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Kim's Canine Care


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Both Paul and I have enjoyed a varied experience in the Dog world. We have owned variety of pedigree breeds and rescued a few mix breeds as well.

We have held dog training classes from puppies to adults with varied abilities. Our favourite breeds have been GSD’s and Dobie’s… One of our GSD bitches who has sadly now gone over the rainbow bridge had being a part of a display team which was as enjoyable for both dog and us. She had three litters and boy that was a wonderful experience. Paul was for a period of time a Secretary to a BAGSD club in Bucks. Xena our Dobie girl, (which also has taken the journey over Rainbow Bridge). Was a bit of a stubborn madam but she had an amazing character. She had one litter. This was one of our highlights as the new owners stayed in touch for a while. We were sent pictures and enjoyed seeing how well this litter was doing. Sadly Xena had to be spayed due to medical complications. She remained a loyal guardian watching over our two sons until she passed away.

We have worked with dogs with issues and owners that needed support and guidance in both training behaviour. Paul has also helped owners who have taken on rescue dogs with good success.

We have played a part in Medical Support for pet dogs including supporting and being with owners when the time came to say goodbye.

We have enjoyed great success with our home boarding day care and Dog walking service. We have maintained a peaceful place for all the dogs that have come to our home.

Our Dog Family 

Turk and Bruno

While on holiday Paul and I came across these two boys. Turk was a puppy and Bruno was around 2 to 3yrs old Turk was kept outside at a young age while still with mum in like I can only describe as a pig pen.

Bruno however was in a barn. I found poor Bruno locked up in a crate which was full of faeces. When we asked the reason why he was locked away the farmers reply was quite upsetting. You see Bruno was nearly killed by his others dogs. He had used some blue spray on his stomach wounds which thankfully had healed.

We did see he had other GSD’s there and Paul highlighted that there quality as an example to the breed was very poor.

We were on holiday staying in a caravan. But our decision was made; we were getting these dogs one way or another… We gave £50 for the puppy. He said Turk was a fabulous Boxer X GSD mix. With confidence we are sure he is a GSD X collie mix. Our vet agrees…

He wanted more for Bruno. We didn’t have a lot more spare to give. He said that Bruno was a Black GSD… Paul made it very clear that Bruno was not he looked to him as a GSD X lab mix and we would only give another £50. He did except it thankfully.

That is how we ended up with Turk and Bruno. They are amazing dogs and we thank our blessing every day they we found them because they have given us much joy.

Heidi. Is from a fabulous breeder and we are very excited with her. We are looking to breed her and hopefully all being well she will produce a dog that we can show in the ring and possibly work her. I say her because we will want another little girl. We will be posting more about our plans as the things happen

All our dogs are well socialised as you can see in our facebook videos. They help dogs settle in etc introduction is does carefully every time. If however your dog is not happy we have options to make sure he or she enjoys there stay with us etc.

The services we offer.

We aim to comply to you and your pets needs. We want you to be happy and confidant of the care we offer.  We will chat with so we can meet needs meet and your pets need as possible.

Dogs are fed separately and water is made available at ALL TIMES. we can answer more questions when you visit us. In the meantime here are our basic services we offer

Group Dog walk: from £11

We come and pick your dog up and will go to one of the fabulous walking areas with your dog. We will try and match them up with other dogs that are with us on day care or home boarding. If your dog needs one to one then that is what we will do.

1 to 1 Dog walk: from £18

If your dog needs one to one then we come and pick your dog up and will go to one of the fabulous walking areas with your dog.

Day care: £20

You will drop your dog off to us in the morning at an agreed time. Your dog will be made part of the family and they will receive the very best care we can offer. You will be informed in agreed manner of how your pet is doing and what they are up to. They will receive walks and mental stimulation while with us.

Home boarding: £25

Like at day care your dog will become a part of the family and receive the best we can offer. They will enjoy walks and mental stimulation and of course a warm a cosey place to sleep in our home where they are happy….

We do offer a pickup service and a drop of service at a minimum of £5. If we have to go through the tunnel we do also ask the cost of this also.
