  • Boarding
  • Dog Day Care
  • Dog Training
  • Dog Walking
  • Drop In Visits
  • Grooming
  • House Sitting
  • Pets For Sale

Animal Holiday Care


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Animal Holiday Care

Whether you need your dog walking while you take a well earned long weekend, or want your cats looking after during an overnight stay at the hospital. Animal Holiday Care provides a convenient and competitively priced dog walking and pet care service for pet owners in and around the Ashford area. Giving you that extra peace of mind and creating a stress free environment for your pets while you’re away.

As a pet lover I own a Toy Poodle Cross Cairn Terrier called Baxter and have a wall mounted tropical aquarium containing Cardinals, Neon Tetras, Platys, Phantoms and a Siamese Fighter Fish. I love animals and give the same care and attention that I give my own. There are no third parties involved, I care and look after all the animals myself. Animals I have cared for so far include: Dogs, cats, chickens, roosters, fish, birds, rabbits, guinea pig, ferrets and an iguana, with experience of nervous dogs. All animals considered.

Benefits of using Animal Holiday Care:

  • Pets fed according to your instructions.
  • Dogs let out in the garden or individually walked (not walked as part of a group with other dogs).
  • Animal litter trays and living areas such as cage/hutch cleaned.
  • Pet dishes/bowls washed.
  • Animal medication issued.
  • Basic grooming.
  • All animals made a fuss of giving both physical and mental stimulation.
  • Pet updates available via text or email to keep you informed while your away.
  • Special needs catered for.
  • Plants and hanging baskets watered.
  • Rubbish taken out.
  • Home Security – Mail picked up from door mat, curtains and blinds opened and closed, lights switched on and off to give your home a lived in feel while your away. A great and proven deterrent against thieves.