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More For Dogs


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Hi, I’m Vikki, the owner of More for Dogs and I carry out all of the sessions.

My entire background revolves around dogs and dog training so I have plenty of experience, as well as educational knowledge. I have a BSc (Hons) Degree in Animal Behaviour and a Level 3 Diploma in Canine Nutrition. I have worked in a variety of dog training roles including being a dog trainer for the UK’s largest dog charity and I continue to build on my knowledge  through regular studying of all things dog! More than that, though, I have a true passion for working with dogs and I put everything into helping my clients build a positive, lifelong bond with their dog.

My passion for dog training and behaviour started at a very young age. Sadly, when I was eight years old, my family’s golden retriever had to be put to sleep due to behavioural problems. I have always lived with animals and at this time my family had a crossbreed rescue dog called Max who had been found starving tied to a tree in the woods, and a golden retriever called Holly who we had from a puppy. Despite attending relevant training classes and spending lots of time training her at home, Holly developed aggression problems around food. My parents quickly called in a dog behaviourist and followed all of their advice. Despite this, Holly’s behaviour worsened. My parents then sought a second behaviourist who was unable to help. Sadly, my parents eventually had to make the incredibly difficult decision to have Holly put to sleep when her unresolved behaviour problems had become dangerous. I was eight at the time and the news devastated me. Ever since this I have felt that I wanted to somehow prevent other dogs losing their lives and families going through this trauma due to similar behavioural problems.

Whilst I was studying at university, my family found the documents from the behaviourist who had advised them on training for Holly all those years ago. From reading the advice my parents had been given, I could immediately see why Holly’s issues only worsened after following it. Unfortunately most of the training techniques at that time were dominance style which we now know is not the way we should train dogs. I know that if Holly had been taught using different, kinder training methods her life could have been saved. Of course this is no fault of my parents who followed the professional’s advice, believing this would help Holly. I have since worked with dogs who have had similar behavioural problems that Holly displayed and I have helped to resolve them. Being able to help both dogs and owners in ways like this is why my work means so much to me!



With over 7 years’ experience working with clients to resolve training and behaviour problems, I can help you with a range of issues you may be having with your dog. These include, but are not limited to:


  • All aspects of puppy training including chewing & mouthing, toilet training, recall, obedience commands (wait, stay, down, etc), jumping up, walking on the lead, crate training and more

  • Pulling on the lead

  • Recall (coming back when called)

  • Chasing behaviours

  • Separation problems

  • Guarding/possessive behaviours

  • Obsessive behaviours

  • Excessive barking

  • Fears & anxiety


Puppy Classes


Indoor puppy classes are held in Staincross, Barnsley. There is a maximum of seven puppies per class so that I am always able to provide every person and their dog with individual guidance and answer any questions. 


Classes run for seven weekly sessions and must be booked in advance.


I believe it is important to have an understanding of your dog’s behaviour and how to avoid any possible problems in the future. For this reason, teaching focuses on a mixture of obedience training and understanding your dog and what he is trying to communicate to you. Personalised nutritional advice is also included. Teaching includes:


  • How dogs learn and why we must use reward-based training to teach them

  • Food, feeding & rewards

  • Mental stimulation ideas

  • Socialisation

  • Sit, down and stand
  • Wait & stay

  • Recall (coming back when called)

  • Leave & drop

  • Lead walking

  • Impulse control

  • Training around distractions

  • Advice on all aspects of puppy training including chewing and mouthing, toileting, jumping up, teaching to be alone and more

  • How to avoid behavioural problems in the future and help your dog to grow into a happy, well-rounded adult!


One-to-One Home Visits


I am a positive reinforcement, reward-based trainer. This means I will show you how to teach your dog in a way that they will understand without any need to use force. There is no reason to be heavy handed with a dog.


I believe in taking a holistic approach to dog training and behaviour, looking at your dog as an individual with individual motivators and needs. This means that every training session is tailored to you and your dog.  I offer this on a one-to-one basis, usually in your own home. I will support you throughout your training and I will be available to contact through WhatsApp, telephone and email throughout your training journey.  


I will be committed to your training plan for as long as you need me. Behaviour problems develop over time so therefore a ‘quick fix’ is not suitable. Some training issues can be resolved in one visit but to ensure the problems are fully resolved, usually I will visit you more than once to check how things are going and to progress the training. Therefore, I can tailor a package to you so that you pay once rather than per visit. I am based in Barnsley but I work across South and West Yorkshire.


I can visit you at a time that suits you best, including evenings and weekends.


All one-to-one home visit sessions include a written summary and  support through messaging and email. Cost is tailored to your individual requirements. If several visits are needed, a tailored package price can be arranged for you.


Outdoor Training Sessions


Where specific outdoor training is required such as recall training, I have use of  two securely fenced training fields. This provides a controlled environment to build your dog’s training in safety.  Other outdoor training is also available where appropriate, such as lead training.


Nutritional Advice for Your Dog


I offer tailored nutritional advice and diet plans for your dog. I can guide you on food choices of either dry food, raw, or home prepared diets. For any dog owner,  choosing a dog food can be a minefield and many do not realise the huge impact that a dog’s diet has on his health and behaviour. Therefore, huge improvements in a dog’s health, wellbeing and behaviour can often be observed after an appropriate change of diet. Although I do believe balanced raw diets to be the healthiest food for dogs, I also understand that this may not suitable for every owner so I will work with you to find a food that best suits your dog and works for you.

Your dog may require a change in diet if they display any of the following:


  • Hyperactivity

  • Excessive itching/scratching

  • Loose stools or diarrhoea

  • Over or under weight

  • Dull coat or dry skin

  • ‘Hot spots’ on the skin

  • Recurring ear infections

  • Watery eyes

  • Issues with anal sacs (glands)


​All tailored nutritional plans come with follow-up support and a written plan for you to follow.

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