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Hop-It Holidays. Rabbit, Small Pet Boarding and Care


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Boarding: Rabbits

If you are thinking about boarding with us, here is a greater look at our facilities for your rabbit(s) or small animal and what we can offer for his/her stay. We take petsĀ from all over the Midlands, so as long as your animal(s) is well and able to travel, we would love themĀ stay with us.

We offer 50sq feet Cottage and Pen combo, 6 foot hutches outside and pens inside depending on vacancies or your preference. All accommodationĀ are cleaned daily and thoroughly washed each week. All are checked forĀ food / waterĀ throughout the day and givenĀ attention/ handling, depending on your pet’s personality. Any animals with special requirementsĀ e.g – Medication, nervousness, signs of illnessĀ are treated as needed.

All pets boarded with us are checked twice a dayĀ either visually and/ or physically for any sign of problems. With ears, eyes, poos & weesĀ and general demeanourĀ the main focus,Ā so any health problems are detected immediately should they arise.

We do have on occasion un-neuteredĀ malesĀ and un-spayed femaleĀ residing with us at he same time. Please be assured all unaltered petsĀ will be kept apart to prevent any unwanted pregnancies, fights, injuries or other problems.

Daily grooming and medication routines are included in the price.

Boarding: Other Small Pets

Although we are predominately a rabbit boarding service we do, occasionally board other small mammals.

Guinea Pigs, Chinchillas, Hamsters, Rats, Mice etc. See price list for prices.

Should you wish you can bring your furry friends in their own cage or living space, we will happily allow them to remain in their usual habitat for the duration of their stay. Ā This helps with a less stressful environment and their smell helps them acclimatise to the new surroundings for a week or two. Please read the Boarding Terms and Conditions and Holiday Check List. We can also sit for your animal in your own home. Please see the Pet Sitting page and the Animal Sitting Terms & Conditions and Holiday Check lists.

This will be at the normal Sitting prices see the Sitting page for more details.


If you have any questions or special circumstances feel free to call or contact me via the contact us page.


Please read the Boarding page for a greater look at the facilities we have available.

Daily grooming and medication routines are included in the price. We also offer FREE live streaming daily of your pets. Links to the various feeds are posted on the camera instruction page.

Rabbit Food & Toys

At Hop-It Holidays we try to provide a full service for your rabbits this includes:

  • Diet and AccommodationĀ advice

  • Health and Fitness advice

  • Grooming and Claw Clipping

But we also make and sell our own products

  • Grass Covered Tunnels in 3 sizes

  • Grass Pellets (25% Crude Fibre)

  • Timothy Hay

  • Meadow Hay

  • Readi Grass

  • Timothy Hay Bricks

  • Hop-It Holidays forage treat bags

  • Magnetic Fly screen for hutches and house windows (made to order)

Rabbit Spa Weekends, Grooming and Bonding

It is hard to find a rabbit only groomer. Most people will take their rabbits to a vet to have their claw trimmed, or struggle alone with a rabbit that does not want its routine manicure done or its regular grooming, especially in the heavier moults in spring and autumn. They also have scent glands that they should clean themselves but for various reasons can’t or wont do it).

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