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Hello, and welcome to Joyful Paws !

My name is Joy Yeates (nee Harrison) and I have 30 years of experience of living with and handling dogs of all breeds, so please rest assured that you will be placing the care of your beloved dogs in very safe hands.  I know the importance of dogs in our lives ~ they truly are our family ~ so yours will be treated with the same loving care as if they were my own.

Over the years, I have had the pleasure of living with 5 GSDs, 3 Terrier Crossbreeds, a Chihuahua, an Old Tyme Bulldog, an Italian Mastiff, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, a Dachschund-Cross and a Cocker Spaniel, all of which but one were rescued.  My first dog was a GSD called Cassie who I rescued when she was 1 year old, but I soon discovered she suffered with nervous aggression.  I was very inexperienced at that time, but it was my yearning for knowledge to understand why she behaved the way that she did that put me on my path to learning about dog behaviour.

My craving for knowledge led me to study under the eminent behaviourists John Rogerson, Turid Rugaas and Sheila Harper, amongst others, which has given me not only an insight in how to train dogs using motivational, reward-based methods, but also an understanding of the incredible way that they communicate with both us and each other through their body language, using clearly defined Calming Signals.

I gained initial experience after attending a local pet dog training school with Cassie (which served to highlight her particular behavioural issues) and I was later invited to become one of their instructors.  I instructed in their classes for 2 years before becoming involved with an associate of John Rogerson’s, Dolores Palmer, who later assisted in helping me rehabilitating my second GSD, Saxon.

I rescued Saxon when he was 2 years old, as his original owners no longer wanted him because they had a baby on the way.  They’d initially given him to the West Midlands Police Force to be trained as a police dog, but Saxon did not cope well and chewed off all of the fur from his tail, and would spin in circles endlessly due to the stress he’d been subjected to.  After he was rejected by the police, his family sought to re-home him and so he came to live with me.

Saxon was a very complex dog with many serious behavioural problems, but he was the dog from whom I learned the most.  Internationally renowned behaviourist John Rogerson personally described Saxon as being ‘a little bit mental’ after I’d consulted him for advice; an associate of his later worked with me to try and help resolve Saxon’s issues.  Over time we became friends and it was she, together with John, who co-founded an organisation called Dog AID (Assistance In Disability).

For 10 years from the early 90s, I helped to establish Dog AID in becoming a registered charity, helping dog owners with physical disabilities to train their own pet dogs in basic commands, and in suitable cases to train them to become Assistance Dogs.  In those early days with only the two of us working to get Dog AID up and running, I handled everything from editing/publishing their newsletter, designing & maintaining their first website, arranging publicity, fielding general enquiries and being the trainer for the Coventry area.

In addition, I also organised demonstrations at county shows the Town & Country Festival, Coventry and the Three Counties, Malvern, and at other smaller events.  I trained and worked my own GSDs Cassie and, later on, Delta, at these demonstrations, showing the public how dogs could be trained to assist disabled owners.  Delta was an incredible boy and performed in his first show when only 10 months of age, demonstrating the retrieval of objects by name, picking up dropped items such as leads, walking sticks & crutches, removing washing from washing machines, opening/closing doors, switching lights on/off, and helping owners remove their clothing, to name but a few exercises.

Once Dog AID achieved charitable status, I left and moved on to working with dog owners on a 1-2-1 basis, teaching basic training and helping them solve behavioural problems. Problems can often begin within the home environment, so I commence training there initially as it’s where both dog and owner already feel comfortable, before progressing to outdoor training and/or socialisation as may be required.

In between times, I attended agility with Cassie for fun, and dabbled in competition in both obedience and working trials, the civilian version of police dog work. My GSD’s enjoyed the latter immensely, the nose work elements in particular ~ searching & tracking ~ because it was simply channelling their natural instincts.  In fact, despite Saxon’s numerous problems, with kind training he became a great tracking dog and was also very enthusiastic when it came to man work (chasing and catching ‘criminals’).

I’m involved with dog rescue too, and spent the latter months of 2016 working as the behaviourist for a local centre, whilst I am currently working with ‘Forgotten Souls Rescue’, helping rehabilitate and re-home Romanian street dogs.

My personal opinion is that because of immense over-breeding and the recent trend for ‘designer’ crossbreeds that there are far too many dogs in rescue kennels awaiting homes at present, and worse still, hundreds being euthanised due to lack of available homes.

Dogs seem to ‘find’ me when they need a home, and I’m a firm believer that everything that happens for a reason and so they’re where they’re meant to be, as happened with my all of my beloved dogs.

My passion for helping dogs and their humans over the years eventually led to me to my decision to make it my life’s work by creating ‘Joyful Paws’, and I now dedicate my full attention to ensuring that I can help as many dogs and their humans as possible to live their lives in harmony together.

Offering professional, friendly, caring yet affordable assistance, I receive referrals from Vets4Pets, Walsgrave, Coventry, have been invited to do

many online presentations by various organisations, having also been consulted by T.V. production companies for advice on dog behaviour and training with regard to impending programmes.

I work with all breeds of dog of all ages, including rescues (Romanian street dogs & other overseas rescues, as well as U.K. rescues), Pit Bulls and other  breeds of dog which some trainers actually refuse to work with, and other exempted dogs. 

I’m happy to work with dogs of all temperaments, and specialise in helping reactive dogs; those displaying aggression or fear-based traits, and I very much look forward to working with you and yours. 


So, you’ve invested your hard-earned money in buying your dog, and you’re now looking for help with his training.  Then doesn’t it make sense to invest in the best possible training for him that you can?  Well, Joyful Paws provides exactly that ~ the very best, for both you and for your dog.

Training sessions are on a 1-2-1 basis commencing from the comfort of your own home, progressing to outdoor sessions as required/desired.  Unlike in group training classes, full attention will be entirely on you alone, and your dog will also not be distracted unnecessarily. This gives you the opportunity to focus all of your energy on learning how to handle and train your dog, rather than worrying about what, or how, other dogs and their humans are doing.  If you live with a nervous or excitable/reactive dog, you may well find that group sessions are counter-productive for both you and your dog as your dog is likely to feel overwhelmed, which is likely to increase his stress levels and do more harm than good.

Dogs may exhibit a variety of ‘problem’ behaviours during their lives, but these can be easily resolved with basic training.  Such issues can include barking for attention, jumping up, pulling on the lead, not coming back when called, lack of toilet training, stealing items, or refusing to give up a toy (this list is not exhaustive!). 

As dogs learn by association, it’s often the case that we are inadvertently ‘rewarding’ them for inappropriate behaviours without even realising it, but even worse, it’s more frequently the case that our dogs are training us !


Joyful Paws offers an holistic approach to training which covers every aspect of living with your dogs ~ offering advice about how to interact with them at home on a daily basis, teaching you about how they learn, knowing the correct type of exercise to provide, how to play with them in a constructive way, and even taking into account their diet, which can also impact on a dog’s behaviour. 

The training techniques are motivational, force-free, and reward-based, and are designed to provide vital mental stimulation for your dog, thus helping to reduce their levels of adrenaline so that they are calm. 

My skills enable you to gain the knowledge to train your dog yourself so that he will become responsive, well-socialised, and a pleasure to be around both for you and for other people.  You will also learn how to work with him in ‘real life’ situations, such as learning handling skills during walks, and practising recalls around other dogs and people.  

In addition, you will gain a better understanding of how the world appears to your dog from his perspective.  You will learn how to read his body language as he communicates with both humans and other dogs with clearly defined ‘Calming Signals’.   

By teaching you how to ‘Be More Dog’, you will gain a relationship built on mutual trust and understanding so that you will be working as a team, giving you the opportunity to enjoy a happy and harmonious life together.

Sessions are tailored to a pace that suits you, and also cater to the individual needs of your dog; just like people, every dog has a different personality and learning capacity.  So there is absolutely no pressure!

train any dog – any age, any breed

If you have a puppy, it’s best to begin their training and socialisation as soon as possible, but older dogs can also undergo training because, unlike the adage “You can’t train an old dog new tricks”, well actually, yes you can!  Even dogs from rescue centres which may have experienced a troubled history are receptive to training with gentle rehabilitation, patience and understanding.

Dogs are pack animals and have a natural desire to want to greet other dogs, so surely it’s best to have this happen safely?  For those of you who want to socialise your dog with other dogs, I will initially work with you with the aid of my own dogs, whose temperaments I know and trust.  This will be done in a safe, controlled manner so that your dog will learn to interact in an appropriate way to gain confidence, and will also learn social etiquette and good manners towards other dogs to help keep them safe. 

Although regular weekly sessions are recommended, training with Joyful Paws is flexible and there is no requirement for you to book a ‘set’ number of appointments.  You will no doubt feel confident within a short period of time, but you can continue your training for as long as you feel that you need to.  And should the need arise at a later stage of your dog’s life and you find that you need more help, or you’d like a one-off refresher, you can simply come back to me for further training if you wish.

Offering professional, friendly, caring yet affordable assistance, I receive referrals from Vets4Pets, Walsgrave, Coventry, have spoken at several online events by invitation from various organisations, and have also been consulted by T.V. production companies for advice on dog behaviour and training with regard to their impending programmes.

I work with all breeds of dog of all ages, including rescues (Romanian street dogs & other overseas rescues, as well as U.K. rescues), Pit Bulls and other Bull Breeds (which some trainers refuse to work with), and other exempted dogs. 

I’m happy to work with dogs of all temperaments, and I specialise in helping those displaying aggression or fear-based traits, and I very much look forward to working with you and yours. 

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