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Fetch & Retrieve


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Who we are and what we believe in.

Fetch & Retrieve is a premium dog service provider. Our approach to dog training is one of balance and holistic assessment. We offer doggy daycare, welfare advice, obedience & behavioural dog training.

We never use prong, pinch or e-collars and believe that successful dog relationships rely on positive, reward-based training and socialisation. Our values, beliefs and training methods consider real-world practicality, allowing us to provide relevant and bespoke support.

At Fetch & Retrieve, we strive to keep our techniques simple, pragmatic and easy to follow – setting you and your dog up for success.

Training methods

Food, love, praise, and attention; all positive motivators without having to ‘bribe’ a dog with treats.

Our positive training methods include; hand feeding, clickers and whistles, tonality, environmental assessments…and heaps of praise!

By setting clear boundaries and eliminating inconsistent messaging, we put you and your dog on the path to success, loyalty and an unbreakable bond.

Dogs aren’t robots!

For dogs, there is no “grey area”. The path to a well-developed character begins with clearly defined boundaries taught and maintained consistently. Practice, persistence, perseverance!

A dog wants to please. By giving a dog a clear understanding of the world it lives in, the better the chances of behaving in the way you need. 

  • While we recognise common traits, we treat each dog as an individual 

  • Fetch & Retrieve operate a positive reward-based system, applied with balance 

  • Results aren’t guaranteed and require participation from the owner

  • To influence behaviour, our approach is both pragmatic and consistent 

  • Our training methods are easy to understand and simple to apply

  • The advice we give is tailored to the environment the dog lives in and the lifestyle of the owner

  • Our primary objective is to bond with the dog, not just teach it commands
