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Doggone Walkies – Dog Walking Services


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Dog Walking Services, Day Care & Doggy Holiday Service, Stamford

Doggone Walkies is a friendly, reliable, knowledgable and professional dog walkers company based in Stamford, Lincolnshire. Established in 2005 we provide dog walking services and pet sitting services in Stamford and around the local area. Our aim is to provide a comprehensive and tailor-made care package for you and your pet. Whether that be a daily group dog walk on a regular basis. A one-off dog walk for days you’re just to busy to give that much-needed exercise to your dog. A home away from home for your dog to enjoy a lovely holiday so you can enjoy yours without worrying you dog is bored in kennels. Or someone to pop in to see your bunnies or feed your cat. Whatever your needs we aim to meet them. Hence the tag line Put all your pet care needs behind you.

Dog Walking Services | Dog Walkers Stamford

At Doggone Walkies our priority will always be the wellbeing and safety of your dog. Our dog walkers can come and collect your dog in our dog friendly and safe van. For our off lead group dog walks we will always choose areas that are as safe as possible, well away from roads, railway lines and livestock.

That said we really want to be the highlight of your dog’s day and our walks are always lots of fun and as dogs are pack animals by nature, group dog walks are good for mental wellbeing as well as physical.

First week of dog walkers services for you

For the  first week of your dog’s walks with us we will send pictures and give lots of feedback to let you know how he or she is getting on, who they’re particularly bonding with or who they are playing like loons with.

We will periodically send pictures and updates moving forwards and you can always follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook to see what you dog has been up to also. On returning your dog home we are more than happy to hose down particularly muddy feet and tums if possible and towel off wet fur, we can also feed and apply medication if needed and top up water bowls etc.

We understand that not all dogs are able to join a group walk for a variety of different reasons and we aim to provide a tailor-made service to accommodate all of your personal requirements.

We would always like to meet for an introductory visit and to go over in detail your exact care plan so you can feel confident your dog is getting exactly what he or she needs. This gives us a chance to get to know one another a little better and to meet your dog as well and it also gives you a chance to ask any other questions you may have and to fill in an information sheet with all your details on and of course you dog.

Day Care

For Doggy Day Care we provide a happy, safe and healthy environment for your dogs at all times. You can drop your dog off or we can collect your dog at a time that’s convenient for you leaving you free to go to work and know your dog is happy and cared for. We are very flexible regarding drop off and collection times, we understand that working hours are not always nine to five. A typical day would include any meals you dog may need, at least two walks throughout the day, a comfortable place to rest ( as you can see we definitely don’t have a dog’s off the sofa policy ) and most importantly lots of love and affection.

Pet Taxi

We also provide a pet to vet service. We understand that getting a veterinary appointment can sometimes be difficult to fit in when you are working so this service can be very useful. Again we aim to ensure your pet is as happy and stress free as possible. Some animals can get very upset by a trip to the vets so extra cuddles and kisses will be provided.
