  • Boarding
  • Dog Day Care
  • Dog Training
  • Dog Walking
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Rugby Pet Care


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About Me

I started my veterinary nurse career back in the late 1980’s when things were very different to how they are today.  Back then nurses had a very minimal role which involved a lot of cleaning and holding patients for the vet!  These days veterinary nurses have a much more prominent role within the veterinary clinic which allows us to run our own consults through to performing minor operations. 

Over the years I have worked in mixed veterinary practice, which allowed me to gain experience with farm animals as well as cats, dogs and small furries. I have also worked for various charities, small one vet clinics and a veterinary hospital.

Although I love my nursing career I wanted to expand my knowledge and completed an advanced diploma as a canine behaviour practitioner.  My favourite part of the job has always been the client facing role, giving advice on patient care and now helping solve unwanted canine behaviours.

After many years in a clinic role I wanted a new challenge, and so decided to set up Rugby Pet Care!

All of my services begin with a free meet and greet at your home where I can get to know you and your pet and you can get to know me.  It will also enable you to ask any questions you may have.

Dog walking in the Rugby Area

Dogs need exercise for both their physical and mental health.  If your dog is fit and healthy with no medical conditions, and depending on size, they should have at least an hour a day where they can enjoy the great outdoors. 

Walking is an excellent way for your dog to burn off that excess energy, but it is also good for their mind.  If your dog is anxious or nervous, going for a walk can be a great way to build their self esteem,  Try it; walk your dog and watch the tail position, then up the pace to a jog and see what the tail does. In most cases the tail comes up meaning the dog is feeling happier and more confident.

 I will take your dog on his usual walk if you prefer or try somewhere new. I only do one to one dog walks for either 30 or 60 minutes. If there is more than one dog in the family, I am happy to take them out at the same time.

I will only let your dog off lead with your written permission and once we have a bond. 

I am happy to walk your dog in any weather so this may mean we get a bit wet and muddy. Before your canine friend is allowed back in your house I will wash off any excess mud and dry with a towel, I will try my best, but they may not be spotless! 
