  • Boarding
  • Dog Day Care
  • Dog Training
  • Dog Walking
  • Drop In Visits
  • Grooming
  • House Sitting
  • Pets For Sale

AHeadofthepack Newquay Dog Day Care & Grooming


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Welcome to Aheadofthepack

this is your one stop shop for everything dog related.. please let me introduce myself, tell you about what I do, and how I got there.

My name is Jo – I’ve grown up with dogs and horses and have always been passionate about the animals in my life.   For the last 20 years I’ve had rescued greyhounds – it started with Timmy and we’re now up to number 8 – Reggie..

In between then,  in 2009 we “fostered” a beautiful but troubled greyhound girl called Lucy – she came to us temporarily, but I could see that she had some baggage that she needed help with.. I was determined to help her but couldn’t find the help or the answers that I needed so I embarked on a course that changed all our lives – I studied and qualified as a dog trainer.. and Lucy stayed with us, living her best life – she became my soul dog, my bestie.. since 2010 I’ve been proud to be able to say I’m a dog trainer and have helped literally hundreds of dogs and their people get on the road to living their best lives with their dogs ❤️

Lucy crossed the Bridge in 2014 but she will always be in my heart and will always be the legacy of Aheadofthepack

Day Care

Aheadofthepack dog day care provides a safe, secure environment for your beloved dogs in our 3 acres of private land – your dog will have their days filled with playtimes in our secure garden attached to the day care building,and walks on the rest of our land to sniff and explore, and then their own comfy bed space for snooze times.  Lots of treats..

We carefully assess each dog to ensure they will be happy, settle in with us, and get on with everyone by way of at least 2 half day visits before committing to a full day permanent place – all day care places are held all year round,

Day Care Information

Rates vary according to how many days per week you book.

  • We are not open on weekends or bank holidays, rates would be reduced to exclude bank holiday days.
  • We do not cover over night boarding.

t&cs apply – dogs must be neutered, fully vaccinated including kennel cough, sociable.  A registration form is required to book a place

Grooming Packages

Various packages for grooming – tailored to your requirements
