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Secure Dog Walking Field

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Secure Dog Walking Field


Welcome to Hinton-in-the-Hedges Dog Walking Field. Due to increased building in our area there are fewer places to walk your dog. Our 2 acre, six foot fenced secure field is ideal for dogs of all sizes to run around and let off steam without any worries. There are poo bag dispensers and a poo bin which is emptied weekly by a registered waste company. These bins are not for general waste. we really encourage all our members to use these facilities provided so that we can keep the field clean for everyone.

The field has 6′ high secure fencing which is high enough to ensure large dogs can’t jump over it and small dogs can’t squeeze through or underneath it.
Only one booking is possible per time slot, so you have the use of the field entirely to yourselves.

The dog walking field in Hinton-in-the-hedges is suitable for a walk, dog training, and general recall training.
In our field dogs will not come into direct conflict with farmers, livestock, horse riders, or other anti-social dogs.

We hope that with the dog bag dispensers provided, our members will take care of this secure area, with other dog owners in mind. 



To enter the field go through the wooden gates where there is off road parking. Please leave these gates as you find them.
The secure area on your left must be accessed through the metal gates using the ENTRY CODE YOU WILL BE PROVIDED WITH 1 HOUR BEFORE YOUR BOOKING TIME.
Drive in to the secure area and shut the gate behind you, before letting your dog(s) out of your vehicle.
Dogs must be back in the car and ready to leave before your session is finished. this can vacate the field in time for the next dog to have its fun. If booking for a group please consider adding an extra half an hour to leave enough time to get organised. Please do not loiter once your time is up as some dogs really do need the field all to themselves.
Any user who overstays will be restricted from using the field in the future.
If the previous appointment is still in the field when your booking starts, please inform us immediately.
Once the field is vacated input the gate code into the padlock making sure that the numbers are aligned precisely and the lock will open.
On leaving the field, please always lock the secure gate, even if someone is waiting to come in. This is to ensure that only authorised users can access the facility.
Never divulge your pass code to anyone. ​

PLEASE – Dog poop MUST be collected by you and put in a bag and put in the bin provided or TAKEN HOME.
Any user failing to pick up dog waste will lead to the refusal of future use.



Please be aware that the field may be muddy, particularly during the winter months so ensure that you wear appropriate footwear.
Any holes dug must be refilled before you leave and reported for safety and security reasons.
If sharing your slot with friends, please park sensibly.

​Choke chains, prong collars, and electronic devices are not allowed.

​Harsh handling of dogs, either verbal or physical is not allowed.

​Never leave dogs unattended in the field and no dogs to be left in vehicles, during hot weather.  


Please stay inside your vehicle with your dog(s) while waiting for access to the secure dog area, as some dogs using this field may have issues with other dogs.
Anybody failing to adhere to the rules could be restricted from future use.
We would ask any members to report any rubbish or uncollected doggie doo left by the previous user

In the interests of hygiene and the safety of other dogs and families, please be aware and pickup after you dog(s).
Let’s keep our field dog poo FREE!.

This will help us to maintain to a high standard, the secure environment we have provided.

Booking and Pricing

Click here for the bookings page.

1-3 dogs – £4.00 per 30-min slot
4-8 dogs – £7.00 per 30-min slot
1-3 dogs – £7.00 per 60-min slot
4-8 dogs – £13.00 per 60-min slot
9-12 dogs – £16.00 per 60-min slot

Additional Details


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