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Bark and Bubble Dog Grooming


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Hi, my name is Wendy,

I’ve decided to set myself up as a dog groomer following on from a career in the Army which saw me spend the last eight years in and around Amesbury. As a young girl I wanted to either become a vet or join the Army and see the world. The Army won out that time but now I’ve settled I get to do the next best thing to saving animals, making them look their best!

I have a deep love for animals especially dogs and cats. I have over the years owned a dog (an Alsatian called Sabien) and two cats, Oswald and Yennifer. My previous job surrounded me with other people’s pooches, which afforded me the opportunity to dog sit on numerous occasions sparking my desire to set up Bark and Bubble.

My goal was to set up a professional, safe, relaxed grooming parlour where you would feel happy to leave your beloved with me, knowing I would treat them as though they were a member of my own family. I love what I do, and this reflects in my service when I pamper your furry friends and hand out plenty of extra cuddles.

Bark and Bubble is set up in a purpose-built dog grooming parlour with no expense spared to give you peace of mind and the dog the best service possible. I have also completed my City and Guilds training over a period of six months to ensure I am fully competent and capable. I offer a range of services tailored to suit each individual pup and will discuss with you exactly what you want and give you advice on how to keep your dog looking his or her best. Yenni shares her home with my husband and two young children so I know how hard it can be to fit a visit to the groomers in around a working week, I am able to work evenings (bookable on here) to accommodate those of you for whom this is the case.

I hope this gives you an idea of me and my passion for this project. I can’t wait to meet you and your pup so we can get to know each other and build a lasting relationship built around your dog looking fabulous.

Dog Grooming Services for your Precious Pooch

Bark and Bubble believe that your dog deserves the best one-to-one attention, lots of love, cuddles and a calm environment to get the best experience – thats why we only groom one dog at a time.

Bark and Bubble groom only one dog at a time, with no other dogs present (except in rare circumstances). This is great if you have a nervous, or unsocialble dog. Each appointment is 2.5 hrs for either a full groom, wash and dry, or hand stripping. We believe your dog deserves the extra time and we love the cuddles! Our appointments reflect this, and are shown below.

Nervous or Special Needs Dog Grooming

Bark and Bubble is a relaxed, one Dog at-a-time grooming service, in a safe environment for all your extended family members, dog grooming needs. Please see Services for the type of dog grooming services we provide.

Nervous Dog Grooming

Not a problem at Bark and Bubble! Wendy will spend a full 2.5hrs with your dog, in a calm and loving enviroment.

We only groom one dog at a time, with no other dogs present (except for rare circumstances).

Special Needs Dog Grooming

Our custom-built grooming salon combined with our ‘one-at-a-time’ dog treatment is perfect for dogs with special needs, such as hearing, vision or any other problems.

We give your dog the time and care they need for a happy grooming experience.
