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Charlie's Cattery


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Cattery Accommodation

Our boarding cattery has been built with the comfort of your cats in mind. We have 19 chalets which can accommodate one or two cats from the same household. They are full height chalets with shelves in both the sleeping quarters and exercise areas for your cat to snooze or sun themselves on. The sleeping quarters are heated and insulated to keep them snug and warm. All chalets have opaque sneeze barriers for privacy and to prevent cross infection. Your cat will be provided with beds lined with a comfy cushion, fleecy blankets, scratching posts and toys to keep them amused. They will be regularly checked on throughout the day and made a fuss of to make sure that their stay is enjoyable.

Our Charlie – Our Inspiration

Our inspiration came from our precious little Charlie who we loved unconditionally despite his health problems. We booked our holiday at short notice and our usual boarding cattery was fully booked, so we rang round the local area desperate to find a boarding cattery with availability. We found one and all seemed to be well when we dropped our cats off. Charlie had IBD (irritable bowel disease) and was fed a special diet and had medication every day to manage his condition. We also had two other cats that were healthy and so special care had to be taken as Charlie would always try to grab their food! When we returned from our holiday we were devastated to find out that Charlie’s supplied food and medication wasn’t given to him and he was gravely unwell. He never really recovered from his ordeal and we had to say goodbye to our beloved Charlie, which broke our hearts. We always said from that day on that we could do a much better job than the boarding cattery we trusted with our Charlie. So here we are….our own boarding cattery business named after our inspiration and as we are both cat lovers we promise to look after your cats as if they were our own.

Cattery Information

All cats entering the boarding cattery must have up to date vaccinations against Feline Flu and Enteritis. The vaccination card must be brought with you on arrival. We also request that your cat has been treated for fleas and worms prior to boarding. 

All male cats over the age of 6 months must be neutered.

Each cat will have a daily chart to monitor litter tray use, feeding and any health issues that may arise. We stock a variety of wet and dry food and meals are served twice a day. If your cat prefers specific food or a prescription diet this will need to be provided.

If your cat has its own bed, basket, blanket or toys with which they are familiar with, please feel free to bring these along to make them feel more at home. 

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