning and disinfection.

Your dog will be comfortably and safely transported and in the event of a rear end accident, the rear facing cages have back exits so that the dogs can be removed safely even if the back doors are damaged.

Enclosed field

From experience, i will not walk dogs off lead in an open environment for safety reasons. I walked a dog called Arthur off lead at his owners request for 6 months, before one day, he ran off in Sutton park and I found him 4 hours later, wet, bedraggled and exhausted. The dogs need to run freely and play, but there are many reasons why they might run off and i will not take that chance with your dogs, so they will be run in an enclosed field that is checked daily for security.

They can also be attacked by “stranger” dogs and I once walked a Doberman who was attacked 9 times on walk, luckily he was solid and didn’t retaliate, but I was dismayed at the end of the walk.


Particularily for lockdown dogs, socialisation has been missed for many and it is vital that the dogs be around other dogs and learn to control themselves and their behaviour in a pack dynamic.

Your dog will be able to do this in the small pack and can be monitored by me and their behaviour regulated.

Chasing and nipping, dominance can all be corrected and good behaviour rewarded by treats and play.

The Future

Initially this service will be offered in the morning from 09.30am to 1pm with a walk time of one hour from 10.30am, subject to issues at dogs homes etc.

In the future I may be able to add another morning walk or expand into the afternoon, or even into different areas. Watch this space and sign up for our newsletter for updates and info re the service.

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