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Hindes Hounds


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Hi,  I’m Pamela Hindes, Certified Canine Behaviourist* and Master Dog Trainer**

I have spent over a decade not only resolving a  variety of canine behavioural issues but also helping engender relationships of mutual understanding and trust and creating strong bonds and rewarding relationships between owners and their canine companions.  I also focus on helping rebuild those relationships that have become strained or fractured.  

I hold not only professional dog training qualifications but am also a full member of the Canine and Feline Behaviour Association and as such am able to take vetinary referrrals through your insurance company if your pet insurance cover incorporates behavioural issues.  If not, we can of course still work together.

Whether you are starting out on the journey of life with your canine companion (puppy or adult), or are some way along the path there will be one commonality, which I realised long ago, is that it takes ‘two to tango’ in any successful dog/owner relationship.  It was from this insight that I set out to develop a method of canine behaviour modification that incorporated not only various strands of tried and tested science but also helping people to reach out for a deeper connection. From this my Mutual Understanding and Trust Training (‘M.U.T.T’)® evolved, which is fundamental to all behaviour modification advice and training I provide

Behavioral Consultations

We provide a bespoke individualised consultation service for our clients and  advise and assist with pretty much all behavioural issues including without limitation: 

Dog on Dog Aggression;

Dog on Human Aggression;

Resource Guarding;

Separation Anxiety (including severe cases, we have a particular expertise in this area);

General Anxiety and Reactivity;

Fears and Phobias.; and

Generalised innapropriate or undesirable behaviours.

The list above is generalised and merely indicative of common problems, do not hesitate to contact us whatever the issue!

Training services

These are the most common training problems we come across, due to the lack of effective training of both owners and their dogs. 

To train your dog well you need to be given sufficient knowledge to have a basic understanding of how a dogs mind works, how to motivate your dog to learn and to train effectively.  Sadly, in many training classes, time is simply not allocated to these basic but essential principles. The Hindes Method addresses the fundamental issue of the dog and owner relationship as a basic building block of all training. 

Training an owner to use a technique itself is easy enough as it is a mechanical process, but to simply do this overlooks the importance of the relationship between you and your dog which is fundamental. 

You can teach someone a dance if you know the steps but how you teach it will be fundamental to the relationship you build with that person and how effectively they learn …

Pamela Hindes offers one to one training packages to help you learn how to train your dog effectively and at the same time have some fun and improve your relationship!  How many sessions will be required will depend on what training is needed but as a general rule of thumb generally three hourly sessions will be necessary to get you on the right road with an individual aspect of training.  If we are training to a good level of competence a variety of behaviours then as a general rule a 6–8-week plan is more realistic. We do however find it best to discuss your individual requirements to assess a suitable bespoke package of sessions.

Pawsomely Perfect Puppy Packages

Our Pawsomely Perfect puppy packages are designed prepare you for the best possible puppy experience. 

Whether you are a new puppy parent or about to be one, you will have spend a good amount of time choosing and money on purchasing your new puppy (and on a variety of equipment no doubt). However, undoubtedly the most overlooked but most important thing for a happy, contented dog and happy stress free family is to have a well trained and well behaved dog that has learnt to behave appropriately in a variety of social situations…… Your puppy will be learning about all sorts of things both from his/her environment and how you interact with them from the minute you take them through the front door, even when you are not actively training them, ideally this is when PUPPY SCHOOLING needs to start, not six months down the line.

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