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Bulled & Son Dog Training


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Happy dog, happy owner

Good training outcomes may be improved recall, manners and obedience. So the dog becomes a calm and happy member of the family. We also specialise in turning round adult dogs of any age with problem behaviours including aggression towards dogs or humans.

Set up for life

We train dogs in a positive manner utilising many of the instincts dogs naturally possess to our advantage. We don’t automatically follow all the latest trends in dog training. Rather than we evaluate them and judge against known tried and tested techniques.

Residential Training.

We train dogs in a positive manner utilising many of the instincts dogs naturally possess to our advantage. We don’t automatically follow all the latest trends in dog training. Rather than we evaluate them and judge against known tried and tested techniques. For dogs it’s both a beneficial and enjoyable experience that sets you up for life. If you would like to book a consultation please contact us.

The basics

This course is usually able to turn most dogs around. The aim of the initial consultation is for all parties to reach a consensus that the four week stay is appropriate. It cannot in any way be anything more than an overview of your current situation. We may be able to give you an insight into where you’ve gone wrong and then also how we may set about improving you and your dogs quality of life!!

All booking arrangements to be made by contacting us.

The stay

During the stay we aim to get the dog to the best place possible in a way that produces a focused dog that can switch between excitement where appropriate and back to calm when thats the more appropriate state. Many of todays training methods can produce an over motivated dog at the wrong times. I think this stems from the fact that most training classes are run by people who have their own dogs as a sport dog for their hobby and don’t understand the subtle but important differences needed for a good family pet.

Aggressive Dog Rehabilitation

Do you have a dog that has shown aggressive behaviour towards humans or other dogs?

We can assess your dog and listen to your concerns. We’ll give you an honest opinion of where we think you’re at with your dog. Over the years we’ve seen very few people able to assess their own dog. Owners always either underestimate or over estimate the situation. We can help you move on and have a happy life with your dog.

On the rare occasions that isn’t the case we can offer an honest impartial assessment.

Over the years we have developed our own ways of rehabilitation, the methods are entirely positive and work on the basis of recreating a more positive relationship. When carried out correctly it can reopen training pathways. So we can move forward in a mutually rewarding way.

There’s light at the end of the tunnel. Aggressive dogs come in all shapes and sizes.



I have gained over 25 years of experience working with many breeds of all ages such as small puppies, older dogs and rescue dogs, dealing with a wide variety of training issues. To get the best out of your dog, it is very important for dog and owner to build a healthy relationship, using a variety of primarily positive training techniques to empower your handling skills so that both you and the dog have a more enjoyable experience rather than a miserable one! I was brought up into the dog training business from an early age, regularly overseeing dog training classes from my dad’s shoulder until I could walk. 

I was bought my first dog, a yellow Labrador named Boo, when I was five years old. I started competing with Boo in Junior gundog competitions which led to an interest in shooting. By six years old, I began to develop a passion for dog training and frequently helped my dad with client’s dogs. I developed a strong bond with Bentley, an English Springer spaniel, and it became clear that my handling skills came naturally. 

At 11 years old, I bought my own working English Springer Spaniel, Breeze. I competed locally and took Breeze on shoots. I currently have three of my own dogs, two working English Springer Spaniels, Swift and Ivy, and a working black Labrador, Sooty. In my spare time, I enjoy hiking and regularly go on camping trips all around the UK.

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