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Kim Potter Dog Training


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Professional dog trainer

As a professional dog behaviourist and trainer, with over 25 years’ experience, I am truly dedicated to dogs. Welcome to my website. Dogs are such fun, so intelligent, loving and loyal – and they ask so little from us.

As dog owners, we love them to bits, but we don’t always understand them: they are still hunting, scavenging, sexual, pack animals, with their associated needs which often differ from ours. Let me teach you how to ‘think dog’.

About Kim Potter

As a full-time professional dog trainer and behaviourist, with over 25 years’ experience, I am truly dedicated to dogs.

We need to know how to communicate our wishes to them and how to change their behaviours which get them into trouble. With this in mind, I provide home visits specialising in one-to-one personalised dog training sessions at your home and walking areas, to suit your specific needs.

What is dog training?

We must use our touch, voice and body language, always in a calm, defined and consistent way, so that your dog can fully understand you.

We want to win them mentally by having firm but fair boundaries and making ourselves fun to be with, so that they want to please us.

There is no excuse at all for any shouting or smacking, I will help you work with a variety of issues such as dog aggression problems.

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