  • Boarding
  • Dog Day Care
  • Dog Training
  • Dog Walking
  • Drop In Visits
  • Grooming
  • House Sitting
  • Pets For Sale

woodland walkies


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About us

A little bit about me. My name is Stuart and I originally moved to Braunton 20 years ago. My job in the military took me away from the area and we have now relocated back here settling in Bideford.

I have a cocker spaniel called Cookie who is the inspiration behind this venture, he is great with children and very friendly with other dogs who we regularly walk with and meet.

We love being outdoors in all weathers and exploring all that North Devon has to offer.

I have full insurance for dog walking, dog day care and home boarding and the business is a registered company.

Dog walking information


A free initial meet & greet will take place at the owners premises to make sure we are compatible and to get to know your dog before any walks.

I walk all dogs on a weeks trial basis.

All dogs will be walked on a long lead until I am confident that the dog is well socialised and can be recalled by voice or whistle .


All dogs can travel within individual cages in my vehicle, and I can adapt travel and walks for young or elderly dogs.

Dogs will be left within my locked vehicle whilst I collect and deliver other dogs within the group walk so they are safe.

The Walk

My concern is that your dog has a fun time, and as our name suggests we go to a variety of different places, so your dog may return home wet and muddy.  I will towel dry on arrival home and make sure there is fresh water and if you leave any toys or treats make sure they are accessible before I leave.

I reserve the right to cut short a walk at any time if your dog or another within the group appears unwell or injured, if adverse weather conditions affect the dogs happiness or safety . You will be notified and charged accordingly.

I need to be told in advance if your bitch is in or near to her season – as she could be part of a group walk with a whole male. A disclaimer must be signed by you allowing me to walk her at this time as I cannot and will not be held responsible for an unwanted pregnancy.

During the dark winter months, for the safety of both your dog and myself, I will not arrange group walks in the evening.

Walks will not be undertaken for dogs that have no overnight carer as this is a National Association of Residential Petsitters (NARP) ruling.


Toys and treats are provided but donations or pets own are all ways welcome to make sure they settle easily in transit and when back at home.

My insurance covers me for 6 dogs however there will never be more than 4 dogs in my care at any one time, although I may meet other dog walkers at our intended destination.
