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Menston Dog Home Training School


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Menston Dog Training are experts in training difficult or disobedient dogs and disobedient puppies. Our training is one to one with you or dog and we come to your home. Home training produces fast and effective results and we teach you how to control your dog and to give you the tools do it. This does not require owners spending weeks going to classes.

One To One Obedience Training

  • Heel Work –walk to heel on the lead
  • Heel Work – walk to heel off lead
  • Recall – return when called
  • Down – “down” on command
  • Sit – dog will sit at the side when you stop
  • Come –come to owner in the “frontal sit” position


We Stop Large Dog Bad Behaviour

Some trainers believe that giving a dog treat is the best way to train but, in our opinion, relying on treats exclusively just does not work. Your dog may learn how behave but only does it at because there’s a treat at the end of it and many times treats just stop working. Essentially you are bribing the dog to behave properly. Bad behaviour by a dog makes an owner’s life a misery. Our dog training solves problems with bad behaviour as this is our speciality. Many of the problems are very common and we work with your dog and just as importantly, with you at your home or on a walk, to solve the problems.

  • Stop pulling on the lead
  • Stop lunging at other dogs
  • Stop barking at dogs & people
  • Stop jumping up at people
  • Stop aggression
  • Stop running away and not returning
  • Stop constant barking


We Stop Puppy Bad Behaviour

  • Biting – we will show you how to stop “mouthing” or biting
  • Pulling on the lead – We will show you how to stop it
  • Jumping Up – we will show you how to stop jumping up at visitors
  • Crate Training – we will show you how to crate train your puppy
  • Toilet Training – we will show you the easiest way to toilet train your puppy
  • Barking – we will show you how to stop it
  • Jumping on the furniture – we will show you how to stop it
  • Chewing – we will show you how to stop it

Training your new puppy should be started as soon as possible from 8 weeks. You’ll be amazed just how quickly they learn and at a very early age and it’s just fun for them and they love it!

Leeds Dog Training School train your puppy on a 1-2-1 visit to your home in Yorkshire rather than in classes as we believe this is much more effective.

Puppy Training


Our Range of Handmade Dog Collars & Dog Coats

We now offer a range of beautiful designer dog collars and dog coats. This is a small selection of our range of products.  You can view all of our extensive range in our SHOP by clicking on the link

Click To Visit Our Shop


Rescue Dog Training 1-2-1 At Your Home or Residential

It’s tempting to put your Rescue dog’s bad behaviour down to its bad experience and tolerate barking, biting, pulling on the lead, and aggression for a time. This is not acceptable and unless these behaviours are dealt with quickly your life will be a misery. We train your Rescue dog and you! We believe that one to one training with you and your dog at your home or at the kennels is the best way of training and stopping dog bad behaviour.

Rescue Dog Training


Dog Bootcamp – Residential Training

In addition to 1-2-1 Home training, we offer Residential Boot Camp Training at the kennels in blocks of a week at a time or just 3 days.

Please call to discuss your dog and your training objectives.

Daily intensive training sessions will ensure that your dog’s obedience will improve with a tailored programme to your exact needs and resolve any particular problems you may be having

Owner training is a vital part of the process and working with the owner is a major part of the training. We work extensively with the owner at the kennels to make sure that they understand the commands and can take control of their dog following the training.

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