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Chalfont Pet Sitters


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Pet Sitting

Whilst you are away, I will visit your house in an unmarked car to feed and care for your animals as discussed with you.
​I am happy to water plants, take in post, turn lights on and off, whatever you need to keep your house secure.
​I can also look after other small animals such as rabbits, guinea pigs and mice etc. 

For your peace of mind, I am fully insured and police checked.
​Documents available on request.

How To Have A Happy Cat

Cats are complex animals that have a range of needs that are very different from ours as humans. In order to provide a happy home for your cat, you will want to consider these needs. However, if you are considering adopting a cat, or even if you are already a seasoned cat owner, it can be overwhelming thinking about whether you are giving your cat all she requires to allow her to live a relaxed and happy life. And if you are considering adding another cat to your feline family there are steps that you can take to introduce them correctly so that all involved end up living harmoniously together. No one wants unhappy pets that are stressed. That only leads to more problems.

Cats are fussy creatures especially over things which we, as humans don’t think about. For example – the position of their water bowl in relation to their food; where to sleep and the location of their litter trays.

This is where I can help. I have many years experience living with and caring for cats. I have owned many, looked after more and helped a number of owners achieve harmony for their pets. Whilst owning a pet can bring unbridled joy, it can also cause stress; especially the stress of “Am I doing this right?”, “Is my cat content?”, “What can I do to make her life better?” If you have asked yourself any of these, or similar, questions then a consultation might help you.

About Me

I have over ten years experience in pet sitting and equine management. I used to run a, still successful, pet sitting and dog walking business but I had to give that up due to health reasons. I was ill with M.E. for 18 years, during which time I was bed bound and then house bound.
​I have now been well enough to resume pet sitting for three years.
I have done other jobs during my recovery but my heart is with the animals.
I am owned by 4 cats. Harriet who is 7 years old, George who is 9; and our two newest editions, quarter Maine Coons, Thor and Astrid.

Cats and horses are my two main loves. Before becoming ill, as well as pet sitting,  I was a horse trainer and riding instructor. If you need help or advice with your horses, please contact me. My M.E. prevents me doing some things but I am happy to discuss your requirements. I am a BHSISM and was working towards my Stage 4 riding exam when I became ill.
During my years with M.E. and various lockdowns, I have also taken the opportunity to qualify as a weight loss coach and a colour consultant.
​Sometimes my husband also helps with the cats, which means that your animals get two slaves for the price of one!
