All species on this planet are connected in a quantum physics way, by relating at a cellular, energetic way. It is therefore possible to ask animals questions and get answers by making use of this connection.
My name is Petra Dungate and I use gentle, yet very effective methods that help to increase the quality of your animal companion´s life.
Animal communication can be used to help to find missing animals and to communicate with your departed companion.
My clients have seen good results with dogs, cats, horses and all types of animals.
I attained my core, basic and advanced level of qualifications with Kathy Landry, who also trained me in psychic intuition. Testimonials and references are available on request.
My passion is to help animals to live a happy, fullfilled and healthy life. For people to experience the full potential being in harmony with their companions to understand them better and to have the support needed from Reiki and Animal Communication.
I have been rescuing, caring and nurturing animals from as far back as my childhood and became a peaceful animal rights activist amd environmental orientated person in my early teens. In 1980 I started to be a Vegetarian and became vegan in 2015 with the reason of wanting to do my very best for all sentient beings and nature.
I first came in contact with Animal Communication in 2014 reading a book by Kim Sheridan ” Animals and the Afterlife”. In some way this was a gift from our dog Dino who transitioned in 2013. This led me to study Animal Communication.
I have received all 3 levels of Reiki in the 90´s and have been practicing and teaching since.