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Walk the Line Dog Walking and Pet Care


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Welcome to our Website, my four legged friends (& two legged)!   Our names are Asa (left) & Veda (right).  Lets not forget Nina (at the bottom of page) and we’re hoping all you guys and gals will come and Walk the Line with us, and our other canine pals at Walk the Line Dog Walking and Pet Care in Chester-le-Street. Our owner runs this business where she takes cute little (& big) rascals like us for long walks, and sometimes they come and stay at our home too!…. Isn’t that great!  She gives lots of hugs, kisses and treats.   

She also takes care of cats too…meow! 

Check out the photo pages of our other friends. We’re just one big happy family!

Our mum’s the greatest, and I know she’ll love you just as much as she loves us.  So call her now and “Choose the time to Walk the Line”…. with us!

Dog Walking

These boys and girls below are just a few of our past and present playmates who’ve had walks with us.  As you can see, we are a very happy bunch.     My mum also cleans up after us, as she’s a responsible owner.  She takes us in her van where there’s plenty of room in the back and she gives us a nice long drink of water after our walk.  And, if we are wet and dirty, she dries us off with a towel so we are nice and clean when we get home!   She doesn’t allow us to go home all mucky – yuk! And, she even has a shower she can use to keep us clean.  After all that, if we have behaved ourselves, we get a yummy treat with lots of hugs and kisses! 

There’s also regular updates by text or email, so she’ll tell your mam or dad how you are doing.  She doesn’t allow all dogs off lead, except really good ones, (like us two….hehe), and only if their owners say it’s okay. She says it’s irresponsible allowing other peoples’ dogs to run wild, especially as other dogs out walking with their owners can sometimes be aggressive.  Us dogs can be a bit naughty at times and most owners don’t want us running away!  Sometimes, very, very well behaved dogs can have a run with us, but they must be super good, and only once we all know each other.   She even takes some dogs for a walk on their own, especially when they are old or sick, or if they are not very playful around us other dogs.  

You can have a 1/2 hour walk, or a 1 hour walk, or even just a quick stroll around the block.  Sometimes even just to be let outside in your garden or yard, if you don’t like walking very much.  She also takes care of puppies too; when they are very young and can’t go for a walk. She’ll come and show you how to walk on a lead and check up on you, as she knows you’ll be missing your mum and dad.  Or, you can just use her Pet Transport service, if you need to go to get your hair done, or maybe to the vets…. woof, woof.

So, if  you want to come and Walk the Line with us lot, you’ll need to make sure your vaccinations are up to date, wear a collar with identification & be micro-chipped (and of course, be on your best behaviour)!
