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  • Dog Walking
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Cheshire Dog Services


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One of the best things in life is having a healthy, happy dog but sometimes our lifestyles are unable to provide what your “best friend” needs. The stimulation achieved from walking and exercising your dog provides much more benefit than outside space alone can, so if, for whatever reason you cannot afford the time because of work or other commitments may have, we can step in and walk your dog for you.

If you have ever seen any of the TV shows relating to dog behaviour, you will know that walking is so essential to your dog’s wellbeing. They need both mental and physical stimulation and lack of these stimuli can often result in behavioural problems such as barking, chewing or just general nuisance behaviour, which is not what you want from your dog.

During our daily walks your dog can do what dogs want to do, they will get the chance to have a really good run around whilst socialising with us and the other dogs. The locations/routes taken are varied so that the walks always remain interesting. Walking your dog in a pack could therefore provide a good proportion of the social interaction and physical exercise your dog requires to have a well-balanced disposition. We can walk either on the lead or simply allow them to run free; it depends on what your dog needs & what you instruct us to do. Your dog should then return home happy, tired and just about ready for a good rest!

Prior to your dog’s first walk, we will come and meet him /her to get to know the character whilst at the same time allowing you to ask any questions you may have. All dogs will undergo a free assessment prior to joining Cheshire Dog Services. This places you under no obligation, just the opportunity to meet us before you make any decisions.

If you wish to go ahead with our walking service, your dog may then be walked on a one to one basis for the first few walks, just so we can get to know your dog a little better and gauge how your dog reacts in different situations. We will then suggest that your dog would be suited to one of the following.

Walking in a “pack” with dogs of a similar temperament or breed, which will help to socialise & stimulate your dog. We walk no more than five dogs at once but prefer a maximum of four smaller breed or three larger breed dogs as we feel this is the number that allows us to give them the attention they need and for their safety and confidence too.


Recommend for ‘1 to 1 walks‘. Any issues that arise will be discussed with you in detail.

We recognise that all dogs are different and have individual needs, so our descriptions are used as a guide only.

We can personalise any of our services to suit your (or your dog’s) requirements so if you don’t find exactly what you are looking for or have any questions, CONTACT US and we will do our very best to meet your needs.

We are able to offer special rates if you would like us to look after additional dogs from the same household and weekly bookings.

Cheshire Dog Services are DBS certified and fully insured.


Having trained many different breeds from Chihuahua’s & Yorkies – Lab’s & Spaniels to Rottweiler’s & German Shepherds, I am well versed in handling most problems in any breed. I am also a member of The Guild of Dog Trainers who acknowledge the needs of dog owners & their aim of a well behaved dog. The Guild fully understands the expectation society places on dog owners & additionally the laws which affect them all.

We live in an artificial environment, which can often pose many dangers to dogs. We invite pets into our home then punish or blame them for acting up like animals do. It’s our responsibility to teach our dogs what the social boundaries are and how to live in a human environment.

Even though they become trusted family members, we need to remember that fundamentally they are animals and as beautiful and loving as they are, training is key to avoid behavioral problems that will inevitably crop up.

Have you ever noticed when a trainer handles a students’ dog in class – the dog performs amazingly well? The dog then goes back to his owner and forgets all that was taught.

This is all down to how you handle your dog. How you are able to read the smallest changes in their body language and posture and make the confident and correct adjustments according to what is required. As a dog trainer with many years worth of experience, my aim is to pass on my skills and as much knowledge as is possible to all of my valued clients.

When you and I work together, your dog will learn FASTER! You will enjoy a better-behaved dog in a shorter period of time whilst still being actively involved in the process of teaching your dog. As your dog learns the necessary concepts with me, you will experience the benefit of reducing your own frustration within your own training sessions at home. I help both you and your dog come together towards a common goal of a happy life together.

Puppy 1-2-1’s

Pups are never too young to learn, their Mums teach them many things in the first 7/8 weeks before we take them into our lives. We need to continue to educate the pup so they know the boundaries we expect in order for them to fit into our human ways and for you to fully enjoy these wonderful creatures. Much can be done BEFORE they have had all their inoculations and are ready to walk outside.

The key to effective training is teaching your pup that whenever he does something wrong, you immediately redirect him to what you expect and then reward for getting it right. Most of all, puppy training needs to be upbeat, consistent and rewarding with regular sessions practiced and integrated into your daily routine.

What I’ll cover with you at your home are:

  • Shaping behaviour
  • Crating
  • Basic obedience controls of Sit, down, stand, focus & wait.
  • Recall set up, the most important command for all dogs without a doubt!
  • The best type of equipment use to help with training, whistles for recall, training lines, reward pouches etc.
  • Interactive play used to build bonds and value in you as the owner/handler through ball tugs, tugs and ropes.
  • How to teach the pup to “leave it”
  • Advice on leads, harnesses, treats, socialising, lead control
  • Answer any questions you may have resulting to your puppy

Adolescent and mature dogs 1-2-1’s

Adolescence in dogs is reached by month 7-8 & the dog becomes fully mature by month 18.

We’ll cover the following in our sessions or can focus on a specific need if required:

  • Obedience
  • Heel-work so your dog walks nicely by your side and doesn’t pull.
  • Wait / Stay commands for both obedience and safety
  • Interactive play and bond building to aid recall
  • Recall development is essential for all dogs big and small.
  • “Leave it” command so the dog ignores what its told to leave
  • Focus will allow a higher level of obedience.

I believe positive reinforcement training is the best way to create a happy and confident dog who understands what is expected of them.

I teach owners how to establish boundaries at home and employ problem behaviour prevention strategies from early puppyhood onwards. Training and behaviour problems are resolved without the punishment-based techniques that commonly result in fear, aggression, or deterioration of the bond between dog and owner.

Instead I utilise positive methods based on well-established learning theories and behavioural science that are humane, practical and effective. I teach marker-based training, either with a clicker or word, combined with rewards of all kinds (e.g., food, toys, play, and praise).

All my training sessions reflect a comprehensive understanding of the dog’s natural behaviour, and take into respect learning abilities as well as the dog’s mental and physical developmental stages. In my classes, I strive to create a relaxed and enjoyable learning experience as I believe that the human part of the equation needs as much support and understanding as the canine component.

Most people learn more quickly when not subjected to criticisms and negative feedback and therefore, a positive approach to the training of the people is an integral part of all our classes.


At Cheshire Dog Services, emphasis is placed on modification of the dog’s behaviour through non-coercive and non-aversive methods. While basic training is a component of any behaviour modification program, it is likely you require assistance in devising a course of action that will help you and your dog successfully overcome any problems that arise during your dogs’ lifetime. Plenty of the problem behaviours that dogs’ develop can be a result of an owner’s misunderstanding of their dogs’ behaviour and can make matters worse when responding in an inappropriate way.

Harsh methods can deteriorate your relationship with your dog and build distrust on both sides so using aggression to cure aggression does not work. Many nuisance behaviours or aggression problems are often very normal dog behaviours, therefore using harsh or aversive tactics to remove these undesirable actions are unwarranted and only delay in “fixing” the problem in the first place. Helping you understand dog psychology can give you the foundation to a happier life together! Glyn has a diploma (merit pass) in Advanced Canine Behaviour from the esteemed British College of Canine Studies.

Are you experiencing problems with your dog such as:

  • Jumping up
  • Object guarding or stealing
  • Aggression to other dogs, children & strangers
  • Over guarding of you or your house
  • Fear / nervousness / anxiety
  • Excessive barking
  • Getting into the car
  • Barking at people or cars

Behaviour Modification takes into account:

  1. Ensuring the Health & physical wellbeing of your dog. (physical health – diet, rest, exercise, medical illness ) & emotional wellbeing.
  2. Setting the dog up for Success – Avoiding putting the dog in a situation where he/she is likely to fail.
  3. Desensitisation & Counter Conditioning – presenting less threatening versions of the triggering stimulus & pairing it with things the dog enjoys.
  4. Positive Reinforcement / Differential reinforcement of Alternative Behaviour – teaching other skills the dog can do instead of the unwanted behaviour.

As well as a dog walking service, dog training and helping with dog behaviour issues, we also offer;

Pet Taxi

We appreciate that we all lead busy lives and that sometimes, its difficult to get your dog to the vets as required or to the groomers so are happy to help you take this worry away. Our vehicle has Individual cages for safety and is air conditioned making it the best environment for your dogs transportation.


Puppy Visits

There is nothing like getting a new pup but if you’re out at work all day, puppies can become anxious, not least, they need feeding at least 3 times a day so a vital mid day feed may be missed. We can visit the little fella, feed him, spend a little valuable play time with him/ her once, twice or as many times as you like each day.


Feeding / Letting out

Perhaps your best friend doesn’t require walking but certainly likes to get out into the garden, you’re at work or out for the day and he/she has to stay in doors. We can help. We will call around feed the dog and let them out as required so you don’t have to worry.

Meet Glyn, the owner at Cheshire Dog Services…

From an early age, Glyn had a love of animals, especially dogs and horses. In fact at the age of 10, he was helping look after German Shepherd guard dogs belonging to a Mobile Dog Security company that was associated with a lady with whom he was having horse riding lessons.

After playing lacrosse at school, for Cheshire, and up to England level, he acquired a horse and competed at various riding club competitions.

Sadly however, his busy lifestyle as an estate agent wasn’t conducive to dog ownership, feeling it unfair to leave a dog on its own for long days at a time, there were no dog walkers around then! After a divorce, he met Deborah who has always had dogs in her life.  The time was right to get a dog, so two miniature Schnauzers came along as pups.

After a few years when these were trained, two further dogs came along, both were Maltese Terriers and lovely dogs, again very different characters but similar temperaments.

In 2015 Glyn fulfilled his life-long desire to own a German Shepherd, Zen came along as an 8 week old pup, and what a dog he turned out to be. Two years later, he bought another German Shepherd pup, Kai, from the same breeder. Both dogs are fully trained and are a joy but hard work!

Striving to learn more and given his competitiveness, in 2021, he bought a Czech working line GSD to do the Schutzhund IGP sport – effectively a 3 day event for dogs, involving footprint tracking and article identification, obedience and protection work, Zar is one full-on dog, very bright and challenging but stunning in his ability to learn. He also has three small breed dogs, two Lhasa Apso’s and a cute little Yorkie his daughter looks after, all have been from pups. He’s decided to draw the line at 6 dogs!

After an interesting and challenging career spanning many years in estate agency, most of it spent around the Altrincham & Hale area, Glyn decided to pursue a whole new career working with dogs.

Whilst Glyn spends much of his time training dogs (or the owners!) he always strives for better results. Being addicted to learning, he has watched or attended many various seminars and courses. Glyn holds a diploma (merit pass) in Advanced Canine Behaviour from the esteemed British College of Canine Studies & has also gained a membership to The Guild of Dog Trainers. His love of dogs sees a bond forming almost immediately with whichever dog he comes across, his love of training and behaviour is his passion, but most of all, he loves being able to apply the knowledge and experience he has accumulated over the years to help make a difference in the lives of dogs and the humans who live with them.

He brings to the business a professional and highly diligent attitude, a high level of customer service, is fully DBS certified and Fully Insured.


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