  • Boarding
  • Dog Day Care
  • Dog Training
  • Dog Walking
  • Drop In Visits
  • Grooming
  • House Sitting
  • Pets For Sale

Training Tips & Dog Care Advice

Free Dog Training Articles – read online, or download a PDF or Word Doc to print

Dogs and Children – tips for staying safe around dogs.

Fireworks And Animals – Suggestions for animals especially dogs with a fear of Fireworks.

Dogs & Holidays – What to do with your dog while you are on holiday?

Hunt, Point & Retrieve Breeds As Pets – article discussing what you can do with your HPR breed, from field work to agility, obedience and showing. Especially useful for owners of over-excited HPRs everywhere!

Dog Walking Information – article explaining what to do if an unruly dog approaches, or if your dog starts to become unresponsive on walks.

Dog Showing Information – article explaining the different sorts of dog shows, how to apply and what to expect.

New Arrival Checklist – outlines all the items you need to make your new arrival feel at home.

Published Articles – Suffolk Magazine

So you would like to own a dog? – People buy or re-home dogs and puppies for all sorts of reasons, companionship, exercise, for work or simply because they were brought up with dogs as a child and want to embark on the ‘dog ownership’ journey themselves.

Having fun with your dog – Owning a dog is all about having fun with a capital “F” in my humble opinion.

Do dogs really understand what we say to them? – Do they know what we’re saying?


Help and Advice for new dog owners

First & foremost:

Before you collect your new puppy or dog, go and look at different dog training clubs and schools to see which one suits you and your dog best and book your place. Leaving it until you have your new puppy or dog may lead to being placed on a waiting list, and missing the important early training.

It is advisable to avoid training in the following circumstances:

  • If you or your dog is unwell.
  • If you are in a bad mood.
  • If the weather is too hot.
  • After feeding the dog.
  • If you are becoming frustrated with the results of your training session.
  • If you are in a hurry because of another appointment.

Training activities to try  with your dog

Once you have your puppy and it has at least  basic obedience you may like to have a go at one of the activities listed below.

Not all the activities listed  will be suitable for all owners nor all types or breeds of dog and some of the activities will need your dog to be at least a year old, whilst some dogs will need nurturing  for the activity before this age at specific training establishments.

  • Competition obedience.
  • Beginners/fun dog agility.
  • Working trials.
  • Search and rescue.
  • Field trials.
  • Working tests.
  • Cani-cross.
  • Heelwork to music.
  • Breed dog  shows.
  • Companion dog shows.
  • Fly- ball.
  • P.A.T. dogs  (Pets as Therapy).

Some Suggestions:

– If your dog is not performing a particular exercise as well as usual then stop and ask the dog to do an exercise you know he can do so you end the training  on a positive note.

– Remember, dogs are not robots.  Please allow  your dog to have rest days where the most you  do with them  is have a game with their special toy and lots of fun.

– Try ‘silent’ walk times, whereby you only talk to your dog if you need to.

– For example very often I will walk my dogs and when they are running free and they turn to  look round at  me, I use my body language to invite them to come to me or to sit at a distance.

– Remember that your dog needs to be taught to do or not to do a particular exercise.  For example not to chase, to come back when called, to fetch, to walk nicely on it’s leash.

– When your dog appears not to be able to do a particular exercise, ask yourself whether or not you have been clear with your command or whether he had learnt the exercise fully to begin with.

– Try training at different locations with different distractions.

– Take your dog to town or to a agricultural show/country fair to get him used to crowds and noises.  Remember to keep your dog on a lead at all times and pick up your dog’s poo and dispose of properly.

– When looking for a training club or school, be sure to ask if you may go and watch first before paying out any money.  This way you can descide whether training, venue and instructor is for you.

– Invest in a good dog book which encourages positive reinforcement training.  It is down to personal preference as to which book you buy.

– Always praise and reward good behaviour and verbally correct the behaviour you do not want.

– Timing and consistency are  very important in training  so if you do not wish your dog to climb up onto  the furniture then teach it not to, but try not to change your mind two days later by letting the dog get away with it.  The poor dog will be totally confused.

– It is important that all members of the family sing from the same song sheet.  So if your command to ‘sit’ is ‘sit’, be sure you’re not changing it to ‘sit down’!

– Teach your puppy its name.  This may sound  simple , but you would be surprised how many people give a name to their puppy such as ‘pippa’ then just as the dog has learnt it(and sometimes before the dog has learnt it)they start calling the dog by ‘pip’.  Is it any wonder dogs fail to return to their owners when they are not sure who they are !!!

– Regardless of breed or size of dog, all dogs should be socialised and trained.  Even the smallest breed can turn into an aggressive dominant dog or simply be an ill mannered one, just as much as a large breed.  Besides which, its good for all dogs to be mentally stimulated to a lesser or greater degree even if its just to teach tricks or do basic obedience .  There are several books on the market on how to teach your dog tricks and there are also some  on ‘games to play with your dog’.

– Teach the recall/come at meal times and try to use a whistle as well (three toots with the name of the dog and the command ‘come’ is a great way to begin), so should your dog range too far for you to call, the whistle will generally carry across the distance.  However, do try not to let your dog range too far.

– Teach the command ‘stop’.  It’s a great command for stopping dogs playing.  Play between dogs(ruff and tumble)should be supervised and stopped after 15 seconds, before it gets out of hand.  Its fair to say, there is a fine line between playful behaviour and aggressive behaviour and if you are unable to stop your dog from playing, you may find it hard to stop a possible fight taking place.

– Other commands which maybe taught are sit, down, come, stand, take it, leave it, look/watch me.

– Keep training sessions fun and short, no more than two 5 minute session  for puppies every two to three days.  Some need only one 5 minute session a day.  If using the ‘play training’ method then 15 minutes at a time is not an issue for a six month old puppy.  But remember all puppies develop at different rates.

– Always end a training session on a positive note.

– Traveling suggestions: When you take your dog out in the car please remember to take water and keep a dog first aid kit in your vehicle in case needed. I would also suggest that you invest in attending an animal aiders course (first aid course for cat and dog owners).

– Introducing your new arrival to existing pets;  take your time if needed to make introductions.  Remain calm, pulse rate low and remember to praise the good behaviour and verbally correct the unwanted behaviour .  Be patient and try not to rush things as there is no rush.  We took ten weeks to integrate our kittens into our household with our dogs and the patience paid off.

Unfortunately, I am unable to answer any questions regarding problems with your dog via email or telephone and would therefore suggest you get in touch with your local dog training instructor or canine behaviourist.


Always try to be a responsible dog owner and respect other peoples property, their dogs space when out on a walk,  the countryside with its wildlife and of course  farmers & gamekeepers and their land, livestock  and game. The ‘right to roam act’ does not mean you can walk your dog anywhere and every where and allow it to free run all over the place.

Enjoy your dog, have fun training and remember your dog looks to you for everything – food, water, love and health care and much more.  Owning a dog can be very expensive, so think long and hard before you go out and buy or rehome a dog. If you are after a particular breed of dog, then read up on the breed and talk to other people before you purchase it.

If you are thinking about starting a family, have a baby or young children, ask yourself if you will be able to cope with a puppy or a young dog.  Many dogs are rehomed because the parents find they can no longer cope with the dog and the children as well.  This is very distressing for the dog especially if they have to spend a length of time in a rehoming centre before finding a new home.  So think long and hard before you put your new member of the family through this.

About Us – Sophia Taylor

About On The Scent.

Listed as one of the Top 10 dog training schools in Suffolk UK by Pooch and Harmony.

‘On the Scent’ provide training which is fun, kind and motivating for both the canine companion and their guardian.

Our classes are held in the East Anglian village of Great Ashfield which is situated between Bury St. Edmunds and Stowmarket in Suffolk and where we draw clients from all over the UK.

In 2012 we had a client travel from Germany over night to attend one of the Friday morning Classes whilst on her way to meet her family, this was very humbling.  Since then we have several clients who have travelled from other counties and stayed in the area so they are able to come to us to train their dogs with us.

The classes take place outdoors on our ten acre site, where we are able to train in a natural environment, with all the scent and some of the distractions that will be encountered  everyday on walks.

r dog training school was in the village of Thurston, Suffolk on a smaller site, but as we expanded we wanted to increase the type of activities and services that we are now able to provide in a safe stimulating environment.

We provide training with a ‘behavioural and scientific influence’ as the two go hand in hand, but we also look outside the box , we are very keen to teach the life skills needed to have a well balanced and happy dog.  We do not offer certificates of success as we believe all clients are able to achieve their personal best and for some clients being in a too competitive environment can be off putting.

All types of dogs are welcome to attend our classes, our speciality is in the ‘hunt, point and retrieve’ breeds and the ‘working Cocker spaniels’. Our aim is to help you, the guardian to have a strong and happy relationship with your canine companion.

Swayne and Partners veterinary Surgery in Bury St. Edmunds hold ‘puppy socialisation’ classes for puppies who are not yet vaccinated and I was delighted when they asked ‘On the Scent’ to take one of the four sessions regularly for about two years to discuss the importance of having fun activities to do with dogs and the importance of training, boundaries and limitations.

I have also had the opportunity to also train several dogs born deaf both in Obedience and other disciplines.

For further information do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

We thoroughly enjoy what we do here, it is fun, interesting and at times very challenging.

This is not my job, it is my passion. 

For those of you on social media, we now have our own public face book page which is ‘On the Scent’ Dog training Suffolk. UK.

For severe behavioural issues like aggression towards people or other dogs, separation anxiety and more challenging behaviours then Helen Goodall of Dogs Behaving Badly is the person to contact.  Details maybe found on the ‘About Us’ page of this website.

On the Scent is run by myself and a small team of trainees and volunteers who also teach to the highest of standards the same way as my mentor and now good friend Sue Evans of Alpha Dog Training in London has done for me.  It was Sue’s encouragement, support and belief in me over the years which has kept me going.

Sue has been the best mentor anyone could ask for and has been and still is incredibly generous with her time, wealth of knowledge and support.  Its thanks to Sue and her continued support that has helped towards the success of On the Scent.

Founder of the Kennel Club Accreditation Scheme which has since been given into the hands of other members of the KC, Sue now co runs the Registration Council for which I am a signatory.

God bless you.  Sophia.


About Sophia

MGoDT (MT) Member Guild of Dog Trainers (Master Trainer)

Guild Master Dog Trainer (www.godt.org.uk

Signatory with the Registration Council for the RCDTBP. 

Dog Training College Approved Instructor.

Member of the Hungarian Vizsla Club.

Kennel Club German Pointer Show judge. C List.

As a child I was brought up with dogs, cats and horses and always felt I had an affinity with them.  My father and mother always encouraged my enthusiasm for animals and as I grew up I started to concentrate more on the dogs and the training that could be achieved through food reward and praise like teaching simple tricks and tasks around the home.

When I first had a canine companion, dog training was mainly check chains and formality in the classes I attended and play was not incorporated in the class situation.  We didn’t know any different then.  Thank goodness training has progressed since then and I am delighted that the majority of clubs today now use play as well as food reward and praise to achieve results from the dogs being trained, whether for obedience competitions, gun dog trials or agility.

I had several different work placements since leaving school and before starting on my dog training journey my main line of work was as the only Qualified Foundation Wear Consultant in Bury St. Edmunds and surrounding counties.  ( Measuring and fitting ladies of all ages with their undergarments)

Some of my customers were transgender and would travel from other towns to see me as they knew I was open minded and discrete.

Some of these customers were lawyers, barristers, public figures who needed to come and be helped.

It has been an amazing journey and have met many people from all walks of life from the shy young girl buying her first undergarment to the elderly lady wanting to be fitted with their old fashioned corsets!

The most rewarding part of my work though had to be the ladies who would come to be via the Hospitals who had undergone surgery for a mastectomy.  I was able to help them feel like a shapely lady again and play a very small part in their re cooperation process.  These ladies had wonderful sense of humours and were a delight to meet and help.

Of course there were also the comedians at Christmas, the young men who were wanting to buy for their girlfriends who would pop in slightly merry as they felt they needed Dutch courage to come into the lingerie department of the store.

However, my heart was always with animals, especially dogs and slowly as time went on I started to help friends to train their own dogs as well as my own, eventually helping me to make the decision to start training other people and their dogs on a one to one and finally starting up the classes.

Courses and Training.

Canine skeletal development, Confirmation and movement.

Two day Clicker Training Workshop.

Gundog retrieving training days. German Pointers. Yorkshire.

School of canine Science:  30 day challenge. Puppy Lab.  Scent for Six.  Walking Equipment.

On going:  Canine Nutrition Diploma.  Canine Behaviour Training Diploma.  Zoo Pharmacognosy Diploma.  Anxiety and Fear with Canine Principles.


Various Breed specific Dog shows around the UK  at Championship level and open show level.

Competition Obedience.

Competition agility.

Judged a number of fun dog shows.

Since 21st October 2009 I have been with the ‘Guild of Dog Trainers as a Master Dog Trainer’. For further information please go to www.godt.org.uk

As of 18th May 2019 I have been registered with the Registration Council for Dog Training and Behaviour Practitioners as a Signatory.

Since March 2019 I have been approved and listed with The Dog Training College. On the Scent is listed on their Approved ‘find a dog trainer’ website.

I am a member of the Hungarian Vizsla Club and the Kennel Club and have appeared on Local radio a number of times to discuss dogs and the importance of training and life skills.

Since starting up ‘On The Scent’ I have met some wonderful people and their beautiful if not sometimes challenging canine companions.

After appearing in the November 2009 issue off the Suffolk Magazine,  I was invited as of January 2010  to write a monthly column for them on Dog Training and Behaviour and also appeared in a double page spread of the Shooting times magazine for which I felt extremely lucky and blessed to be given these opportunities to continue to promote responsible dog ownership to the general public.

I am a Christian and feel incredibly blessed to have met and still meet wonderful people and their amazing dogs.

Thank you for visiting the ‘On the Scent’ website.  We hope you enjoyed its content and will want to tell your friends about us.

Visit us again soon!                                         


About Helen

My name is Helen Goodall and I have been a practising Dog Behaviourist since 2000, mainly in the Suffolk area.  I am certificated with the Canine Behaviour Centre. Working with organisations such as RSPCA and Action Aid for Animals, she has successfully rehabilitated and re-homed many dogs needing critical help.  I am a Veterinary Nurse and resident Dog Behaviourist for Haughley and Thurston Veterinary Surgeries.

I have known Sophia for many years and encourage owners to join Sophia’s training school as a vital part of a dog’s learning and positive experience process. Agility is a great way to improve a dog’s physical confidence and ability.  Sophia’s outdoor facilities create a calm open environment in which your dog can learn and have fun around other dogs, safely.

Part of my service is to visit you in your home and work with you, developing a therapy and training programme that is specific to the needs of you and your dog.

During an initial consultation and progressing through hourly follow-up sessions, working with you and your dog on any behavioural problem. I specialises in dog aggression, socialisation, fears and phobias, separation anxiety, body language and the effects of stress.

“It is essential that I help an owner understand why their dog behaves the way they do. Devising specific methods of practical help and guidance enables the owner to feel more confident in situations. They can help their dog listen to them and trust them, rather than responding through fear or protection, for example. I encourage owners to keep in contact between sessions via phone or email, it is important to me that owners can feel supported throughout the process of their dog’s behaviour modification.”

All behaviour modification therapy programmes devised by me, are based on positive association principles and the influence of positive guidance and leadership.

To learn more about me and my work, visit my website www.dogsbehavingbadly.co.uk For consultations and more information, call me on 01359 241890 or 07788  718852.


About Paul

Paul is a qualified Agility Approved Instructor(AAI) and teaches on a Sunday morning.

He has competed with Spider, his working Cocker Spaniel but now happily teaches our clients to have fun with their own dogs.

Paul is branch manager of a business in Ipswich where he is also their qualified paint technician.

About Sandra

My name is Sandra and I started training with my first dog – a working golden retriever by the name of Gin-Hendrick when I was living in Germany. 

Very soon I fell in love with teaching dogs in general and I am affiliated now with On the Scent since 2018 where I also continue to train our dog. I am passionate about science based and ethical training, as well as communication and body language. 

I am an assistant teacher and trainer trainee with On the Scent. To gain additional knowledge I am also enrolled in courses with the School of Canine Science about Scent & Puppy behavior, development & socialization, as well as an Anxiety and Fear Course with Canine Principles. 

Furthermore I help managing the Facebook Page DTC Insider as a community manager. This page is organized by the Dog Training College,  from whom I also hold a Reactive Rascals Certificate.

I am also a member of the Guild of Dog Trainers.”

Prices as of 1st December 2022

ALL Taster sessions or to spectate. £20.00 cash on the day.   

*PLEASE NOTE* Taster sessions are only for agility, hoopers, puppy classes and parkour and not for any other classes.


Puppy Socialisation and training.

£200.00 for 10 weeks.  Price is per dog.

Intermediate and advanced obedience.

£160.00 for 10 weeks.  Price is per dog.

Agility, Hoopers and Parkour.

£140.00 for 10 weeks. Price is per dog.  

All above classes are based on a 10 week term.  On week 9 a text or whatsapp renewal message is sent to invite you to renew for another 10 weeks.  Payment for ALL classes is due 2 days from renewal text by bacs payment if you are wishing to keep the place otherwise it is released and no longer available to you.

We need ONE WEEKS notice if you are unable to attend a class or you may be charged for the session.

We are unable to offer pay as you go as we believe in continuity and commitment to your dog and we like to keep our classes to a manageable size to ensure maximum benefits to both guardian and canine companion.

We appreciate booking a block of sessions will not suit everyone, however having tried previously the ‘pay as you go’ option, we found this not to be beneficial to our clients or their much loved companions.

Refunds:  Once you  have had a taster/observation session with us at any of  our classes and should you decide to book a block of 10 please note no refunds will be given.

We ask all prospective clients to please read all our terms and conditions before contacting us to book for your chosen course.  Thank you. 


Thursday Evening Activity night and Thursday evening Canine Golden years, Fit and Fun time.                                                                                                    £200.00 for 10 weeks.

Private tuition

Dogs which are 6 months of age and over, a rescue or a rehome will require a private consultation before being able to attend our obedience classes as they will need to be assessed for suitability and to observe where both the handler and dog are with their training to date.

Initial consultation:  £150.00 for one and a half hours payable by BACS on day of booking.  This is a phone consult to ask questions and any remaining minutes are added to the practical session at the dog training ground. 

Please contact me for further information.

Followed by £55.00 per hour payable by BACS(Bank transfer)on day of booking.  

We are sorry but Private lessons are unable to be reserved without payment.  Also please be aware that failure to turn up on the day without giving at least 24 hours notice by telephone call or text message to 07784 349976, will be charged and no refund will be given.

We also offer the following for private clients after initial consultation.

5   x 121 for £250.00

10 x 121 for £450.00

PAYMENT FOR THE ABOVE IS DUE BY BACS  on the day the booking is taken and bank account and sort code details maybe found below or number 13 of our terms and conditions.

Block of 5 private lessons to be used within 12 months from when payment is made subject to weather conditions and covid 19.  NOTE: any private lessons not taken within this time period will be subject to extra charges due to any price increase.

Block of 10 private lessons to be used within 14 months from when payment is made subject to weather conditions and covid 19.  NOTE: any private lessons not taken within this time period will be subject to extra charges due to any price increase.

Please note NO REFUNDS are given once you have booked your private lessons.


Santander business account 04830024  Sort code: 09-01-50 MRS SW TAYLOR ON THE SCENT then please texted me once payment has been made.  If payment is not made on day of booking by 6pm then any private lessons booked will be released to other clients.


No workshops or events planned at the moment due to Covid 19 pandemic.  However do keep an eye on this website and social media public face book page, On the Scent dog training Suffolk UK.

All dogs must be vaccinated either on annual or three yearly vaccinations programme. Proof will be required. LEPTO is required yearly.

*Fun ‘Scent’ workshop.

*Clicker training workshop.

*Parkour workshop.

*Fun Gun dog training workshop.

*Fun Activity event.

On the Scent Canine Activity Experience.  

Watch this space for 2022.

Our Classes on offer

General Information

All classes are booked in advance after taster session and payable by BACS and our bank details maybe found in number 13 of our Terms and Conditions. All puppies and adult dogs must have an up to date vaccination record if they wish to come to our venue. Proof of this is requested on the first visit; without it, you may not be able to take part in the classes unless we can contact your vet by telephone on the day.

Dogs which are not vaccinated will not be permitted onto the site however, we can arrange training off the venue.

Please note we do accept three yearly vaccinations providing lepto is given annually.

Classes are held at our outdoor venue between Stowmarket and Bury St Edmunds, close to the A14.

Class sizes

– We endeavour to keep the puppy class size to a maximum of 8 – 10 puppies.
– Further learning classes to a maximum of 15 dogs but the average is up to 10 dogs.
– The agility classes to a maximum of 10 dogs.
– The training workshops are from 6 to 10 dogs, depending on the workshop being held.

-Parkour, Bloopers hoopers and Rally obedience classes are kept to maximum of 8 – 10 dogs.

-All other disciplines to a maximum of 10 dogs.


Step 1b: Private & One-to-One Clients: Please read our One-to-One information sheet.


Step 2: Download the Booking Form (PDF)

Please download, print and complete this booking form once you have reserved your place on one of our courses and bring it with you with your payment.  Please do not email it to us.  Thank you.

Please note that as of January 2019 we no longer take cheques as payment despite the information on the booking form.  Payment is by BACS only and account details maybe found in section 13 of our terms and conditions.  Many thanks.


Classes and other Activities we offer

Puppy socialisation and further learning classes

The classes are for puppies from once they have completed their vaccination course up to senior years of age. In brief we cover sit, down, stand, recall away from play and walking nicely on a loose leash along with life skill training and whistle training and much more and all classes are fun for both you and your canine companion.

Classes are run on a ten consecutive week basis, and last for 45 minutes per class.

Beginners Class

For puppies who have completed the puppy course.  This class is on a Saturday only at 10.15 am.

Beginners / Fun dog agility

Classes are held all the year round unless the weather stops play!

Fun Dog Agility – Booked in blocks of 10 consecutive weeks. From beginners upwards.
– Dogs must be a minimum age of one year, fit and not over weight.
– For the dog owners, agility is a great way to get fitter or to stay fit, but I have to say once the dogs know what they are doing, very often the owners get left behind!

Dog Agility is very good for the Working Gun dog too, where their owners wish to get their dogs fit for the next Shooting season or keep them fit throughout the Summer months after a busy Shooting season.  It’s an excellent way for dog and handler to relax and have fun!

We are not for those who wish to take part in competitions but can recommend other agility schools who do compete.  We teach Fun Safe agility on the correct equipment for those who wish to add another activity to their dogs life.

Many working dogs and their owners will do this fun sport between March and September as it helps to keep the dog’s brain active and the body fit… it also helps keep the owners fit for purpose too! Between May and September we offer Agility and Parkour parties.

Training workshops

Fun events for both the guardian and their dog who has specific training needs like their canine companion pulling on the lead, recall issues, through to those guardians who would like to learn more about ’Clicker’ training or other canine activities available but who are unable to commit to a 10 week training term.

The workshops are held periodically and last from two hours upwards.
Days and times maybe found below under the Events for 2019.  Alternatively see our Face Book page ‘On the Scent dog training’ Suffolk.

Private tuition

Prices are charged at £150 for the first one and a half  hours consultation and then £55 per hour for all other sessions or clients may book either five or ten consecutive lessons to get a discount.  Private lessons are very popular for those needing a more bespoke approach.  From mouthing, jumping up and poor recall to pulling on the lead and lack of focus. These sessions are tailormade for you and your dog of any age or breed type.

Home visits

I no longer offer this service but I am able to refer to the appropriate trainer and behaviourist for your specific needs.

 Canine Parkour

Canine Parkour is a super new sport from the USA.  There is currently one other dog school offering Parkour in East Anglia.  We offer Parkour as another fun activity for you and your dog.  Apart from being great fun, it is also brilliant for nervous dogs, reactive dogs, hyper dogs, confidence building and to be honest to help create and even stronger bond between dog and owner.

Dogs of all ages and breed types are able to do parkour at ground level.  larger and fitter dogs are able to go on to the higher equipment available here.

It is also very helpful for building up muscle tone on dogs which have had joint injuries and have been signed off from their veterinary surgeon and for dogs for who agility is not suitable. Contact us for more details.

Rally Obedience

New for 2019.  Class times and days to be confirmed.  This will be for fun and not for competition.


Fun and games through hoops, round barrels and through tunnels.  A low impact sport for any dog of any age and any breed. FUN FUN FUN all the way.

Canine Golden Years.

No one likes to think of their dog getting older but sadly that is one thing all animals and humans do, God willing health and fitness allowing.

These sessions are for the older dog or the less mobile canine companion or dogs who have never been asked to exercise their brain.

Do not be mistaken, you can teach an older dog new tricks!

These fun sessions are for dogs from the age of 8 years of age or dogs with limited movement or partial deafness.

These groups will involve, scent work, parkour, hoopers, seated training games or rally obedience at a gentle pace.




Class times


Day time only:   Open for Private lessons but do call for other days and times available.


Puppy Class:                                                                                                    11.15 am
Intermediate:                                                                                                  12.15 pm
Advanced:                                                                                                          1.15 pm


Intermediate class:  for Puppies 6 months of age and over                   10.15 am

Puppy class: For puppies 12 weeks of age and over                                 11.15 am

Advanced class:   For experienced dogs.                                                    12.15 pm

Sunday Fun Day                   

Agility:                                                                                                            11.15 am

Parkour:    Every two weeks                                                                       11.15 am

Hoopers:    Every two weeks                                                                       11.15 am


Agility:                                                                                          11.15 am and 12.30pm

Tuesday CLOSED.

Wednesday Private lessons only.

Thursday  Private lessons only..

April to September:  Canine activity night.  Alternate weeks.  6.45 pm for approximately one hour.  Parkour,  Hoopers, Rally obedience, scent work, seated training games which ever you fancy doing on the night.  The main aim is to have ~FUN xxx

Golden years, Fit and Fun:  Alternate weeks as above and also using balance cushions and wobble boards where appropriate to help improve balance and maintain fitness level.

EVENTS:  there are currently no events planned for 2022.

Arriving to Class:

Please arrive only 10 minutes before your class is due to start so you can get your dog settled as we do start on time and this saves disruption to other clients and their dogs.  On your first visit please KEEP YOUR DOG IN YOUR CAR until we have seen your dogs vaccination record.  It is greatly appreciated that you would all please keep your dog(s) on lead at ALL times.  Thank you.

Products for Sale

Treats and Chews

We currently sell the Antos range of dog treats and chews and hope to be increasing our range of other products in time.  Please do not hesitate to ask for further details.


We will only be selling ‘Natural’ treats with no artificial colouring’s or flavourings.

We are also happy to promote the following  dog foods.  A dry food diet and a raw food diet because we appreciate that like us all dogs are different and also not all dog owners will want to feed raw if they do not like handling raw food.

ARDEN GRANGE complete dry food and tinned wet food.

FORTHGLADE steamed tray food.

LAUGHING DOG baked mixer biscuit.

NATURAL INSTINCT – Complete raw food from puppy to the senior years.

COTSWOLD RAW-Complete raw food from Puppy to senior years.

Please note that there are many good dog foods on the market to suit every pocket.  The foods I mention I can say that I have seen great results with both with our own dogs and with clients dogs.  Choose a food that is right for your dog and its activity.

Contact Us

For further information about any of the services we provide do not hesitate to call me, Sophia on 01359 233 049 between 9 AM and 6 PM Monday to Friday or tex message 07784 349976.  Both contact numbers have a 24 hour answer machine however please note that with held numbers to the mobile will not be answered.

We do our best to answer calls and tex messages within 2 to 4 working days. However, we do ask for your patience during holiday periods or at times when answering your enquiry is delayed due to circumstances beyond our control.

Thank You.

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