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Suzy Soper


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Welcome to Suzy Soper


 Our Ethos is that humans and animals live a harmonious life together.

Our approach to treatment and learning is holistic encompassing the whole body and mind. As a result, treatment and training is unique and tailored to each individual.

McTimoney Chiropractic treatments aim to align and balance the animal’s whole body. Thus improving performance and enhancing quality of life.

Either in a 1-2-1 setting or group classes we offer a fun learning environment for animals, which leads to both owner and animal being receptive to the whole experience.

There are four main methods to training however, positive reinforcement is the most common method and is widely used in animal behaviour and training. This could be a tasty treat, words of praise, stroke, or playing with a favourite toy. All can work wonders even in a novel environment!

Feel free to browse our site and see what we are about here at Suzy Soper, find out  About Me and our Services.

McTimoney Animal Chiropractic

What is McTimoney Animal Chiropractic?

The McTimoney way of Chiropractic is the innovation of the late John McTimoney. An artist and silversmith, who in the 1950’s took the chiropractic technique he had developed for humans and applied it to animals. It is a form of chiropractic manipulation which is non-invasive and gentle and as such is readily accepted by animals.

Who is a McTimoney Animal Chiropractor?

A McTimoney Animal Chiropractor is an individual who has completed either an MSc (Master of Science) in Animal Manipulation or a Pg Dip (Post Graduate Diploma) in Animal Manipulation. The McTimoney College of Chiropractic (MCC) is the only College to offer university validated courses in animal chiropractic in Europe and the UK. A practitioner must adhere to the McTimoney Animal Association (MAA) code of ethics be insured and complete a minimum of 25 Hours CPD (Continued Professional Development) per annum https://mctimoneyanimal.co.uk/.

What Do They Do?

A McTimoney Chiropractor works to restore equilibrium to the neuromuscular system.

Firstly a practitioner will complete a thorough history of the animal, in addition they will complete static and dynamic assessments. Unlike other therapies a practitioner will palpate the animal using only their hands. This allows any areas which have become impaired through muscle spasm and/or vertebral misalignment to be identified.

What is a Misalignment?

This is where the bones (vertebra) get ‘stuck’ and are no longer aligned with their neighbouring bone. This subsequently affects their natural range of motion (ROM). As a result there can be tightening of the surrounding musculature, or direct pressure from the misalignment can impair the nerves which insert and exit through the spinal cord.

Misalignment’s fall into two categories: Acute and Chronic. Acute misalignments are fast / sudden in onset and are therefore often the result of a specific incident or injury. The effect of acute misalignments are notably short lived, however, if left untreated they may become more chronic in nature. Chronic misalignments tend to be slow / gradual in onset, often from a long standing condition or underlying predisposition (Osteoarthritis of the Hock; Hip Dysplasia or poor conformation).

Misalignments may cause dysfunction, decreased performance, movement and soundness. There can be resulting pain and discomfort.

What Are Common Signs of Misalignments?

In Horses

  • Uneven stride
  • Uneven wear on shoes
  • Saddle Slip
  • Asymmetry, this could be noticed as a disunited canter or inability to bend / stiffness on one rein
  • Uneven muscle development (hypertonicity / Atrophy)
  • Poor performance
  • Avoidance behaviour e.g. Napping/ rearing/bucking

In Dogs

  • Signs of discomfort when being stroked along their back
  • Difficulty climbing stairs
  • Reluctance to exercise
  • Stiffness after exercise or stiffness when waking up
  • Reluctance to jump into or out of the car

How Does it Work?

McTimoney Chiropractic technique induces a therapeutic response from within the animal’s body, in joint structures, musculature and nerve reflexes. Lymphatic drainage is initiated which allows toxins to be released from the body.

McTimoney Chiropractic promotes an innate healing response which continues after treatment has taken place.

After Treatment

After your practitioner has completed their treatment you will be given general aftercare advice and also advice specifically tailored to your animal and the treatment they have received.

Follow up treatments will be tailored and scheduled to each individual animal, it is considered that a minimum of two treatments are received to optimise the healing response.

Everyone who sees him remarks on how lively he is!

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