  • Boarding
  • Dog Day Care
  • Dog Training
  • Dog Walking
  • Drop In Visits
  • Grooming
  • House Sitting
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There is no “one-size-fits-all” to pet behaviour problems because each animal and their relationship to their owner is unique, and therefore responsive to different treatment. I will provide you with a tailor-made solution using only gentle and kind methods, consisting of a report, with step-by-step guidelines and practical guidance that I will work through with you, for a one-off fee.

Experience & Qualifications

  • I have over fifteen years practical experience, dealing with pet behaviour problems and training, especially with dogs and cats
  • I have a Post-Graduate Diploma in Companion Animal Behaviour Counselling (CABC) from Southampton University, one of the UK’s most rigorous courses in animal behaviour
  • I am a full member of the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors (APBC) – so you can claim my costs back against your pet insurance
  • I am a qualified training assessor for the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT)
  • Each year, I attend multiple conferences, workshops and training days, to ensure that I stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the field
  • I have a BSc (Hons) in Human Psychology

I have been passionate about animals and their welfare all my life. I grew up with Jack Russell Terriers and have owned guinea pigs, hamsters, mice and house rabbits. I live with my husband, two children, rescue Bassett Hound and rescue cat in East Finchley, North London and gave up a PR career with animal welfare charities to work in a more hands-on way with animals through running Puppy School classes covering Crouch End, Hornsey, East Finchley, Muswell Hill, Temple Fortune and surrounding areas, and to work as a Pet Behaviour Counsellor, which I have done for more than 10 years now. I hold the Post-Graduate Diploma in Companion Animal Behaviour Counselling from Southampton University and have been a full member of the highly regarded Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors for more than ten years. I am accredited by the Animal Behaviour Training Council as both a trainer and a behaviourist. I also train up puppies and dogs to be assistance dogs for those with physical disabilities through Dog A.I.D and as emotional support dogs through Darwin Dogs.

With first-hand experience of owning many rescue dogs, not adequately socialised or trained at all when young, who who have had really bad starts in life, I have direct experience of how important it is to help your puppy learn how to be a well behaved family member, and adjust to the noise and commotion of urban life; the sights, sounds, and unfamiliar dogs and people they will meet on a daily basis.

Classes are kept small to enable one-to-one attention, and are friendly and informal, because if you’re relaxed, your puppy is more likely to be too, and thus more able to learn. I look forward to welcoming you, your puppy, and your family. It is best to book early though, even before you have collected your puppy, as classes can fill up quickly.

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