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Educating Paws& the home of Puppy School Wroxham & Hetherset


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Meet Claire Mcknespiey BSc (hons), ABTC-ATI, founder of Educating Paws- Puppy School Wroxham, North

Hi, I’m Claire and I love helping puppies, dogs and their human families!

I’ve been working with dogs for around 20 years; at various boarding kennels & rescue centres, with 10 of those years being spent at Hearing Dogs for Deaf People where I became a qualified dog trainer. I was also part of the Hearing Dogs display team for 7 years with my demo dog; Scout, which was great fun

I have a BTEC National Diploma in Animal Care, and a BSC (hons) from the University of Lincoln in Animal Behaviour Science. I passed my extensive Puppy School training in 2017 and am a qualified tutor. I also attend lots of seminars, courses and conferences each year to keep my knowledge up to date

I am proud to be part Puppy School which is a large network of supportive tutors that are selected for their knowledge & experience. I love the support of the other tutors, so when you book with me you will also have access to their knowledge as we all share! All tutors have received comprehensive training from Gwen Bailey;  renowned behaviourist & head of Behaviour at one of the largest animal welfare charities for over 12 years, Gwen lectures internationally and has 14 published books. Being backed by Gwen is a privilege!

My puppy School classes are accredited by the ABTC. This is something I’m really proud of due to their high standards. You can be sure that your puppies will be in good hands, with only scientific & kind methods being used

I am also a provisional member of the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors (APBC), which means having gained the relevant academic qualifications & I am gaining the practical experience necessary for full membership as a clinical animal behaviourist – the gold standard!  In order for veterinarians to feel confident about referrals, full members of the APBC have to have the highest professional standards, knowledge and expertise. It is an honour to have been accepted as a provisional member of such a well respected organisation

In 2019 I became a Darwin Dogs trainer, I love being in the assistance dog world and it’s great that I can share my knowledge and experience of training assistance dogs alongside my business

I hope to hear from you soon!

What can you expect from my classes and one-to-one training?


  • A relaxed atmosphere where you are encouraged to ask questions
  • Lots and lots of treats and toys to help your dogs want to work with you, rather than just because they have to
  • I always explain the reasons why we’re teaching an exercise rather than just telling you what to do. Helping you to understand ‘why?’ is the key to helping your and your dog.
  • You will not be ridiculed for doing things ‘wrong’ and you will be coached until you have success with your dog. I set you and your dog up for success, not to fail.
  • The most important thing is to have fun with your dog; training should not be a chore, it should be something you and your dog enjoy doing together. I do my best to make sessions varied and interesting to keep it fun
  • My aim is to provide you with the knowledge and skills to take away what you’ve learned from our sessions and apply them to real life situations. Those that make the effort to practise in short sessions between sessions will have the most success. 
  • I have quite a dry sense of humour and like to see the funny side of dog training when things don’t quite go to plan!

Puppy School 6 week course

Puppy classes!

A 6 week group course for all of the puppy basics and appropriate socialisation. These are specialist classes that have been developed over 20 years to provide only the very best guidance and training methods

Modern, safe, well managed socialisation and puppy training. Hugely beneficial even if you have had puppies and dogs before

Covering Norwich (Hethersett) and Wroxham

Puppy socialisation classes

Puppy Sensory

A session of exploration, confidence building and appropriate socialisation

This is particularly recommended for nervous puppies and PERFECT for puppies that are waiting to begin Puppy School classes at a later date

Maximum age for young puppy sessions is 20 weeks

Cavapoochon puppy at one to one training

‘Puppy Pre-School’ one to one session (for puppies booked onto the Puppy School course only)

Get your puppy off to the best start at home with a puppy pre-school session. These are exclusively for puppies that are booked onto the Puppy School group / home course. If you would like a one-to-one session and are not booked onto the course please scroll down to “Puppy one-to-one session”

Get the right set up, advice on toilet training, puppy biting & establishing a good routine and other early puppy advice to help prevent problems and form good habits

These sessions are also ideal if you would like advice before you bring your puppy home

PupStart session (for any puppy under 16 weeks of age, you do not need to be booked onto a course)

Get your puppy off to the best start at home with a PupStart session. 

These can be booked for any puppy under 16 weeks of age and you do not need to be booked onto a course

Get the right set up, advice on toilet training, puppy biting & establishing a good routine and other early puppy advice to help prevent problems and form good habits

These sessions are also ideal if you would like advice before you bring your puppy home

Cockapoo puppy at dog training class

Puppy Home School course – for puppies under 7 months that would prefer to learn at home

A series of 3 one-to-one sessions covering the Puppy School Syllabus. For puppies or owners unable to attend group classes (age limit 7 months)

Jack russell puppy in socialisation classes

One-to-one session

A puppy one-to-one session can address specific training needs you are having with your puppy

One-to-one x3 sessions

A series of 3 one-to-one sessions 

Anxious cocker spaniel being stroked

Behaviour support

If your puppy has a behaviour problem such as fears, anxiety or aggression then you may need behaviour support with consent from your veterinary surgeon

Please click below for more info on what qualifies as behaviour support and what this entails

Cavalier king charles spaniel puppy wearing a perfect fit harness purchased at Educating Paws

PERFECT FIT HARNESS (fittings and sales)

Arguably the best harnesses available. Comfortable, safe, strong and can be tailored to fit almost every dog due to the unique modular design. Lots of colour options available 

To arrange a fitting or purchase a harness please get in touch


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