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Hillside Puppy School


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Full member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (membership number 01523).


Puppy School UK Tutor 


Animal Training Instructor with The Animal Behaviour and Training Council.

 Absolute Dogs Pro Trainer (games-based training).

I  keep my dog training skills and knowledge up to date

I have enjoyed and completed:

Chirag Patel’s Practical Puppy Training Instructor’s Course and his Understanding, Managing & Modifying Problem Behaviours Course (both 7 day in person courses)

 The School of Canine Science, The Puppy Lab 

My objective is to use progressive, science and evidence-based training for the benefit of dogs and their care-givers.



 I have specialist experience with puppies, having bred nine litters over the last 15 years. Many of these puppies are now qualified Assistance Dogs with Canine Partners for Independence. 

I currently share my home with six dogs, who are much loved and valued family members.

I  have a new puppy in the family so am sympathetic to new owners’ struggles and promise not to be an armchair dog trainer!  

It is true that you don’t need to own a dog to be a trainer, however, I do think it helps to understand the emotions that many owners experience when they get a new puppy, or maybe struggle with unwanted behaviours in their older dog. I can honestly say that my dogs have very definitely had their own struggles and I will offer sympathetic advice.

I am a registered trainer with Darwin Dogs and help owners train their own dogs to be Autism Assistance dogs

I volunteer with Medical Detection Dogs in their Bio Detection Research division, and am currently fostering an English Springer Spaniel who, it is hoped, will be working on colorectal cancer detection



Classes are relaxed and fun, with plenty of laughter. The puppies look forward to their training sessions and 

families are encouraged to take part together when possible

I enjoy making lessons engaging, and use games and play as learning tools.

I like to help my clients to achieve their dream of their puppy being a sociable, well-behaved family member that they can confidently take out and about with them, knowing that they will be relaxed, settled and a joy to have around. 

I love helping people understand why their dog behaves in a certain way, and how to promote great behaviour choices. 

All achieved using the kindest, most effective and scientifically proven training methods. 

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