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Canine Instincts Dog Training & Behaviour


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How did we get here

Little did we know what was waiting for us when they decided to rescue a Boxer called Jack. We thought we knew it all, as we had Josh, a perfect Boxer dog who behaved in every situation, was never on lead and was our best friend. Jack was described by the rescue  as having some emotional hurdles to overcome……well that was an understatement. He was traumatised and had some very serious behavioural issues. He had had a terrible start to life, and, added to that was diagnosed with severe hip dysplasia after we got him, which caused him lots of pain. In the first week he proceeded to bite us both multiple times and although we had no clue what to do and it terrified us, we were determined we would help him and would never get rid of him. Life with Jack was a long journey of discovery and he literally changed the course of ouir lives. To help him (and to stop him biting ) we had to understand him. To do that we immersed ourselves into all things dog, from online courses, to reading, to watching videos, to live workshops and seminars. You name it we did it. From hiring Dog Trainers to Reiki healers, Zoopharmacognosits to Holistic Vets, Expert Dog Psychologists  and many more. We would literally do anything for him. Josh our original Boxer was an amazing help too and showed us how to build Jacks’ trust and not put too much pressure on him. We learnt huge amounts from watching the 2 dogs interact.  The greatest healer for Jack was time and giving him space to begin to trust us, we made many mistakes along the way . He did eventually trust us and was the most special, little boy. 

Jack lived with us for 8 &1/2 years until at 11&1/2 yrs old a brain tumour finally took him. He had turned into the sweetest, most loving boy. He trusted us completely and we protected him through out his life with us and helped him overcome many of his issues. He was a different dog . We never left his side and supported him through every moment. He remains to this day the most difficult dog we have ever worked with.

The Boxer Rescue Southern Service, where Jack came from, asked us to foster some other dogs to help them like we helped Jack.  Bella came along next, followed by Fraser and Bruno. Bella was terribly reactive to dogs and people and Fraser had bitten the kennel staff was deemed un manageable, previous behaviourists said he should be put to sleep, Bruno had also bitten multiple people and it was recommended he should also be put to sleep. All 3 dogs taught us invaluable experience with all types of behavioural issues, from resource guarding, dog to dog aggression, human aggression, separation anxiety, fear and many more. We eventually  adopted Fraser, Bella and Bruno.  There is now a very long list of dogs we have fostered and successfully trained and rehomed who have all gone onto live fulfilled and happy lives.

 We are the trainers for The Boxer Rescue Southern Service and take difficult dogs in for residential training and spend time supporting new owners with training once they get their rescue dog home. There are  many success stories all living happily in homes with their families. 


We have become very good at working with dog reactive dogs due to having multiple dogs but also from fostering and going to work with the rescue dogs in kennels. We have been helping dogs become social even after years of being kept on lead and failed by previous trainers. One workshop we attended taught us the skills of how to socialise large groups of dogs successfully, we had already doing this for sometime but it upped our skill level dramatically and gave us the push to run our very successful ‘Group Socialisation’ classes.

Both of us have attended multiple workshops by world renowned dog trainers, including Brian Agnew, Chad Mackin, Jay Jack and Cheri Lucas. Marc even spent a week in California being mentored by Brian Agnew.

 Over the last 12 years we have also completed courses in in scent works and canine first aid, physiotherapy warm up and cool down workshop including massage.. 

We work with all breeds including  Great Danes and Boerbels right down to Cockerpoos and Terriers with everything in-between. We have extensive knowledge and experience of working with many behaviour problems including recall issues, leash pulling, aggression and separation anxiety and more.

We are the trainers for The Boxer Rescue Southern Service and take difficult dogs in for residential training and spend time supporting new owners with training once they get their rescue dog home.

Most recently we have set up The first GRC Dogsports club in the Uk and hosted the first event, and are hoping to title our own dogs in some of the events over the next year, whilst continuing to grow the sport.

121 Training Programmes

Once you have met one of our team for your Behavioural Assessment  your journey with us can begin.

Our packages consist of in depth discussion of the issues you are having with your dog so that we can really get to grips with your dogs personality and the behaviours they are displaying and start to make changes for reliable, lasting results. We will help you better understand your dog and why they may be behaving in a certain way.  We will lay the foundations to build a better relationship between you and your dog, demonstrating techniques for you to practise.

We have a holistic approach to training and we take everything into consideration. In your lessons you will learn about nutrition, ideal lifestyle, breed fulfilment, and more. Where necessary we can refer to holistic veterinary specialists for alternative therapies such as laser and Accupuncture treatments and herbal remedies as well as body works specialsits such as physiotherapists and Bowen therapists . Making sure we address any underlying issues that may be preventing your dog from being their best.

Where possible we ask all involved with the dog to be present so everyone is on the same training page.

Lessons will ideally be taken weekly or fortnightly  but we will tell you at the time of booking what we recommend.

These lessons will take place at various locations depending on the requirements and capabilities of your dog. 

You must book your training programme within 7 days of your Behavioural Evaluation otherwise we may need evaluate again.

What you get:


Goal Setting Email

  • 4 x 1hr  121 training lessons (at various locations where appropriate)

  • Email and WhatsApp support for the duration of the programme and for 1 month after

  • 2 x video evaluations 

  • Options to sign up to Residential Training,  Group Walks, Group Classes and GRC DogSports UK Club practise

Cost : £345

You Must have had a Behavioural Evaluation with us before booking this programme.

Travel is charged after the first 5 miles  @45p per mile. This programme is non refundable.

Lessons to be used within 3 months from date of purchase 


  • Goal setting email

  • 6x 1hr 121 lessons at various locations (where appropriate) 

  • Email support for duration of program and 2 months after

  • 6 video reviews

  • Options to sign up to Residential Training,  Group Walks, Group Classes and GRC DogSports UK Club practise

  • Cost : £480

You Must have had a Behavioural Evaluation with us before booking this programme

Travel is added after the first 5miles and charged at 45p per mile. This programme is non refundable.

 Lessons to be used within 6 months from date of purchase 

Platinum Programme

  • Goal setting email

  • 10 x 1hr lessons at various locations (where appropriate)

  • Email support for the duration of the programme and 4 months after

  • 10 video reviews

  • Options to sign up to Residential Training,  Group Walks, Group Classes and GRC DogSports UK Club practise

Cost  : £700

You Must have had a Behavioural Evaluation with us before booking this programme.

Travel is added after the first 5miles and charged at 45p per mile. This programme is non refundable.

 Lessons to be used within 8 months from date of purchase .

Additional Details


    Q Email

