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Wagging Tails Glasgow Dog Boarding


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About Us

My decision to start Wagging Tails, back in 2007, was totally driven by a love for dogs and their welfare. Following an injury that ended my professional ballet career I had worked in a number of office jobs but had never really found a fulfilling role that I was truly passionate as I had been with my dancing. The office jobs had prevented Jim, my now husband, and I from getting our own dog, and to fill this gap in our lives we had often borrowed one of my parent’s Cocker Spaniels, Bailey, for long weekends and looked after him and their other dogs when they went on holiday. This got me thinking that there must be many other dog owners who struggle to find reliable and trustworthy holiday care for their dogs when they went away. The result was Wagging Tails, a business that gives dog owners the service that they would want for their dogs and gave me the opportunity to welcome dogs into my life again and do something that I am truly passionate about.


My aim was to offer the same love, attention and security that each of my four legged guests was used to in their own home. This was achieved by only welcoming one family’s dogs to stay with us at any one time and treating them as our own family pet while their owners were away. As a result dogs like Dylan, Muffin, Zeb, Missy and many others became regular, extended members of our family. I was extremely proud of the fantastic response that I received from happy owners (and most importantly from their dogs) and the demand this generated meant that I very quickly had to find a way to deliver this service to more dog owners; not just locally but nationally!

New Dog Carers; former dog owners who shared my passion for dogs and missed their companionship soon came on board and, at the end of 2010, the first of our franchisees, Teresa Bowers, launched her branch of Wagging Tails in Oxfordshire offering our service to owners in the OX Postcode area.

Today Wagging Tails has many franchisees benefitting from being able to run their own home based business working with their dogs by their side, more and more Dog Carers joining us to enjoy the companionship of four-legged holiday guests and thousands of dogs enjoying happy holidays in a safe and loving environment. The service Wagging Tails offers today remains exactly as it did when I launched the business all those years ago. Happy holidays for dogs staying as the only guests in the loving family homes of vetted and insured Dog Carers, who have been inspected and licensed by their local council authorities.

Whether you are an owner using our service, one of our wonderful Dog Carers enjoying welcoming guest dogs to stay or a fantastic Wagging Tails franchisee organising doggy holidays and supporting your Carers, you are part of a bigger community of dog lovers who have committed to providing the very best for our best friends.

Dog Holidays

Wagging Tails offers home from home dog boarding as an alternative to kennels. Your dog will spend his holiday in the loving home of one of our specially selected carers. We never mix different family’s dogs together so as not to create a potentially stressful environment and as our carers do not work your beloved pet will receive lots of attention and most importantly be part of a loving family. We board most breeds of dogs including many rescue dogs who may find it traumatic being left in a kennels again through to show dogs and family pets who are used to the creature comforts of a family home.


This is for dogs that would prefer to stay in a family home where there are no other dogs. The carers are all very experienced past dog owners. This form of boarding is ideal for dogs that prefer human company!

Holiday with a friend

Your dog will be staying in a home where the carer has one very well socialised dog that enjoys the company of visiting dogs. Your dog will be very much part of the family with the added benefit of a playmate. This is ideal for breeds that enjoy the company of another dog and the added exercise and stimulation that brings. We will only ever match your dog to stay in a household with a dog of similar age, breed and temperament.

Wagging Tails Dog Carers

Who are our carers?

Our carers come from all walks of life but have some very important elements in common:

✓  Past dog owning experience – we don’t and never will take on someone who has thought about owning a dog and would like to “give it a try”! Our dogs are our family members and we’ll only entrust them in the care of someone who has experience caring for them. Many of our carers have sadly had to say goodbye to their own dog and becoming a carer gives them that canine companionship they miss so much – not to mention the exercise!

✓  At home to care for dogs – all of our carers are home based so you have peace of mind knowing they are not being left while the carer goes out to work or even to care for other animals.

✓  Secure dog friendly homes and gardens – it’s hugely important to us that our carers have suitable homes and gardens for your dog to stay in. Some carers are happy to have guest dogs upstairs, even in their bedrooms others prefer them to remain downstairs but all have a home that is safe for dogs to stay and enjoy.

✓  Genuine dog lovers – all of our carers are mad about dogs! Small, large, smooth coated or hairy they all love the company of dogs. Dog lovers become Wagging Tails carers because they love and, in many cases, miss the company of a dog and becoming a carer fills the void on a temporary basis until the next holiday guest arrives. So many of our fabulous carers have described it just like being a Grandparent – all the fun, then you give them back and look forward to the next visit!

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