  • Boarding
  • Dog Day Care
  • Dog Training
  • Dog Walking
  • Drop In Visits
  • Grooming
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A little bit about me

Hello my name is Danielle and I run Diverse dogs training and behaviour.

I only work on a one to one basis, with structured programmes and if needed long term support to enable your dog, with your help to achieve their maximum potential.

My journey into the dog training world started when I left my job as a Biomedical Scientist in the NHS four years ago to do my dream job of working with dogs. I have since ran my own very successful doggy daycare business and achieved my aim of qualifying as a dog trainer and behaviourist. I’ve had dogs all my life and as a child my family would adopt dogs from Battersea dogs home back in the days when it was still a four storey house. This was the beginning of my love for dogs and I’ve never been without at least one dog in the house since. I’ve had both rescue dogs and have been a KC assured breeder when I bred a couple of litters from my beautiful girl Ellie, a golden retriever and each one brings something special whether it be a rescue, a pedigree, a small dog or a large dog.

Which is why the ethos of my training is all dogs matter and deserve to have a happy and fulfilled life.

Do you have a puppy? He/she will gain so much benefit from an early training program and will have every chance of growing into a happy, well balanced, social and resilient dog.

Do you have a dog that is reactive, anxious or fearful to other dogs, people, noises or anything at all? Do other people judge you when they see you out with your dog? I will not judge you, it is not your fault.

Does your dog pull on the lead or not come back when you call? I can help you with this in easy steps. You will take your dog out knowing that he/she will be well behaved and a joy to out with.

Here’s how we can help you

I will help you to train your dog to be happy, well balanced, sociable and resilient, using kind, ethical, positive, force free and effective methods.

I use only positive reinforcement and force free training, this ensures that a great bond is created between you and your dog and a happy dog means a happy owner!

Discover the joy in your dog, when out walking, when at home, when with people and with other dogs.

One to one dog walking and training

Does your dog pull on the lead and make walking them really hard?

Is your dog reactive to other dogs or people when one the lead?

Do you feel that you can’t let your dog off lead because their recall is so bad?

Do you feel that you have tried everything, nothing works and you feel like giving up?

We can help train your dog so that walking becomes a joy and not a trial.

One to one Puppy training

Give your puppy the best start in life  by learning about puppy behaviour, how their minds work and how to get the best from them with a consultation and structured training  programme.

Includes how to recognise your puppy’s body language, normal puppy behaviour, calming tools, basic training exercises.

Full support is given throughout the course by whats-app/email  where I will get back to you within 24 hours

Bespoke training and behaviour programme

A consultation and training programme aimed at anxious or fearful and reactive dogs and dogs with behavioural issues such as abnormal repetitive behaviours, inappropriate barking, noise sensitivity and multi dog household issues.

Ongoing support will be given by weekly visits, and I will be available by phone or email, during the programme where I will get back to you within 24 hours.

A vet referral will be required for dog’s with aggression.

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