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Divine Canine Doggy Daycare


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What is doggy daycare?

Doggy daycare can best be explained as a short-term boarding service for dogs. Usually dogs will stay for a full day or half a day (up to 5 hours), being dropped off in the morning and collected in the evening, although care of just a few hours at a time can also be offered.
Divine Canine differs from kennels and boarding facilities in that the focus of the centre is on play. We have both a spacious indoor and outdoor facility, so the dogs can choose where they want to be and providing care for those days when the weather is not so good. Many different things for them to climb and play on and balls galore to keep them entertained both mentally and physically.
While your dog is here with us, he/she will also get some one on one time for cuddles and some tlc, maybe a nice pamper by being brushed or a little bit of mental stimulation with some basic training.
Reports and photos will be sent home from time to time, so you can see what your fur baby has been getting up to and how much fun they have had.
We have a policy that your dog must attend daycare at least once a week to ensure that he/she bonds with the staff and other regulars’ dogs.  As all dogs are different this is to ensure your dog feels comfortable whilst in our care and that we get to know your dog’s personality well to make sure it is given the appropriate time and stimulation while at daycare.

How does it work?

You will be invited to bring your dog along to Divine Canine before you wish to book them in, so that your dog can meet us, see the environment and be assessed for suitability. You will also have to
provide evidence of your dog’s vaccinations.
If your dog is prone to aggression or unpredictability the chances are that they will not be a good candidate for doggy daycare, and will usually be refused a place, however we do offer other services that might be in interest.
Once both you, your dog and us are all happy to go ahead your dog will be enrolled within Divine Canine and you can arrange your future bookings when it suits you.
You may book your dog in well in advance, or set up a regular schedule for care during your working hours, or you may be able to phone up and take your dog in on short notice if there is an available space.

Opening times

We are open Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm.
If you need to drop off earlier or collect later this could be arranged by prior agreement.  Please get in contact if this is something you would like to discuss; additional fees will apply.


Here at Divine Canine we welcome puppies from the time their vaccinations have been completed and the vet is happy for your dog to explore the outside world. 
We have a separate area indoors for dogs/puppies under the age of 12 months, but we are happy for them to join the main group once a consent has been signed by the owners giving permission for them to integrate. 
We understand that sometimes the puppies/younger dogs can be a bit nervous of the older ones and so close care is given when they are integrated and if we feel that it is to much for your dog they will be returned to the puppy area in order to ensure they are happy and safe and enjoy their stay here with us.