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Lucy Ward Dog Training


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Hello I’m Lucy!

Hello I’m Lucy!

I’ve always been a huge dog lover but didn’t get the opportunity to have my own until I had a change of career to become a dog trainer. Wooster, my wonderful Airedale Terrier puppy came first in the summer of 2019. Oscar, my very enthusiastic about everything Working Springer Spaniel x Collie puppy arrived from rescue six months later at 16 weeks old. Together they keep me entertained and busy!

After getting my BA (Hons) degree in Music, Theatre and Entertainment Management from the Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts (LIPA), and having spent 10 years working on set in the film industry, in 2018 I decided to make a change and learn something new!

I began squirrelling away at courses and reading lots of books and papers on all things dog! I spent an amazing five months working part time at Glendee Rescue where I gained a lot of hands on experience, working with dogs that had been on a rough journey in their life.

After this I moved down to Wiltshire and assisted a fantastic IMDT trainer at puppy classes for six months to build my knowledge and confidence in teaching. I soon learnt that the dog training and behaviour industry is completely unregulated, anyone can work as a dog trainer and behaviourist without any qualifications or experience.

As I like to do things properly I made sure I learnt, and still learn, through credible organisations that teach the latest in canine behaviour science and hold their members to a strict code of ethics.

My journey to become a qualified trainer was with the Institute of Modern Dog Trainers (IMDT). I passed my externally assessed written and practical assessment with distinction in July 2020 and achieved an OCN Level 3 in Principles of Dog Training and Behaviour.

Shortly after this I qualified as a Mantrailing Global Instructor, training dogs to find people using their amazing sense of smell. In July 2023 I qualified as a Mantrailing Global Level 1 assessor, enabling me to carry out assessments for my own clients, and other instructors.

I’m now working towards a Level 4 diploma in Canine Behaviour with The Dog Genius, and a Level 3 diploma in Galen Myotherapy.

The learning journey never stops and I’m always taking part in webinars, practical teaching workshops and continuing my reading to further my knowledge and provide you with the best I can.

I spend my spare time walking the dogs, taking them mantrailing with other instructors, relaxing at home and playing the flute in The Film Orchestra Wiltshire, and a great quintet called T5.


Confidence for you and your dog

Our 1-2-1 training programmes are bespoke. Tailored around the key challenges for you and your dog, we’ll focus on giving you the tools and the confidence to work through any undesirable habits your pooch has developed. The way we achieve this is by training alternative behaviours that are beneficial to both you and your dog.

We understand that problem behaviours can be frustrating for you. But chances are, your canine companion really wants to get it right, but just doesn’t quite know how. Or at least, not yet…

With 1-2-1 training, we give you a personalised plan that guides you through best practices and techniques and gives you continued support to help you live happily ever after with your dog. 


Setting your puppy up for success

Puppy training can be a real challenge. 

Your new puppy is cute as a button. So, of course you’ll be excited for this new, adorable addition to the family. 

However, it’s important to start by building an understanding of your dog, gaining confidence, trust, and a long-lasting bond so you can hit the ground running with your training. We’re here to help you gain the right knowledge of their character, breed, and genetics early on in their development. 

From here, we’ll help you to set realistic goals and expectations for each stage of their growth into adolescence, giving you the tools and knowledge to keep problem behaviours at bay.

That means you’ll be setting yourself and your puppy up for success straight away, helping them to look up to you for guidance in their new surroundings. 

Suitable for puppies from 8 weeks old up to 5 months, Lucy’s 1-2-1 puppy training programmes can guide you through preparation for pup’s arrival, and the first few months of development in your home. Whether it’s support with crate training, toilet training or important life skills such as recall, we can put together a programme that is unique to you, your lifestyle, and your puppy.

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