  • Boarding
  • Dog Day Care
  • Dog Training
  • Dog Walking
  • Drop In Visits
  • Grooming
  • House Sitting
  • Pets For Sale



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At EXERCISE4PETS our mission and goal is very clear: take care of our customers’ dogs like they’re our own family members, and make it as effortless as possible for all of our customers to arrange great value pet care.

We pride ourselves on care, reliability, flexibility and work hard to build your trust.

Your dog’s safety is of the utmost importance to us, that’s why we primarily use a 1.5 acre fenced field that gives you peace of mind that your dog is running freely, playing games and having fun in a private area, safe from any dog thieves, aggressive dogs not from our pack and there is no chance of your dog ever running off.

We are fully insured and police checked, canine first aid trained and dog walker qualified.

We cover Cramlington, Blyth, Seaton Sluice, Seaton Delaval, Seghill, Killingworth, Dudley, Annitsford, Seaton Burn, Wideopen, East Cramlington and surrounding areas.

Puppy Care

What we do

Offer 20 minute visits to provide your pup with the care and attention it needs


How we do it

We meet firstly to understand you and your pet’s needs

We understand the natural development stage of your pup and tailor our service accordingly

During our visits prior to your pup being able to go out on walks we let them out to do the toilet; feed them; play with them and give them lots of playful friendly contact; we help them develop sit; stay and recall via clicker training

Once ready and after clearance from vets after vaccinations we introduce your pup to some older calm and friendly dogs to help with their socialization.

Once ready to go out in group walks we work together on the best plan based on your dogs needs covering length of time of walk, we are very careful not to walk them for too long when they are at this crucial development stage.

During the visit the pup has been filmed and this is uploaded to Social Media at the end of the working day so you can experience watching how your pup has enjoyed their visit


Why we do it

The brain of a 16-week-old puppy has exactly the same number of brain cells as a newly born puppy – but it is roughly 10 times larger. This extraordinary increase in size has nothing to do with the brain cells themselves but the number of connections established between them. These connections are established as a direct result of all the experiences the puppy has in these first critical four months of life (and often much earlier).

Every single thing a puppy sees, hears, feels, smells and tastes, every meeting he has and every new thing he discovers produces literally trillions of new brain connections in those first 16 weeks, and they will last for life. He is learning what is safe and who is in his social group.

While we can’t hope to introduce every single thing a puppy will have to accept later in life, the more positive experiences he gets in this period, the more accepting he will be of novel things and situations. Not only that, but he will also be developing his learning skills, learning how to problem solve and deal with the inevitable frustrations of life, which will help with his future behaviour.

A puppy who is properly reared in this period, will be far more likely to grow up to be confident, calm, learn new things more easily, be less likely to respond to new things fearfully or aggressively – and in short, is more likely to become a good family dog. In contrast, a dog who has not had this good start in life is more likely to be over-reactive, unable to concentrate, fearful, a slower learner, develop preventable behaviour problems – and in fact have a less well developed brain than his well socialised brother.

At exercise4pets we work with you to provide as many positive experiences for your pup at this crucial stage in their development.

Dog Walking

What we do

Offer group walks for your dog(s)


How we do it

We meet firstly to understand you and your pet’s needs

We collect your dog in our air-conditioned van, which is fitted with approved safety crates for dog transport

We match your dog with others of a suitable temperament and ensure that your dog can be a sociable member of the group

Once this has been achieved your dog has the opportunity to run and play with their friends in a private, fully fenced secure field.

The dogs will always have a full hour’s walk, run and play unless there are extremes in temperature where it would be unsafe to walk them for this long

Before returning to the van they are provided with water to rehydrate after their exertions

The dogs are towel dried and we endeavor to clean them as best as possible in readiness for their return to your home

A report of the walk is provided

During the walk the dogs have been filmed and this is uploaded to Social Media at the end of the working day so you can experience watching how your dog has enjoyed playing with their friends


Safety on group dog walks

Walking groups of dogs in public has many risks.

One of the greatest concerns of anyone who uses a Dog Walker is that their beloved dog will run off and become one of the many ‘Lost/Missing’ featured dogs on Facebook. This is one of the most gut wrenching experiences any dog owner will ever experience.

With the local population (human and dog) rising it is very difficult to walk groups of dogs well away from other dogs and their owners. When unfamiliar dogs meet this can often be a flashpoint leading to an aggressive situation that results in an injury to a dog.

In addition to these risks there is also a genuine fear that dogs can contract Alabama Rot/CRGV. Though not fully confirmed one of the suggested common contributory factors is due to dogs walking in muddy woodland. Unfortunately, the very wet winters we experience in Northumberland means that the local woodlands where dogs are often walked will be muddy.

Finally, though less serious there is the perennial problem of dogs rolling in fox poo which is particularly smelly and this nauseous smell can last for days.

Faced with these problems we decided to move our Group walks away from Public Spaces to a fully secure and fenced farmers field 1.5 acres in size in Seaton Delaval.

This provides our customers with peace of mind to know that their dogs are enjoying themselves in the safest possible environment.


Why we do it

For dogs and humans alike, physical exercise is fundamental to good health. We all know the couch-potato lifestyle comes with a host of health problems. But in dogs, a lack of activity can also prompt nuisance behaviours.

The majority of dogs were bred with a working purpose in mind – and that’s not just the herding and hunting breeds.

Providing dogs with vigorous, daily exercise has profound effects on their behaviour. Tired dogs chew less, bark less, sleep more, and are more likely to relax when home alone.

A good daily workout and, if the dog is social, regular play sessions with other dogs are great ways to exercise a dog.

This is why we are called exercise4pets.
